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stribution to indigent families since the 1st of last February. A petition was received from the Mayor, stating that on the 11th of May, when Sheridan was menacing the city, he had the police force drawn up on the Capital Square; that about two o'clock, P. M., he was informed by John J. Green that Capt. James B. Pleasants, of the night watch, and some of the watch men were playing cards on the Square; that he ordered Green to order them to stop; that shortly after Pleasants accosted officer Seal in the Square and asked him if he was going to present him before the Grand Jury, and on Seal's saying (Jocularly) "Yes," told him he "would play cards when and where he d — d please, in spite of him and the Mayor" and that Pleasants then wanted to fight Seal, and was guilty of conduct for which he ought to have been arrested; that Pleasants thought because he was elected by the people that he was not subject to the order of the Mayor. The Mayor further stated that he had discharged six