sburg mine, 199, 214; burying Rebel dead, 203n; arming southern, 245; poker game, 269.
Nesmith, James Willis, 280; on Bull Run, 284.
New London, Conn., 223.
Newspapers, errors of, 100.
Newton, John, 33, 56, 60, 80; visited, 9.
Newton, Mrs., 131.
North Anna, 122, 126.
O'Connor, W. Ulick, Viscount Castle-Cuffe, 49.
Officers, good quality, 11; promotion, 78; qualities of good, 121, 266; bearing of Rebel, 152.
Ord, Edward Otho Cresap, 200, 233, 266, 320, 335, 357.
Ordinary, in Virginia, 119.
Otto, William Tod, 212.
Ovens, Dutch, 351.
Palfrey, Francis Winthrop, 65.
Parke, John Grubb, 233, 234, 236, 323, 334; described, 213; engineer, 246.
Parker, Isaac Brown, 288.
Parker, Theodore, 260.
Patrick, Marsena Rudolph, 74.
Patten, Henry Lyman, 208.
Pease, Charles Elliott, 358.
Peeble house, 235, 254, 321.
Peel, Cecil Lennox, captain, 49.
Pell, Duncan Archibald, 212, 312, 319.
Pemberton, John Clifford, 102.
Perkins house, 328.
Perkinson, —, 347.
Stuart, James Ewell Brown, 18; death, 125.
Summerhayes, John Wyer, 268.
Sumner, Charles, 78.
Surgeon, English fusileer, 115.
Sutherland's station, 339, 341.
Swede, a visiting, 41, 63; indignation of a, 262.
Sykes, George, 34, 52, 53, 60, 80; visited, 8; at dinner, 72.
Ta, the, 119.
Thanksgiving Day, 278.
Thatcher, Horace Kellogg, 171.
Theatre, engineers', 311.
Thomas, George Henry, 296.
Thomas, Henry Goddard, 211.
Thomas, Lorenzo, 290.
Thompson, —, 130.
Todd's Tavern, 103.
Tompkins, Charles H., 112.
Townsend, Charles, 22.
Trobriand, Philippe Regis de, 256.
Trowbridge, —, 312.
Tyler, John, 159.
Tyler, —, 185.
Tyler house, 121.
Upton, Emory, 109.
Vermont captain, exploit of a, 174.
Via's house, 140.
Virginia, devastation, 48; houses, 301.
Volunteers, 209.
Votes, fraudulent, 263.
Wadsworth, James Samuel, 90, 180.
Wadsworth, Craig, 125.
Wainwright, Charles Sheils, 296.
Walker, Mary E., 6n.
Wall house, 339.
Wallace, Lewis, 185<
Morton, James St. Clair, 167.
Morton, Samuel George, 167.
Morton's Ford, 68, 69.
Mott, Gershom, 92, 93, 95, 108, 109, 217, 337.
Mott's division, misconduct, 92, 93, 95, 109, 110n, 114, 208, 252, 294.
Mt. Carmel Church, 122.
Namozine road, 342, 346.
Negro, Virginia, 67; free and slave, 74; troops, 102, 162, 180, 256, 262; aunty, 183; Petersburg mine, 199, 214; burying Rebel dead, 203n; arming southern, 245; poker game, 269.
Nesmith, James Willis, 280; on Bull Run, 284.
New London, Conn., 223.
Newspapers, errors of, 100.
Newton, John, 33, 56, 60, 80; visited, 9.
Newton, Mrs., 131.
North Anna, 122, 126.
O'Connor, W. Ulick, Viscount Castle-Cuffe, 49.
Officers, good quality, 11; promotion, 78; qualities of good, 121, 266; bearing of Rebel, 152.
Ord, Edward Otho Cresap, 200, 233, 266, 320, 335, 357.
Ordinary, in Virginia, 119.
Otto, William Tod, 212.
Ovens, Dutch, 351.
Palfrey, Francis Winthrop, 65.
Parke, John Grubb, 233, 234, 236, 323, 334; descri
329, 345, 346, 352; 353, 356; described, 6, 73, 78, 108, 307; on horses, 8; rejoins army, 64; mystery, 76; before Petersburg, 163, 217, 234, 237; on war, 243; new command, 279, 285, 326; at races, 321.
Hunt, Henry Jackson, 63, 197, 275, 277; on Grant, 313.
Hutchins, Benjamin Tucker, 16.
Huts for winter quarters, 60.
ice, 135.
Indian, picket, 242.
Ingalls, Rufus, 34, 60, 163, 279.
Irish, good qualities, 131, 208.
James river, 158.
Jericho Bridge, 122.
Jeter, —, 129.
Jetersville, 342, 345, 349.
John, history of, 274.
Johnson, Edward, 111.
Johnson, —, 183.
Johnston, Joseph, 102n.
Joinville, Prince de, 95.
Kearny, Philip, 139.
Kellogg, —, 61.
Kelly's Ford, 43.
Kelly's house, 140, 143.
Kennedy, Joseph Camp Griffith, 73.
Kent, —, 179.
Kilpatrick, Judson, 15, 68, 76; raid, 77, 79.
Kirkpatrick, —, 274.
Landron house, 114.
Lazelle, Henry Martyn, 286.
Leave of absence, 59.
Ledlie, James Hewitt, 167, 199, 310.
Lee, Robert Edward, 163, 184;
ndering, 288.
Hancock's cavalry, 221.
Hapgood, Charles Eager, 150.
Hartranft, John Frederic, 323.
Harvard Club, Washington, i.
Harwood, Franklin, 201.
Hatcher's Run, 292, 309, 329, 837.
Haw's store, 131.
Hayes, Joseph, 186, 220, 224; ore (1792-1849), II.
Lyman, Theodore (1833-1897), account of, i; joins Meade's staff 1; with Pleasonton, 14; goes to Washington, 36; astronomical observations, 44; thirty-first year , 226; visits the North, 228, 303; important, 335; meets Lee, 361racteristics, 25, 38, 57, 61, 73, 123, 128, 134, 138, 148, 167, 176, 188, 225, 358; difference with Halleck, 35; visits Washington, 36, 48; well laid plans, 46; succession to, 60; illness, 64, 345, 355; in danger, 105, 232, 238, 332; Sheridan and, 10e, 219; stragglers, 292; relieved of command, 333.
Washburn, Elihu Benjamin, 318, 319.
Washburn, Francis, 353.
Washington, D. C., Harvard Club, i; in 1863, 4.
Waste in the war, 207.
Way, a covered, 203.
Webb, Alexander Stewart, 42, 45,