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who has not heard suspicions upon suspicions against the loyalty of the gentleman from Ohio? I allege that it is a common rumor in the Northern States, among all the loyal people of all the loyal States, that the gentleman is open to great suspicion, if not to direct imputation. That is my answer. Mr. Vallandigham.--The only specification that the gentleman has been able to point to is with regard to the dinner in Kentucky. Now, I tell him I have not pressed the soil of Kentucky since 1852, when I accompanied the remains of that great and gallant man and patriot, Henry Clay, to his last resting place. I have partaken of no dinner there or elsewhere of a political character since-- That is my answer to this only specification; and yet the gentleman attempts to support that falsehood, which I here denounce as such, by allusions of suspicion which have been afloat throughout the whole country, and which may not only be directed against me, but against thousands of others in whose
attended, his conduct then giving rise to many suspicious — at least I heard a good many expressed. I will refer him, also, to the dinner he attended in Kentucky, given in his honor, or at least published as given in his honor in his papers. Mr. Vallandigham--Allow me to reply. Mr. Hickman--I am not done with my answer, sir. I refuse to yield the floor till I finish my answer. (Several members--"That's right.") Among other things there was a speech made by the gentleman during the July session, which was understood to be a general accusation against the Government, and against the party having the conduct of the war, and of his fact the gentleman cannot be ignorant. Is there a man, I ask, in this house--one on this side of the house at least — who has not heard suspicions upon suspicions against the loyalty of the gentleman from Ohio? I allege that it is a common rumor in the Northern States, among all the loyal people of all the loyal States, that the gentleman is open t
olemn oath to support the Constitution, and which, thank God, I never deviated from. I have rights, which, while God lives and I live, I shall exercise for myself, in this house and out of this house, for the purpose of vindicating the rights of American citizens. (Ironical laughter.) Beyond that I have not gone. My sentiments will be found here, on the records of the house, and nowhere else. There is the repository; and foreseeing, more than a year ago — foreseeing in the early part of December, the magnitude and character of this revolution or rebellion, in which the country was about to be plunged, I resolved not to write — thought your own mails then carried the letters — a single solitary word or syllable even before secession began, to any man in a seceded State. Now the gentleman avails himself of this paragraph for the purpose of giving dignity and importance to a charge of this kind. Had it come in a tangible shape-- had any editor endorsed it — there might be some shad
Richardson (search for this): article 1
ound in the local columns of an irresponsible paper. I know nothing of those letters with reference to others than myself, but I deemed it due to myself and to the House to meet this charge as I have done. I call the previous question. Mr. Richardson, (opp) of Ill.--There are members on this floor who declared that they would not vote a dollar for this war unless it was a warfare upon slavery. I denounce these men as traitors. They ought to be brought to trial and execution. Mr. Hi well ist, and that they do exist, even when denials accompany them. Mr. Vallandigham--I know that; but the gentleman is not free himself. Mr. Hickman--Let the gentleman defend himself and leave me to take care of myself. Mr. Richardson created considerable confusion endeavoring to again address the House, but was induced to seat himself. Mr. Hickman--I do not wish to put the gentleman n a false position, but I say, most distinctly, that suspicions have and do exist aga
to me, as to others in years past. I put the question which was put in the Senate of the United States--if this had been the criterion, if irresponsible newspaper paragraphs had been regarded as evidence of disloyalty, what would have been the fate of many in this House and in the other wing of the Capitol? Where would have been the gentleman from the district now represented by my colleague, who made as assault on me the other day? Where would have been the Senator from Massachusetts (Mr. Sumner)? or the other Senator from Massachusetts? or the Senator from New Hampshire (Mr. Hale)? Where would have been the three Senators who, on the 7th of February, 1850, voted to refer, print and consider, a petition to dissolve the Union? Yet, I am to be singled out, and they who have watched, and waited, and prayed, from the beginning of this controversy to this hour, that they might get some slip of the tongue, some hasty word spoken, something written, or something that they might fortune
unity, in the beginning, and before the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee had risen here in this formal manner, to ask the attention of the House to the matter. I never did this before. For the five years that I have been a member of this House I never rose to a personal explanation except once before, and I condemn it in others, as unbecoming the dignity of the House, to be so engaged. I did intend, as members near me know, to make the first explanation in my Congressional career. I r. Vallandigham) knows, as well as other members on this floor know, that the suspicion which have existed against him — I do not say whether they are justified or not — are numerous, and have existed for a long time past. It is the duty of this House to purge itself of unworthy members. I do to know whether the gentleman occupies properly or improperly a seat on this floor.--By offering the resolution I do not prejudice him. If he was the most intimate friend I had on earth, and accused, as
e United States--if this had been the criterion, if irresponsible newspaper paragraphs had been regarded as evidence of disloyalty, what would have been the fate of many in this House and in the other wing of the Capitol? Where would have been the gentleman from the district now represented by my colleague, who made as assault on me the other day? Where would have been the Senator from Massachusetts (Mr. Sumner)? or the other Senator from Massachusetts? or the Senator from New Hampshire (Mr. Hale)? Where would have been the three Senators who, on the 7th of February, 1850, voted to refer, print and consider, a petition to dissolve the Union? Yet, I am to be singled out, and they who have watched, and waited, and prayed, from the beginning of this controversy to this hour, that they might get some slip of the tongue, some hasty word spoken, something written, or something that they might fortune into evidence of disloyalty, now seize upon this paper — this miserable, irresponsible s
The Federal Congress. Hon. Mr. Vallandigham again arraigned for disloyalty. Spicy debate. In the Yankee Congress, on Wednesday, the 19th inst., Mr. Hickman, representative from Pennsylvania in the lower House, rose to a privileged question and sent up to the Clerk the following resolution to be read: Whereas, The Baltimore Clipper of this date contains the following publication: "Documents Found.--During yesterday a police force visited the office of the South newspaper, and took possession of a number of letters written by Senators Bayard and Saulsbury, of Delaware, and the notorious Vallandigham, of Ohio. The documents contain touching sentiment of poor bleeding Dixie, and various suggestions how the Yankees might be defeated." Therefore, Resolved, That the Committee on the Judiciary be directed to inquire into the truth of the allegations therein made against C. L. Vallandigham, a member of this House, with power to send for persons and papers, a
Henry Clay (search for this): article 1
rom Ohio? I allege that it is a common rumor in the Northern States, among all the loyal people of all the loyal States, that the gentleman is open to great suspicion, if not to direct imputation. That is my answer. Mr. Vallandigham.--The only specification that the gentleman has been able to point to is with regard to the dinner in Kentucky. Now, I tell him I have not pressed the soil of Kentucky since 1852, when I accompanied the remains of that great and gallant man and patriot, Henry Clay, to his last resting place. I have partaken of no dinner there or elsewhere of a political character since-- That is my answer to this only specification; and yet the gentleman attempts to support that falsehood, which I here denounce as such, by allusions of suspicion which have been afloat throughout the whole country, and which may not only be directed against me, but against thousands of others in whose veins run blood as patriotic as ever flowed since the world began. Now, I tell th
d for disloyalty. Spicy debate. In the Yankee Congress, on Wednesday, the 19th inst., Mr. Hickman, representative from Pennsylvania in the lower House, rose to a privileged question and sent up to the Clerk the following resolution to be read: Whereas, The Baltimore Clipper of this date contains the following publication: "Documents Found.--During yesterday a police force visited the office of the South newspaper, and took possession of a number of letters written by Senators Bayard and Saulsbury, of Delaware, and the notorious Vallandigham, of Ohio. The documents contain touching sentiment of poor bleeding Dixie, and various suggestions how the Yankees might be defeated." Therefore, Resolved, That the Committee on the Judiciary be directed to inquire into the truth of the allegations therein made against C. L. Vallandigham, a member of this House, with power to send for persons and papers, and to examine witnesses on oath or affirmation, and to make report
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