Judge Halyburton to $10,000.
Mr. Chilton, of Alabama, reported from the Judiciary Committee the Supreme Court bill, which was ordered to be printed and made a continuing special order.
Mr. Russell moved to go into secret session.
Mr. Orr said, to test the matter, he would call the yeas and nays, which were ordered, and resulted as follows:
Yeas--Messrs. Anderson, Atkins, Baylor, Blandford, Bradley, Branch, Bridgers, E. M. Bruce, H. W. Bruce, Chambers, Chilton, Clark, Cluskeon, Triplett, Vest, Welsh, Wilkes, Mr. Speaker--45.
Nays--Messrs. Akin, Ayer, Baldwin, Bell, Boyee, Clopton, Farrow, Foster, Fuller, Gaither, Garland, Gilmer, Hanly, Hilton, Holder, Lamkin, J. M. Leach, Lester, Logan, Marshall, Miles, Murray, Orr, Ramsay, Simpson, J. M. Smith, W. E. Smith, Smith of Alabama, Smith of North Carolina, Staples, Turner, Villere, Wickham, Witherspoon--34.
This was considered somewhat in the light of a test vote on the habeas corpus bill, now pending in sec