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William Mahone 274 2 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 28. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones).

Found 9,878 total hits in 3,644 results.

... 360 361 362 363 364 365
Fort Mills (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.45
s. H. Van L. Bird, President; Mrs. Shelton Chieves, Secretary. The Ladies' Memorial and Literary Association of Missouri; Mrs. Leroy Valliant, President; Mrs. Jennie Edwards, Secretary. The Warren Memorial Association, Front Royal, Va.; Mrs. G. C. Davis, President; Mrs. W. C. Weaver, Corresponding Secretary. The Ladies' Confederate Memorial Association, Memphis, Tenn.; Mrs. Letitia A. Frazer, President; Phoebe Frazer, Secretary. The Ladies' Confederate Memorial Association, Fort Mills, S. C.; Mrs. J. B. Mack, President; Mrs. Elizabeth White, Secretary. The Ladies' Memorial Association, Knoxville, Tenn.; Mrs. Wm. Caswell, President; Mrs. M. E. Lloyd, Secretary. The Ladies' Memorial Association, Gainesville, Ala.; Mrs. D. H. Williams, President; M. B. Jackson, Secretary. The Ladies' Confederate Memorial Association, New Orleans, La.; Mrs. W. G. Behan, President; Mrs. Joseph Jones, Corresponding Secretary. The Southern Memorial Association, Fayetteville, Ark.; Mrs
Bermuda Hundred (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.45
, 376. Arizona organized by the C. S. Government in 1862, 222. Armistead Brigade transferred, 8 Army of Northern Virginia unparalleled, 113. Artis Avis or Bird of Art, 304. Attucks, Crispus, 157. Barn-burners, Sheridan's, 98. Bartlett, General William F., 47, 207. Barton Jr., Lieut David R., 69. Beale, General R. L. T., 253. Beauregard, General P. G. T., 287; at Drewry's Bluff and Petersburg, 318. Behan, Mrs. W. J 380. Benton, Thomas A., Views of, 163. Bermuda Hundred, 330. Bernard, George S., 204. Bingen on the Rhine, 350. Birthday of Lee, poem 238. Blackford. Lieutenant L. M., 70. Blakemore, The Bravest, 49 Bledsoe, Albert Taylor, 157. Bouldin, Captain E. E., 71, 77, 250. Bowie, Lieut., Walter, how he died, 135. Boyd, Belle, 296. Boyd, Lieutenant, E. Holmes, 69 Branch, Major, Thomas, 26. Brander, Major T. A, 4. Broadbent, Captain, Wallace, 308. Brockenbrough, Captain, J. Bowyer, 70. Brown's Raid, John, 185, 317. Br
Front Royal (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.45
Delegates: Mrs. W. E. Badger, Mrs. Shelton Cheives. The Ladies' Memorial and Literary Association of Missouri. Delegates: Mrs. Leroy Valliant, Mrs. Jennie Edwards. Represented by blanks filled out: The Warren Memorial Association, Front Royal, Va. The Ladies' Confederate Memorial Association, Memphis, Tenn. The Ladies' Memorial Association, Gainesville, Ala. The Ladies' Memorial Association of Knoxville, Tenn. Delegates: Mrs. S. T. McTeer, Miss Moody White. It was decided tersburg, Va.; Mrs. H. Van L. Bird, President; Mrs. Shelton Chieves, Secretary. The Ladies' Memorial and Literary Association of Missouri; Mrs. Leroy Valliant, President; Mrs. Jennie Edwards, Secretary. The Warren Memorial Association, Front Royal, Va.; Mrs. G. C. Davis, President; Mrs. W. C. Weaver, Corresponding Secretary. The Ladies' Confederate Memorial Association, Memphis, Tenn.; Mrs. Letitia A. Frazer, President; Phoebe Frazer, Secretary. The Ladies' Confederate Memorial Assoc
Malvern Hill (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.45
80. Longstreet's Division at Gaines' Mill, 97. Loss, Unparallel, of Company F, 26th North Carolina, 199. Lodt Cause, The, 56. Louisiana, Purchase of. 162; Troops of, at Fort Gregg, 265. Lunt, George, 188. McCabe, Captain, W. Gordon, 212, 242. McClellan, General George B., 348. McGuire, M. D., LI. D., H. H., Sketch of life of, 267; his family, 275. McMartin, Colonel F. W, 206. McNeill's men, 98. Macon, Sergeant Lyttleton S , 70. Mahon, General William 204. Malvern Hill, Battle of, 11, 341 Manassas First, Ammunition at, 289. Marks, Edwin, 236. Maryland, Invasion of, 354. Masons in the Army 46. Massachusetts in 17 1770, 1773, 157; in 1811, 173. Massie, Captain, J. Livingston, 69. Maury's fealty, Commodore, 112. Mechanicsville, Battle of, 92 Minor, Lieutenart C. W. Berkeley, 70. Minor, Captain Robert D, 305. Moon, The, behind the hill, 350. Monocacy, Battle of, 74. Mooretield, Va, surprised at, 75. Mosby's Command,
... 360 361 362 363 364 365