Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 27, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Tallmadge or search for Tallmadge in all documents.

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the past few days, been making requisitions for stimulants, &c., on their principal officer here. It is said, on the authority of a distinguished Senator in Washington, that General Grant predicts the evacuation of Richmond within ten days. The Nashville Dispatch gives full details of the capture of a passenger train on the Louisville and Nashville railroad, on Tuesday last, near Glasgow junction, by Harper's guerrillas. All the passengers were robbed of money and clothing; one Captain Tallmadge of five thousand dollars. Six cars were burned. The mails and private baggage were saved.--Sixteen persons were wounded when the guerrillas fired upon the train, and one soldier is reported to have been killed. The War Department orders that hereafter no persons will be permitted to embalm or remove the bodies of deceased officers or soldiers unless acting under the special license of the Provost- Marshal of the army, department or district in which the bodies may be. Provost-Mar