Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 22, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Tallmadge or search for Tallmadge in all documents.

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here are bad men, and a plenty of them, in all countries. Major Tallmadge, the father of the former Senator from New York, was the offic of treason would have been reconstructed without difficulty. Major Tallmadge, who had been out on duty, arrived after Andre had been starteed in Arnold's passport by the name of John Anderson. As soon as Tallmadge laid eyes on him, he discovered that he was a military man from his death, Andre seems to have reposed the utmost confidence in Major Tallmadge, who was nearly of the same age, and deeply sympathized with h. Many years after the death of Andre, about 1818 or '19, Major Tallmadge, then an old man, was a member of Congress when a bill was broo pay them for doing so which they demanded. Of that opinion, Major Tallmadge continued to the last, and he refused to vote for the bill. Irruptible fidelity. We express no opinion on the subject; and Major Tallmadge had a better opportunity to judge than most men can pretend to