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Browsing named entities in Aeschylus, Libation Bearers (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.).
Found 66 total hits in 20 results.
Delphi (Greece) (search for this): card 806
And you who occupy the mighty, gorgeously built cavern,The inner sanctuary of Apollo at Delphi was a narrow cave or vault in which, over a cleft, stood a tripod covered by a slab on which the prophetess sat (Athenaeus , 701c, Strabo, ix. 641). grant that the man's house may lift up its eyes again in joy, and that with glad eyes it may behold from under its veil of gloom the radiant light of free
Argos (Greece) (search for this): card 653
Troy (Turkey) (search for this): card 363
No, not even beneath the walls of Troy, father, would I wish you to have fallen and to be entombed beside Scamander's waters among the rest of the host slain by the spear.I wish rather that his murderers had been killed by their own loved ones, just as they killed you, so that someone in a distant land who knew nothing of these present troubles should learn of their fatal doom.
Ilium (Turkey) (search for this): card 345
Ah, my father, if only beneath Ilium's wallsyou had been slain, slashed by some Lycian spearman! Then you would have left a good name for your children in their halls, and in their maturity you would have made their lives admired by men.And in a land beyond the sea you would have found a tomb heaped high with earth, no heavy burden for your house to bear
Troy (Turkey) (search for this): card 264
Delphi (Greece) (search for this): card 32
For with a hair-raising shriek, Terror, the diviner of dreams for our house, breathing wrath out of sleep, uttered a cry of terror in the dead of night from the heart of the palace,a cry that fell heavily on the women's quarter.The language of the passage is accommodated to a double purpose: (1) to indicate an oracular deliverance on the part of the inspired prophetess at Delphi, and (2) to show the alarming nature of Clytaemestra's dream: while certain limiting expressions (as a)wpo/nukton, u(/ptou) show the points of difference. “Phoebus” is used for a prophetic “possession,” which assails Clytaemestra as a nightmare (cp. baru\s pi/tnwn); so that her vision is itself called an o)neiro/mantis. And the readers of these dreams, bound under pledge, cried out from the god that those beneath the earth cast furious reproachesand rage
Argos (Greece) (search for this): card 1
Persia (Iran) (search for this): card 423
On my breast I beatAt the time of Agamemnon's murder, when the women wailed with the extravagance of professional Asiatic mourners. Here they repeat those signs of mourning. an ArianAria was a district of Persia. For “Eranians” (Old-Persian ariya) the Greeks used *)/arioi; at least Herodotus says this was an ancient name of the Medes. dirge in just the same fashion as a CissianCissia formed part of Susiana. wailing woman. With clenched fists, raining blows thick and fast, my outstretched handscould be seen descending from above, from far above, now on this side, now on that, till my battered and wretched head resounded with the
Susiana (Iran) (search for this): card 423
On my breast I beatAt the time of Agamemnon's murder, when the women wailed with the extravagance of professional Asiatic mourners. Here they repeat those signs of mourning. an ArianAria was a district of Persia. For “Eranians” (Old-Persian ariya) the Greeks used *)/arioi; at least Herodotus says this was an ancient name of the Medes. dirge in just the same fashion as a CissianCissia formed part of Susiana. wailing woman. With clenched fists, raining blows thick and fast, my outstretched handscould be seen descending from above, from far above, now on this side, now on that, till my battered and wretched head resounded with the
Aria (Afghanistan) (search for this): card 423
On my breast I beatAt the time of Agamemnon's murder, when the women wailed with the extravagance of professional Asiatic mourners. Here they repeat those signs of mourning. an ArianAria was a district of Persia. For “Eranians” (Old-Persian ariya) the Greeks used *)/arioi; at least Herodotus says this was an ancient name of the Medes. dirge in just the same fashion as a CissianCissia formed part of Susiana. wailing woman. With clenched fists, raining blows thick and fast, my outstretched handscould be seen descending from above, from far above, now on this side, now on that, till my battered and wretched head resounded with the