rdered, and resulted as follows:
Yeas--Messrs. Anderson, Atkins, Baylor, Blandford, Bradley, Branch, Bridgers, E. M. Bruce, H. W. Bruce, Chambers, Chilton, Clark, Cluskey, Colyar, Conrow, Darden, Dejarnette, Dickinson, Dupre, Ewing, Foote, Gholson, Hartridge, Hatcher, Herbert, Holliday, Johnston, Keeble, Kenner, Lyon, Machen, McCallum, McMullen, Montague, Norton, Perkins, Read, Rives, Russell, Sexton, Triplett, Vest, Welsh, Wilkes, Mr. Speaker--45.
Nays--Messrs. Akin, Ayer, Baldwin, Bell, Boyee, Clopton, Farrow, Foster, Fuller, Gaither, Garland, Gilmer, Hanly, Hilton, Holder, Lamkin, J. M. Leach, Lester, Logan, Marshall, Miles, Murray, Orr, Ramsay, Simpson, J. M. Smith, W. E. Smith, Smith of Alabama, Smith of North Carolina, Staples, Turner, Villere, Wickham, Witherspoon--34.
This was considered somewhat in the light of a test vote on the habeas corpus bill, now pending in secret session.
Some seven or eight who voted for secret session will, it is said, vote against t