Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 14, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Davis or search for Davis in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: June 14, 1864., [Electronic resource], A change in the command of the Richmond Department. (search)
looking at each other. I have not seen the more recent accounts to which the honorable member refers. Sir W Frazer asked whether the Admiralty had any additional intelligence. Lord C Pagel — No. Encouraging from the Thunderer [From the London Times, May, 28.] The actual capture of Richmond, even if that triumph should crown Grant's desperate enterprise, will not bring the North a step nearer to the restoration of the Union or the conquest of the South. The saying of President Davis, that the war could be prolonged for twenty years, even in the State of Virginia, after Richmond had fallen, will be in everybody's recollection, and if Grant ever reaches that city he may and that his cool and resolute adversary, after exacting the utmost obtainable price for it in blood and slaughter, will leave the position in his hands with no greater value in it than attached to the Wilderness after it had served its time and the fighting was done. After what has now been divu