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T. B. Fletcher 22 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 16, 1865., [Electronic resource].

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United States (United States) (search for this): article 1
like of the South shall lose all heart and hope. The House adopted yesterday a resolution supplementary to what is known as the "caucus reconstruction resolution," which will insure the reference of all papers relative to the so-called Confederate States to the joint committee of fifteen. Mr. Raymond and a few other Union Representatives voted against the resolution. Mr. Forney writes: "While there is a fixed determination not to admit any man in Congress whose hands were imbued ocating these warrants upon any lands belonging to the State not otherwise appropriated; which is about the same thing as giving the purchaser the privilege of filling his pockets with any money found "lying around loose." Interesting to United States soldiers not Tired of War. By a decision just made, soldiers re-enlisting in the regular army within thirty days after their discharge from the volunteer service will be entitled to the additional pay of two dollars per month (as provided
December 14th (search for this): article 2
Oil in Ohio. Marietta, December 14. --Considerable excitement has been created at Macksburg, on Duck creek, a few miles from this city, owing to a flowing well of petroleum having been struck by the workmen of the Equitable Company of New York. Marietta is less than thirty miles from the famous oil wells in West Virginia--on the opposite side of the Ohio river, of course. Petroleum will probably be found in every part of the country. Southside Virginia has surface indications of its presence; and, accordingly, we notice that a company has been organized (or projected, at least,) in Lynchburg, for the purpose of boring for oil in that vicinity. It costs but little to experiment-- comparatively little, we mean — and a successful experiment would prove a source of untold wealth to the lucky company or individual.
Southside Virginia (search for this): article 2
Oil in Ohio. Marietta, December 14. --Considerable excitement has been created at Macksburg, on Duck creek, a few miles from this city, owing to a flowing well of petroleum having been struck by the workmen of the Equitable Company of New York. Marietta is less than thirty miles from the famous oil wells in West Virginia--on the opposite side of the Ohio river, of course. Petroleum will probably be found in every part of the country. Southside Virginia has surface indications of its presence; and, accordingly, we notice that a company has been organized (or projected, at least,) in Lynchburg, for the purpose of boring for oil in that vicinity. It costs but little to experiment-- comparatively little, we mean — and a successful experiment would prove a source of untold wealth to the lucky company or individual.
Marietta (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 2
Oil in Ohio. Marietta, December 14. --Considerable excitement has been created at Macksburg, on Duck creek, a few miles from this city, owing to a flowing well of petroleum having been struck by the workmen of the Equitable Company of New York. Marietta is less than thirty miles from the famous oil wells in West Virginia--on the opposite side of the Ohio river, of course. Petroleum will probably be found in every part of the country. Southside Virginia has surface indications ofMarietta is less than thirty miles from the famous oil wells in West Virginia--on the opposite side of the Ohio river, of course. Petroleum will probably be found in every part of the country. Southside Virginia has surface indications of its presence; and, accordingly, we notice that a company has been organized (or projected, at least,) in Lynchburg, for the purpose of boring for oil in that vicinity. It costs but little to experiment-- comparatively little, we mean — and a successful experiment would prove a source of untold wealth to the lucky company or individual.
Ohio (United States) (search for this): article 2
Oil in Ohio. Marietta, December 14. --Considerable excitement has been created at Macksburg, on Duck creek, a few miles from this city, owing to a flowing well of petroleum having been struck by the workmen of the Equitable Company of New York. Marietta is less than thirty miles from the famous oil wells in West Virginia--on the opposite side of the Ohio river, of course. Petroleum will probably be found in every part of the country. Southside Virginia has surface indications of its presence; and, accordingly, we notice that a company has been organized (or projected, at least,) in Lynchburg, for the purpose of boring for oil in that vicinity. It costs but little to experiment-- comparatively little, we mean — and a successful experiment would prove a source of untold wealth to the lucky company or individual.
Macksburg (Oregon, United States) (search for this): article 2
Oil in Ohio. Marietta, December 14. --Considerable excitement has been created at Macksburg, on Duck creek, a few miles from this city, owing to a flowing well of petroleum having been struck by the workmen of the Equitable Company of New York. Marietta is less than thirty miles from the famous oil wells in West Virginia--on the opposite side of the Ohio river, of course. Petroleum will probably be found in every part of the country. Southside Virginia has surface indications of its presence; and, accordingly, we notice that a company has been organized (or projected, at least,) in Lynchburg, for the purpose of boring for oil in that vicinity. It costs but little to experiment-- comparatively little, we mean — and a successful experiment would prove a source of untold wealth to the lucky company or individual.
Discovery of remains — a Murder three years ago. Toledo, Ohio, December 14. --The remains of Jonathan Gillett, formerly of the firm of Wright, Gillett & Rawson, of New York, and more recently of this city, who disappeared three years ago, have been found here under circumstances which leave no doubt of his having been murdered. The Mayor has offered a reward of a thousand dollars for the apprehension of the murderers.
December 14th (search for this): article 3
Discovery of remains — a Murder three years ago. Toledo, Ohio, December 14. --The remains of Jonathan Gillett, formerly of the firm of Wright, Gillett & Rawson, of New York, and more recently of this city, who disappeared three years ago, have been found here under circumstances which leave no doubt of his having been murdered. The Mayor has offered a reward of a thousand dollars for the apprehension of the murderers.
Discovery of remains — a Murder three years ago. Toledo, Ohio, December 14. --The remains of Jonathan Gillett, formerly of the firm of Wright, Gillett & Rawson, of New York, and more recently of this city, who disappeared three years ago, have been found here under circumstances which leave no doubt of his having been murdered. The Mayor has offered a reward of a thousand dollars for the apprehension of the murderers.
Jonathan Gillett (search for this): article 3
Discovery of remains — a Murder three years ago. Toledo, Ohio, December 14. --The remains of Jonathan Gillett, formerly of the firm of Wright, Gillett & Rawson, of New York, and more recently of this city, who disappeared three years ago, have been found here under circumstances which leave no doubt of his having been murdered. The Mayor has offered a reward of a thousand dollars for the apprehension of the murderers. Discovery of remains — a Murder three years ago. Toledo, Ohio, December 14. --The remains of Jonathan Gillett, formerly of the firm of Wright, Gillett & Rawson, of New York, and more recently of this city, who disappeared three years ago, have been found here under circumstances which leave no doubt of his having been murdered. The Mayor has offered a reward of a thousand dollars for the apprehension of the murderer
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