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ames Belger, 1st Rhode Island artillery, Capt J E Lewis and Capt H McRonald, 11th Pa; Col Richard White, Capt D W Fox, 55th Pa; Captain Henry Bichel, 6th Connecticut regiment, Captain H Jenkins, Jr, 40th Massachusetts regiment, Captain D Stone, Capt Jas H Pierce, 1st Lt and Adj't John regt 1st Lt M P Pierson, 10th N Y; 2d Lt Jas H Pitt, 118th N Y; 2d 7th Conn; Captain H M Phillips, 39th Mass; Lt, Col F T Barnett, 1st Lt and Adj't Jas Gottshell, 2d Lt Pat O'Connell, 1st Lt and Adj't P H Lay, Lt Jas H Pitt, 118th N Y; 2d 7th Conn; Captain H M Phillips, 39th Mass; Lt, Col F T Barnett, 1st Lt and Adj't Jas Gottshell, 2d Lt Pat O'Connell, 1st Lt and Adj't P H Lay, 2d Lt H , 117th N Y. These prisoners represent fifteen regiments besides Brig. Gen. Heckman, who has figured quite conspicuously in the campaign on the Southside. The Col. White, mentioned above, is a brother of the White of the Pennsylvania Legislature, who was for some time a prisoner in our hands. It was confidently stated by our wounded men that we had killed or captured an entire brigade, and it was reported yesterday evening that a large number of prisoners were on the Richmond b