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Browsing named entities in Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 28. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones).

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May 30th, 1900 AD (search for this): chapter 1.45
memorial associations into one confederated band for the preservation of the history of their glorious work; which after that of the Confederate soldier in marching to the fray, and those who laid down their lives on battlefields for the sake of that most just and holy cause, is the most noble, patriotic and beautiful page written in the heart book of the South. The following is a report of the organization at Louisville: The first meeting was held in the parlors of the Galt House, May 30, 1900, at 10:30 A. M. Meeting called to order by Miss Sue H. Walker, and its object briefly explained. She then called to the chair Miss Julia A. Garside, who very appropriately opened the meeting with prayer, after which a call was made for credentials and names of delegates from the various Southern States. Answered to their names: Hollywood Memorial Association, Richmond, Va. Delegate: Mrs. Lizzie Cary Daniel. Junior Hollywood Memorial Association, Richmond, Va. Delegate: Mrs. N. V
June 1st, 1900 AD (search for this): chapter 1.45
il Duke to the Association to attend a reception to be given at the Galt House from 4 to 6 P. M., in honor of Mrs. Addison Hayes, Miss Varina Howell Davis Hayes, and Mrs. Weed, of Florida. Adjourned to meet at 10 A. M. the following day. June 1, 1900. Before the hour appointed for the next meeting a communication was received by the President stating that an opportunity would be given The Confederated Memorial Association to present their memorial to General Gordon and the veterans at toffin, of Arkansas, and Mr. Frank Lobrano, of Louisiana, for their noble efforts in securing the delegation an audience and having the memorial presented through General Gordon to the convention of United Confederate Veterans at the reunion of June 1, 1900, at Louisville, Ky. Adjourned to meet the first day of the United Confederate Veteran reunion at Memphis, Tenn., 1901, at 10:30 A. M. Respectfully submitted, site H. Walker, Cor. Sec. C. S. M. A. June 7, 1900. The Association was in
June 7th, 1900 AD (search for this): chapter 1.45
ok, of Arkansas, Colonel Charles Coffin, of Arkansas, and Mr. Frank Lobrano, of Louisiana, for their noble efforts in securing the delegation an audience and having the memorial presented through General Gordon to the convention of United Confederate Veterans at the reunion of June 1, 1900, at Louisville, Ky. Adjourned to meet the first day of the United Confederate Veteran reunion at Memphis, Tenn., 1901, at 10:30 A. M. Respectfully submitted, site H. Walker, Cor. Sec. C. S. M. A. June 7, 1900. The Association was incorporated by the Circuit Court of Washington county, Fayetteville, Ark., October 30, 1900, and a charter issued. Index Alabama Regiment cut to pieces, Williams' 94. Alexander, Edgar, 71. Anderson's Corps complimented, 11. Appomattox Courthonse, Wants of the army at, 39; Last charge at, 41, 259; Last man killed at, 252. April 9th, 1865, lines by Percy Greg, 376. Arizona organized by the C. S. Government in 1862, 222. Armistead Brigade tra
October 30th, 1900 AD (search for this): chapter 1.45
n securing the delegation an audience and having the memorial presented through General Gordon to the convention of United Confederate Veterans at the reunion of June 1, 1900, at Louisville, Ky. Adjourned to meet the first day of the United Confederate Veteran reunion at Memphis, Tenn., 1901, at 10:30 A. M. Respectfully submitted, site H. Walker, Cor. Sec. C. S. M. A. June 7, 1900. The Association was incorporated by the Circuit Court of Washington county, Fayetteville, Ark., October 30, 1900, and a charter issued. Index Alabama Regiment cut to pieces, Williams' 94. Alexander, Edgar, 71. Anderson's Corps complimented, 11. Appomattox Courthonse, Wants of the army at, 39; Last charge at, 41, 259; Last man killed at, 252. April 9th, 1865, lines by Percy Greg, 376. Arizona organized by the C. S. Government in 1862, 222. Armistead Brigade transferred, 8 Army of Northern Virginia unparalleled, 113. Artis Avis or Bird of Art, 304. Attucks, Crispus,
Alabama (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.45
delegates present, in order that the organization might be perfected before presenting the memorial to the veterans. It was also moved and carried that there be a Vice-President from each State, all equal in authority. The elections were as follows: Vice-President from Virginia, Mrs. David C. Richardson; Vice-President, Louisiana, Mrs. Lewis Graham; Vice-President, Tennessee, Miss Missie Ault; Vice-President, Arkansas, Mrs. J. D. Walker; Vice-President, Missouri, Mrs. Jennie Edwards. Alabama and South Carolina having no delegates present the Presidents of these associations were selected as Vice-Presidents for those States. The other officers elected are as follows: Recording Secretary, Miss Daisy L. Hodgson; Corresponding Secretary, Miss Sue H. Walker; Treasurer, Miss Julia A. Garside. The newly elected President, Mrs. W. J. Behan, was then escorted to the chair, and read a most beautiful and comprehensive report of the origin and work of her association, The Confedera
Arizona (Arizona, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.45
M. Respectfully submitted, site H. Walker, Cor. Sec. C. S. M. A. June 7, 1900. The Association was incorporated by the Circuit Court of Washington county, Fayetteville, Ark., October 30, 1900, and a charter issued. Index Alabama Regiment cut to pieces, Williams' 94. Alexander, Edgar, 71. Anderson's Corps complimented, 11. Appomattox Courthonse, Wants of the army at, 39; Last charge at, 41, 259; Last man killed at, 252. April 9th, 1865, lines by Percy Greg, 376. Arizona organized by the C. S. Government in 1862, 222. Armistead Brigade transferred, 8 Army of Northern Virginia unparalleled, 113. Artis Avis or Bird of Art, 304. Attucks, Crispus, 157. Barn-burners, Sheridan's, 98. Bartlett, General William F., 47, 207. Barton Jr., Lieut David R., 69. Beale, General R. L. T., 253. Beauregard, General P. G. T., 287; at Drewry's Bluff and Petersburg, 318. Behan, Mrs. W. J 380. Benton, Thomas A., Views of, 163. Bermuda Hundred, 330.
Louisiana (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.45
ent originated with the Southern Memorial Association of Fayetteville, Ark. Mrs. J. D. Walker has this work in charge. A vote of thanks was given General V. Y. Cook, of Arkansas, Colonel Charles Coffin, of Arkansas, and Mr. Frank Lobrano, of Louisiana, for their noble efforts in securing the delegation an audience and having the memorial presented through General Gordon to the convention of United Confederate Veterans at the reunion of June 1, 1900, at Louisville, Ky. Adjourned to meet the, 64, 317 Lexington, Battle of, 155. Lincoln's Administration responsible, 186. Lodge, Henry Cabot, 180. Longstreet's Division at Gaines' Mill, 97. Loss, Unparallel, of Company F, 26th North Carolina, 199. Lodt Cause, The, 56. Louisiana, Purchase of. 162; Troops of, at Fort Gregg, 265. Lunt, George, 188. McCabe, Captain, W. Gordon, 212, 242. McClellan, General George B., 348. McGuire, M. D., LI. D., H. H., Sketch of life of, 267; his family, 275. McMartin, Colonel
Maryland (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.45
Carolina, 199. Lodt Cause, The, 56. Louisiana, Purchase of. 162; Troops of, at Fort Gregg, 265. Lunt, George, 188. McCabe, Captain, W. Gordon, 212, 242. McClellan, General George B., 348. McGuire, M. D., LI. D., H. H., Sketch of life of, 267; his family, 275. McMartin, Colonel F. W, 206. McNeill's men, 98. Macon, Sergeant Lyttleton S , 70. Mahon, General William 204. Malvern Hill, Battle of, 11, 341 Manassas First, Ammunition at, 289. Marks, Edwin, 236. Maryland, Invasion of, 354. Masons in the Army 46. Massachusetts in 17 1770, 1773, 157; in 1811, 173. Massie, Captain, J. Livingston, 69. Maury's fealty, Commodore, 112. Mechanicsville, Battle of, 92 Minor, Lieutenart C. W. Berkeley, 70. Minor, Captain Robert D, 305. Moon, The, behind the hill, 350. Monocacy, Battle of, 74. Mooretield, Va, surprised at, 75. Mosby's Command, 135, 195. Muhlenburg Rifles, Company F, 10th Virginia, Roll of, 115. Navy, C. S., Vesse
Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.45
se of. 162; Troops of, at Fort Gregg, 265. Lunt, George, 188. McCabe, Captain, W. Gordon, 212, 242. McClellan, General George B., 348. McGuire, M. D., LI. D., H. H., Sketch of life of, 267; his family, 275. McMartin, Colonel F. W, 206. McNeill's men, 98. Macon, Sergeant Lyttleton S , 70. Mahon, General William 204. Malvern Hill, Battle of, 11, 341 Manassas First, Ammunition at, 289. Marks, Edwin, 236. Maryland, Invasion of, 354. Masons in the Army 46. Massachusetts in 17 1770, 1773, 157; in 1811, 173. Massie, Captain, J. Livingston, 69. Maury's fealty, Commodore, 112. Mechanicsville, Battle of, 92 Minor, Lieutenart C. W. Berkeley, 70. Minor, Captain Robert D, 305. Moon, The, behind the hill, 350. Monocacy, Battle of, 74. Mooretield, Va, surprised at, 75. Mosby's Command, 135, 195. Muhlenburg Rifles, Company F, 10th Virginia, Roll of, 115. Navy, C. S., Vessels of, and their history, 125, Notes on, 305. Nash, Majo
Missouri (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.45
etteville, Ark. Delegates: Mrs. J. D. Walker, Miss Sue H. Walker, Miss Julia A. Garside. The Ladies' Memorial Association, Petersburg, Va. Delegates: Mrs. W. E. Badger, Mrs. Shelton Cheives. The Ladies' Memorial and Literary Association of Missouri. Delegates: Mrs. Leroy Valliant, Mrs. Jennie Edwards. Represented by blanks filled out: The Warren Memorial Association, Front Royal, Va. The Ladies' Confederate Memorial Association, Memphis, Tenn. The Ladies' Memorial Association,. Joseph Bryan, President; Mrs. Lizzie C. Daniel, Corresponding Secretary. The Ladies' Memorial Association, Petersburg, Va.; Mrs. H. Van L. Bird, President; Mrs. Shelton Chieves, Secretary. The Ladies' Memorial and Literary Association of Missouri; Mrs. Leroy Valliant, President; Mrs. Jennie Edwards, Secretary. The Warren Memorial Association, Front Royal, Va.; Mrs. G. C. Davis, President; Mrs. W. C. Weaver, Corresponding Secretary. The Ladies' Confederate Memorial Association, Memp
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