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Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 51: effects of the fall of Fort Fisher, and criticisms on General Badeau's military history of General Grant. (search)
concentrate them in case of being confronted by a large army. He had occupied Savannah after considerable resistance from Hardee, who, when he evacuated the place, mld finally have surrendered to him, had it not fallen when it did; but because Savannah and Charleston fell on the approach of the Federal troops, it was no reason thefences of Cape Fear River should do the same. The forts about Charleston and Savannah were far less calculated to stand a siege than those at Wilmington, and it wasf the enemy had shown any military intelligence. Previous to the capture of Savannah, General Sherman had informed Grant that he had initiated measures towards joining him with 50,000 infantry, and, incidentally, to capture Savannah. No doubt the General reflected that the troops from Savannah and Charleston, combined with thoSavannah and Charleston, combined with those at Wilmington and Johnston's army of 40,000, with 20,000 from the vicinity of Richmond, would have given the enemy at least 80,000 of the best troops to meet him b
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 52: operations about Charleston, 1865.--fall of Charleston, Savannah, etc. (search)
about Charleston, 1865.--fall of Charleston, Savannah, etc. Formation of the naval brigade expedition up Broad River and Boyd's Creek. Savannah invested. evacuation of Savannah and its defSavannah and its defences by the Confederates. the naval vessels again in Charleston harbor. movements of Army around hed Milledgeville and was about to march upon Savannah. He accordingly entered into an arrangement news of Sherman's arrival in the vicinity of Savannah gave great satisfaction to the people of the reports one of General Legget's brigades near Savannah, and no enemy. Prisoners say the city is abahad been evacuated, leaving Sherman master of Savannah and its defences. Although, no doubt, the Army would have captured Savannah unaided, yet the Navy was of great assistance in blocking up the rThe enemy had still a considerable force near Savannah, and his cavalry, under General Wheeler, was e Fear River, and the works at Charleston and Savannah. They were masterpieces of military engineer[9 more...]
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 53: operations of the West Gulf Squadron in the latter part of 1864, and in 1865.--joint operations in Mobile Bay by Rear-Admiral Thatcher and General Canby. (search)
sentiment that governed every other part of the South. Though the demoralization in the Confederacy was plainly apparent to those who had eyes to see, yet the majority could not be made to believe that the Confederates could be subjugated. They could not be made to understand that there was anything fatal, in a military point of view, in Sherman's memorable march, though they received daily news of his successful marchings, his occupation of Atlanta, Rear-Admiral Henry K. Thatcher. Savannah, Columbia, and his advance to Goldsborough, driving before him an army quite equal in numbers to his own, before he was joined by Generals Schofield and Terry with some thirty thousand troops, and causing the ablest generals of the Confederacy to fall back before his triumphant legions. If the demoralization of the country could ever be brought to the surface, it was when General Joe Johnston was brought to bay at Smithsville, with Sherman's hardy veterans (that had marched through the Sou
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 54: capture of Richmond.--the destruction of the Confederate fleet in the James River, etc. (search)
d know to a certainty that General Sherman had reached Goldsboroa, where it was expected he would come in contact with General J. E. Johnston's army of some forty thousand men, which was being daily strengthened by Confederates who had evacuated Savannah, Charleston and Wilmington. This was one of the most anxious moments of the war. Hitherto Sherman had met with no serious opposition since leaving Columbia, but as he approached Goldsboroa the increasing numbers of the Confederates in his froe of the ablest generals in the Confederacy to contest his march. General Beauregard had been reinforced at Charlotte, N. C., by General Cheatham and the garrison of Augusta, and was moving towards Raleigh. General Hardee. with the troops from Savannah and Charleston, was marching towards the same point, as were General Bragg and Hoke from Wilmington; so that it appeared as if Sherman would encounter an army of eighty thousand men, commanded by one who was considered by many competent judges t