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Chile (Chile) (search for this): chapter 4
ave States, exclusive of South Carolina, where the electors are chosen by the Legislature, at the last Presidential election, was 845,050, while the number of votes cast in the Free States was 2,027,006. And yet there are four persons in the cabinet from the Slave States, and three only from the Free States, while a slave-holding President presides over all. The diplomatic representation of the country at Paris, St. Petersburg, Vienna, the Hague, Brussels, Frankfort, Madrid, Lisbon, Naples, Chili, Mexico, is now confided to persons from Slave-holding States; and at Rome, our Republic is represented by the son of the great adversary of the Wilmot Proviso, and in Berlin, by a late Senator, who was rewarded with this high appointment in consideration of his services to Slavery; while the principles of Freedom abroad are confined to the anxious care of the recently appointed Minister to England. But this is not all. Secondly.—The administration, through one of its official organs at Was
New England (United States) (search for this): chapter 4
e lash of the slave-dealer should be nerved by any sanction from New England! God forbid, that the blood which spirts from the lacerated, quiting words. Let us try; let every man do his duty. And suppose New England stands alone in these efforts; suppose Massachusetts stands alonen we consider that Massachusetts contains only 7,800 miles, all New England only 66,280, and all the original thirteen States, which declarhe partisans of Slavery. The Post-Office, intrusted to a son of New England, assumes an abject neutrality, when the letters intrusted to itsof the Commonwealth; which concerns that peculiar institution of New England, the Common Schools; which concerns the fundamental principles ohwestern Territory. Moreover, a vast territory, larger than all New England, had been taken from New Mexico, and ten million dollars had beewill find, on reaching the Capital, that Massachusetts, and even New England, is but a fraction of the United States; that there are interest
Marshfield (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
respect of foreign nations, which still left a broad field for the exercise of his consummate abilities in the public service. But it was felt then, as it was afterwards known, that his course on the Fugitive Slave Bill had been an act of political suicide. On the rock of Slavery the whig party had gone to pieces; and very few good men regretted its fate. Like some of the convicts of a celebrated judge, it had survived its usefulness, and was put out of the way. The illustrious sage of Marshfield had given place to the rising young statesman on whose broad shoulders Destiny had fixed the forlorn hope, not only of four million slaves, but perhaps of the Republic of Washington itself. But let us listen to the last trumpet-call to Freedom that Charles Sumner sounded out from the ranks of the people, before he went into the National Councils to lead the crusaders for the recovery of the tomb of the Father of his country from the long and deep disgrace which still overshadowed the so
Barneveld (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
anction of the highest examples on a kindred occasion. In 1819, the question now before us arose on the admission of Missouri as a slave State. I need not remind you of the ardor and constancy with which this was opposed at the North, by men of all parties, with scarcely a dissenting voice. One universal chorus of protests thundered from the Free States against the formation of what was called another black State. Meetings were convened in all the considerable towns—in Philadelphia, Trenton, New York, New Haven, and everywhere throughout Massachusetts, in order to give expression to this opposition in a manner to be audible on the floor of Congress. At Boston, on December 3d, 1819, a meeting was held in the State-house, without distinction of party, and embracing the leaders of both sides. That meeting, in its objects, was precisely like this now assembled. A large committee was appointed to prepare resolutions. Of this committee, William Eustis, afterwards Governor of Massach
Bayonne (France) (search for this): chapter 4
or noise, gently as the operations of nature, makes and unmakes laws. Let this opinion be felt in its Christian might, and the Fugitive Slave Bill will become everywhere upon our soil a dead letter. No lawyer will aid it by counsel; no citizen will become its agent; it will die of inanition—like a spider beneath an exhausted receiver. Oh! it were well the tidings should spread throughout the land, that here in Massachusetts this accursed Bill has found no servants. Sire, I have found in Bayonne honest citizens and brave soldiers only; but not one executioner, was the reply of the governor of that place, to the royal mandate from Charles IX. of France, ordering the Massacre of St. Bartholomew. But it rests with you, my fellow-citizens, by your words and your example, by your calm determinations, and your devoted lives, to do this work. From a humane, just, and religious people shall spring a Public Opinion, to keep perpetual guard over the liberties of all within our borders.
South America (search for this): chapter 4
Barbary States of Africa,—that the mineral wealth of California creates a demand for slave labor, which would overcome any physical obstacles to its introduction,—that slavery has existed in every country from which it was not excluded by the laws or religion of the people,—and still further, it is an undeniable fact, that slaves have already been taken into California and publicly sold there at enormous prices, and thousands are now on their way thither from the Southern States and from South America. In support of this last statement numerous authorities might be adduced. It is stated that a member of Congress from Tennessee has recently declared, that, within his own knowledge, there would be taken to California, during the summer just passed, from ten to twelve thousand slaves. And another person states, from reliable evidence, that whole families are moving with their slaves from Tennessee, Arkansas, and Missouri. Mr. Rowe, under date of May 13, at Independence, Mo., on his wa<
Pala (New Mexico, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
story. The recording Muse will drop a tear over its turpitude and injustice, while she gibbets it for the disgust and reprobation of mankind. Such, Sir, is the Act of Congress to which, by your affirmative vote, the people of Boston have been made parties. Through you, they have been made to declare an unjust and cowardly war, with falsehood, in the cause of slavery. Through you, they have been made partakers in the blockade of Vera Cruz, in the seizure of California, in the capture of Santa Fe, in the bloodshed of Monterey. It were idle to suppose that the poor soldier, or officer only, is stained by this guilt. It reaches far back, and incarnadines the Halls of Congress; nay more, through you, it reddens the hands of your constituents in Boston. Pardon this language. Strong as it may seem, it is weak to express the aggravation of your act, in joining in the declaration of an unjust war. Oh! Mr. Winthrop, rather than lend your vote to this wickedness, you should have suffere
Mount Vernon, Knox County, Ohio (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
ven place to the rising young statesman on whose broad shoulders Destiny had fixed the forlorn hope, not only of four million slaves, but perhaps of the Republic of Washington itself. But let us listen to the last trumpet-call to Freedom that Charles Sumner sounded out from the ranks of the people, before he went into the National Councils to lead the crusaders for the recovery of the tomb of the Father of his country from the long and deep disgrace which still overshadowed the soil of Mount Vernon. Xiv. Mr. Sumner opened his speech with the words, Watchman, what of the night? And well may the question be asked, he said, for things have occurred, and measures have passed into laws, which fill the day itself into blackness. And yet, there are streaks of light —an unwonted dawn—in the distant west, out of which a full-orbed sun is beginning to ascend, rejoicing, like a strong man, to run his race. California had been admitted to the Union with a Constitution forbiddin
Salem (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
n of any new State created beyond the limits of the original territory of the United States, to make the prohibition of the further extension of slavery, or involuntary servitude, in such new State, a condition of its admission. Resolved, That, in the opinion of this meeting, it is just and expedient that this power should be exercised by Congress upon the admission of all new States, created beyond the original limits of the United States. The meeting in Boston was followed by one in Salem, called, according to the terms of the notice, to consider whether the immense region of country extending from the Mississippi to the Pacific Ocean is destined to be the abode of Happiness, Independence, and Freedom, or the wide prison of misery and slavery. Resolutions against the admission of any slave State were passed, being supported by Benjamin T. Pickman, Andrew Dunlap, and Joseph Story, a name of authority wherever found. By these assemblies, the Commonwealth was aroused. It op
Baltimore, Md. (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
Mr. Van Buren was not strong enough to command the nomination of his party at Baltimore, and the Democratic statesmen of New York, embracing such men as Silas Wrightarties, had most succumbed to this malign influence. The late Conventions at Baltimore and Philadelphia were controlled by it. At Baltimore, the delegation of the mBaltimore, the delegation of the most important State of the Union—known to be opposed to the Wilmot Proviso—was refused admission to the Convention. At Philadelphia, the Wilmot Proviso itself was shio delegate, amidst the cries of Kick it out! General Cass was nominated at Baltimore, pledged against the Wilmot Proviso. General Taylor, at Philadelphia,—withoulace and power, in disregard of principles? And such were the Conventions at Baltimore and Philadelphia. In marked contrast with these was the recent Convention come the exponents of the growing Anti-slavery sentiments of the country. At Baltimore and Philadelphia, in the great Conventions of these parties, Slavery triumphe<
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