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ted States. --That communication was accepted as the response to a letter of Messrs Clay and-Holcombe to the Hon H Greeley, and to that gentleman an answer has been re thanks, and are, most respectfully and truly, your obedient servants, C C Clay, Jr, Jas P Holcombe [Messrs Clay and Holcombe to William C Jewell.] ClifMessrs Clay and Holcombe to William C Jewell.] Clifton House, Niagara Falls, July 20, 1864. Colonel W. O. Jewell, Cataract House, Niagara Falls: Sir --We are in receipt of your note admonishing us of the deparcuments that has been given to the public for years. Sanders, Holcombe, and Clay are authorized Commissioners of the Southern Confederacy, not specially to treative any proposition from them. Beverly Tucker and several others are here — Clay arrived last evening. Clipton House, Niagara Falls, July 21--4:50 P. M. Greeley, who obtained the sanction of President Lincoln and authority to escort Clay, Holcombe, Thompson, and Saunders to Washington. Mr Greeley in person is he