Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 14, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for James B. Pleasants or search for James B. Pleasants in all documents.

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re Mayor Saunders yesterday, namely, that of John T. West, a white man, charged with purchasing thirty-two law books which were stolen from the offices of Mr. James B. Pleasants and Mr. J. L. C. Danner, lawyers, of this city, he knowing them to have been stolen. Mr. Danner testified that, for two weeks previous to the arrest els of law books, among which he identified nine or ten of those he had lost, and a much larger number which he recognized as having seen in the office of Mr. James B. Pleasants. Upon this discovery, West was taken into custody. Witness had lost upwards of thirty valuable law books, and believed they had all gone the same way. Mr. Pleasants stated that he knew nothing of his loss until informed by Mr. Danner of the discovery he had made, when he went at once to police headquarters, where the books had been deposited, and there discovered some that had been stolen from his office. He supposed he had lost in all thirty-odd, and set a high value upon t