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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 27, 1864., [Electronic resource].

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McClellan (search for this): article 1
This racks confirmation, and probably emanated from that individual who has become so distinguished in this war, "the reliable gentleman." Another report is that McClellan is new with Grant, and acting as a restraint upon his impetuosity; in other word, those who believe this story pretend to see in it a reason why Grant does not offer batted to General Lee. The report, however, may be but if so, and if McClellan has any in fnce over Grant's actions, the latter would hardly be apt to select the Peninsula as a line of operations. McClellan tried that route once, and abandoned it in grief and despair; and the experiment cost him his camels, as well as the sMcClellan tried that route once, and abandoned it in grief and despair; and the experiment cost him his camels, as well as the soubriquet of the "Young Napoleon." The train last evening brought down one hundred and forty prisoners, taken by Mahone's command in Tuesdays fight. The affair in Charles City county. We have received some further particulars of the affair in Charles City county, to which brief allusion was made yesterday. The expedi
end to see in it a reason why Grant does not offer batted to General Lee. The report, however, may be but if so, and if McClellan has any in fnce over Grant's actions, the latter would hardly be apt to select the Peninsula as a line of operations. McClellan tried that route once, and abandoned it in grief and despair; and the experiment cost him his camels, as well as the soubriquet of the "Young Napoleon." The train last evening brought down one hundred and forty prisoners, taken by Mahone's command in Tuesdays fight. The affair in Charles City county. We have received some further particulars of the affair in Charles City county, to which brief allusion was made yesterday. The expedition, which consisted of a portion of Gen. Fitz. Lee's cavalry division, started from Matthews Court House and proceeded to Hennon's wharf, on James river, a point nearly opposite Fort Powhatan. At one o'clock on Tuesday our men dismounted and pushed forward through the woods which. He
Fitzhugh Lee (search for this): article 1
iting news cannot be constantly coming, and the present full in events will prevent a surfer of the popular appetite when the storm breaks loose afresh. From Gen. Lee's army. Persons who left the lines yesterday represent everything quiet in that direction. The War Office had no news of interest last right, and beyond a rnt, and acting as a restraint upon his impetuosity; in other word, those who believe this story pretend to see in it a reason why Grant does not offer batted to General Lee. The report, however, may be but if so, and if McClellan has any in fnce over Grant's actions, the latter would hardly be apt to select the Peninsula as a lined some further particulars of the affair in Charles City county, to which brief allusion was made yesterday. The expedition, which consisted of a portion of Gen. Fitz. Lee's cavalry division, started from Matthews Court House and proceeded to Hennon's wharf, on James river, a point nearly opposite Fort Powhatan. At one o'clock
acting as a restraint upon his impetuosity; in other word, those who believe this story pretend to see in it a reason why Grant does not offer batted to General Lee. The report, however, may be but if so, and if McClellan has any in fnce over Grant's actions, the latter would hardly be apt to select the Peninsula as a line of operations. McClellan tried that route once, and abandoned it in grief and despair; and the experiment cost him his camels, as well as the soubriquet of the "Young Napoleon." The train last evening brought down one hundred and forty prisoners, taken by Mahone's command in Tuesdays fight. The affair in Charles City county. We have received some further particulars of the affair in Charles City county, to which brief allusion was made yesterday. The expedition, which consisted of a portion of Gen. Fitz. Lee's cavalry division, started from Matthews Court House and proceeded to Hennon's wharf, on James river, a point nearly opposite Fort Powhatan.
ason why Grant does not offer batted to General Lee. The report, however, may be but if so, and if McClellan has any in fnce over Grant's actions, the latter would hardly be apt to select the Peninsula as a line of operations. McClellan tried that route once, and abandoned it in grief and despair; and the experiment cost him his camels, as well as the soubriquet of the "Young Napoleon." The train last evening brought down one hundred and forty prisoners, taken by Mahone's command in Tuesdays fight. The affair in Charles City county. We have received some further particulars of the affair in Charles City county, to which brief allusion was made yesterday. The expedition, which consisted of a portion of Gen. Fitz. Lee's cavalry division, started from Matthews Court House and proceeded to Hennon's wharf, on James river, a point nearly opposite Fort Powhatan. At one o'clock on Tuesday our men dismounted and pushed forward through the woods which. He between the river ro
Washington (search for this): article 1
ed yesterday from any direction. The two armies on the Southside remain in the positions held for several days, no new movement has taken place, and perfect quiet prevails. The Yankee gunboats still infest the river, but seem to have suspended their waste of ammunition in shelling the woods. Fort Clifton and other points on the shores of the James and the Appomattox. Beast Batler, pent up in a narrow ship of land in the county of Chesterfield, has ample time to send lying dispatches to Washington of the extent of his operations; but should he attempt to widen his sphere of action by another advance upon Gen Beauregard, he will doubtless find that officer ready to meet him.--Meantime the people must be patient. Exciting news cannot be constantly coming, and the present full in events will prevent a surfer of the popular appetite when the storm breaks loose afresh. From Gen. Lee's army. Persons who left the lines yesterday represent everything quiet in that direction. The W
Gen Beauregard (search for this): article 1
vement has taken place, and perfect quiet prevails. The Yankee gunboats still infest the river, but seem to have suspended their waste of ammunition in shelling the woods. Fort Clifton and other points on the shores of the James and the Appomattox. Beast Batler, pent up in a narrow ship of land in the county of Chesterfield, has ample time to send lying dispatches to Washington of the extent of his operations; but should he attempt to widen his sphere of action by another advance upon Gen Beauregard, he will doubtless find that officer ready to meet him.--Meantime the people must be patient. Exciting news cannot be constantly coming, and the present full in events will prevent a surfer of the popular appetite when the storm breaks loose afresh. From Gen. Lee's army. Persons who left the lines yesterday represent everything quiet in that direction. The War Office had no news of interest last right, and beyond a report that some vitality was apparent on the enemy's right (ou
Gen Grant (search for this): article 1
ion, and probably emanated from that individual who has become so distinguished in this war, "the reliable gentleman." Another report is that McClellan is new with Grant, and acting as a restraint upon his impetuosity; in other word, those who believe this story pretend to see in it a reason why Grant does not offer batted to GenerGrant does not offer batted to General Lee. The report, however, may be but if so, and if McClellan has any in fnce over Grant's actions, the latter would hardly be apt to select the Peninsula as a line of operations. McClellan tried that route once, and abandoned it in grief and despair; and the experiment cost him his camels, as well as the soubriquet of the "YoGrant's actions, the latter would hardly be apt to select the Peninsula as a line of operations. McClellan tried that route once, and abandoned it in grief and despair; and the experiment cost him his camels, as well as the soubriquet of the "Young Napoleon." The train last evening brought down one hundred and forty prisoners, taken by Mahone's command in Tuesdays fight. The affair in Charles City county. We have received some further particulars of the affair in Charles City county, to which brief allusion was made yesterday. The expedition, which consiste
Richmond (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
, as well as the soubriquet of the "Young Napoleon." The train last evening brought down one hundred and forty prisoners, taken by Mahone's command in Tuesdays fight. The affair in Charles City county. We have received some further particulars of the affair in Charles City county, to which brief allusion was made yesterday. The expedition, which consisted of a portion of Gen. Fitz. Lee's cavalry division, started from Matthews Court House and proceeded to Hennon's wharf, on James river, a point nearly opposite Fort Powhatan. At one o'clock on Tuesday our men dismounted and pushed forward through the woods which. He between the river road and the river, driving in the enemy's negro pickets, who fled incontinently to the fortifications. Our troops then moved on the works, which are situated on a high bluff, and consist of strong fortifications, protected in front by a deep ditch and long abattis. The attack was made upon the west front of the fort, and the negro troop
Charles City (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
d despair; and the experiment cost him his camels, as well as the soubriquet of the "Young Napoleon." The train last evening brought down one hundred and forty prisoners, taken by Mahone's command in Tuesdays fight. The affair in Charles City county. We have received some further particulars of the affair in Charles City county, to which brief allusion was made yesterday. The expedition, which consisted of a portion of Gen. Fitz. Lee's cavalry division, started from Matthews CourCharles City county, to which brief allusion was made yesterday. The expedition, which consisted of a portion of Gen. Fitz. Lee's cavalry division, started from Matthews Court House and proceeded to Hennon's wharf, on James river, a point nearly opposite Fort Powhatan. At one o'clock on Tuesday our men dismounted and pushed forward through the woods which. He between the river road and the river, driving in the enemy's negro pickets, who fled incontinently to the fortifications. Our troops then moved on the works, which are situated on a high bluff, and consist of strong fortifications, protected in front by a deep ditch and long abattis. The attack was made up
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