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The Daily Dispatch: June 14, 1864., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 14, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for McElvene or search for McElvene in all documents.

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ails of Sherman's repulse by Johnston on the 27th ult. The corps which suffered so severely was Hooker's. The writer says: For this desperate charge the troops now debouching through the thick woods were rapidly forming into line. Gens Howard and Wood superintended the movement themselves, and while doing so were repeatedly fired on by sharpshooters, severely wounding Capt Stenson, of Gen Howard's staff, and cutting Gen Howard's boot. Capt Beslow, Gen Wood's Adjutant General, and Capt McElvene, of his staff, had a narrow escape — the latter was struck by a speat ball. The troops had to move up a steep hill, which was separated by a gentle valley, partly clear, from the stope occupied by the enemy's barricades of longs, trees and abattis. About five in the afternoon the troops, having gained the crest of the first hill, advanced in columns of double lines by brigades, thus forming six lines of attack. Hazens's brigade occupied the front, Willich's brigade, under Col