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cklebank, who was slain, with nearly all his April 21, 1676. command, by the Indians at Sudbury, in King Philip's War. Born at Rowley, in 1712, Daniel Palmer married in 1736 Elizabeth Wheeler, of Chebacco (a part of Ipswich, called Essex since 1819), with whom, eight years later, he was dismissed from the First Church in Rowley to that of Gloucester; but of his stay in the latter place, if, indeed, he removed thither, we have no record. He is yet remembered by close tradition as a powerful 1766. The last sentence, if punctuated thus, as it doubtless should be—but his wife, a member of the church, here with her child—is evidence of a visit of Mary Garrison to her old home at the date mentioned., Elizabeth (1767– 1815), Joseph (1769-1819), Daniel (1771-1803), Abijah (born 1773), Sarah (born 1776), Nathan (1778-1817), Silas (1780-1849), William (a posthumous child, 1783– 1837). The fifth in order, Abijah, must occupy our attention, to the exclusion of his brothers and sisters. Th
June 15th, 1766 AD (search for this): chapter 1
From her there ran in the veins of her offspring the emigrant Puritan blood of Palmer, Northend, Hunt, Redding, Stickney, Brocklebank, Wheeler, and other (unnamable) stirpes. By her, Joseph Garrison became the father of nine children, viz., Hannah (1765-1843), In the church records of the parish of Byfield, Newbury, Mass., this entry is found among the baptisms: Hannah. Daut'r of Joseph Garrison of St. John's River in Nova Scotia but his wife a member of ye Chh here with her Child June 15, 1766. The last sentence, if punctuated thus, as it doubtless should be—but his wife, a member of the church, here with her child—is evidence of a visit of Mary Garrison to her old home at the date mentioned., Elizabeth (1767– 1815), Joseph (1769-1819), Daniel (1771-1803), Abijah (born 1773), Sarah (born 1776), Nathan (1778-1817), Silas (1780-1849), William (a posthumous child, 1783– 1837). The fifth in order, Abijah, must occupy our attention, to the exclusion of his brothers and sisters.
January 19th, 1741 AD (search for this): chapter 1
ans were troublesome, and there were three secreted in a house in Old Town, and no one dared pursue them. But he was fearless, and entered the house, where he opened a chamber window, and one by one he threw them out, regardless of life or limb, as though they were so many straws. Six children survived to him, and the two oldest girls, Elizabeth and Ruth, were married, when removal to the St. John was determined on. Leaving these behind, he took with him his third daughter, Mary (born January 19, 1741, in Byfield), and his three sons, Daniel, Nathan, and Abijah, and joined the company of townsfolk and kinsmen who were to plant a Puritan settlement on the banks of the St. John. There is no evidence that Joseph Garrison was of this number. All that can now be learned about him warrants the belief that he was an Englishman, who was found upon the spot by the second, if not already by the first, immigrants from Rowley. We know positively that on his thirtieth birthday, August 14, 1
As a means of supporting herself and family after Joseph Garrison's death, she appears to have practised the art of a midwife for more than thirty years—by night and by day, for they will have her out (Ms. Sept. 16, 1815, Sarah Perley). From her there ran in the veins of her offspring the emigrant Puritan blood of Palmer, Northend, Hunt, Redding, Stickney, Brocklebank, Wheeler, and other (unnamable) stirpes. By her, Joseph Garrison became the father of nine children, viz., Hannah (1765-1843), In the church records of the parish of Byfield, Newbury, Mass., this entry is found among the baptisms: Hannah. Daut'r of Joseph Garrison of St. John's River in Nova Scotia but his wife a member of ye Chh here with her Child June 15, 1766. The last sentence, if punctuated thus, as it doubtless should be—but his wife, a member of the church, here with her child—is evidence of a visit of Mary Garrison to her old home at the date mentioned., Elizabeth (1767– 1815), Joseph (1769-1819), Da
The twenty-second name on the list of grantees, for five hundred acres, was that of Joseph Garrison; The twenty-ninth name on a list compiled by Hatheway, in 1846 ( History of New Brunswick, p. 8), is Galishan,—— which clearly stands for Joseph Garrison. (Compare this writer's spelling of Marasheet. Melicete, on p.5.) the y Lloyd was born in 1776, and became the belle of the family. She was of a tall, majestic figure, singularly graceful in People's Journal. (Eng.) Sept. 12, 1846, p. 141; Penn. Freeman, Mar. 25, 1847. deportment and carriage; her features were fine, and expressive of a high intellectual character; and her hair so luxuriantinions; and she remained through life a zealous advocate of those peculiar views for which she had suffered so much. As Mr. Garrison, on his visit to England in 1846, must have furnished Mrs. Howitt with these facts in regard to his mother, they are reproduced here as more authentic than any later recollections could have been.
June 13th, 1805 AD (search for this): chapter 1
s and in British ships (Haliburton's Historical and Statistical account of Nova Scotia, 2.384). The act regulating this trade in force in 1805 was that of 28 George III.; and even as Abijah Garrison was writing, Sir John Wentworth, Lieutenant-Governor of Nova Scotia, was about to sign a proclamation (April 5, 1805) indicating certain articles which, under the discretion allowed him, might be imported for the space of three months, still in British bottoms only (Nova Scotia Royal Gazette, June 13, 1805). but from want of Circulating Cash this Country will long lay bound in Extreme difficulties and Perpetual Lawsuits. [The] last winter was attended with distress among a great number of Poor people in this Place. The scarcity of bread and all kind of vegetables was too well known in this Part of Nova Scotia, the Great Drouth Last summer Cut off all the farmers Expectations and People in general Experienc'd the want of hay Equal to that of Bread; the smiling spring has at last return'd
mpobello. Andrew became a so-called branch (i.e., commissioned) pilot, at Quoddy, and died suddenly in the service in the year 1813. His wife, whom he survived, though not long, was reputed the first person buried on Deer Island; and on this unfertile but picturesque and fascinating spot Fanny Lloyd was born in 1776, and became the belle of the family. She was of a tall, majestic figure, singularly graceful in People's Journal. (Eng.) Sept. 12, 1846, p. 141; Penn. Freeman, Mar. 25, 1847. deportment and carriage; her features were fine, and expressive of a high intellectual character; and her hair so luxuriant and rich that, when she unbound it, like that of Godiva of old, it fell around her like a veil. The outward being, however, was but a faint image of the angelic nature within; she was one of those who inspire at once love and reverence; she took high views of life and its duties; and, consequently, when adversity came upon her as an armed man, she was not overcome. Li
ird to half a mile in width. Daniel Palmer was great-grandson of Sergeant John Palmer (who, as a youth of seventeen, is reported to have come to Rowley in 1639) by a second wife, Margaret Northend. On the side of his mother, Mary Stickney, he was great-grandson of William Stickney, the founder of that family in this country, and of Captain Samuel Brocklebank, who was slain, with nearly all his April 21, 1676. command, by the Indians at Sudbury, in King Philip's War. Born at Rowley, in 1712, Daniel Palmer married in 1736 Elizabeth Wheeler, of Chebacco (a part of Ipswich, called Essex since 1819), with whom, eight years later, he was dismissed from the First Church in Rowley to that of Gloucester; but of his stay in the latter place, if, indeed, he removed thither, we have no record. He is yet remembered by close tradition as a powerful man, of great Ms. Lydia Silloway, great-granddaughter of D. Palmer. muscular strength. Before he left for the East the Indians were troubles
e years have been extensively worked. Grand Lake is the lowest part of the broad basin extending from Fredericton to the hills beyond the Jemseg, which at every spring freshet is covered by the swollen waters of the St. John. It is not unlikely that its shores were curiously visited by Joseph Garrison, and that he was the first to notice its very obvious superficial bituminous coal Johnston's Report on Agr. Capabilities of New Brunswick, p. 41. deposits. But the mining there, as late as 1850, was carried on in a small and rude manner, and as late as 1830 only by strippings or open diggings; so that skill could hardly be ascribed to him where so little was required. Joseph Garrison's occupation was that of a farmer, which then, as now, must have been one of comparative ease, because of the exceptional facility for growing hay Johnston's Report on Agr. Capabilities of New Brunswick, p. 8. and raising stock, and not conducive to progressive agriculture. Life was fairly amphi
February 14th, 1822 AD (search for this): chapter 1
lived to be 72; his son Francis to be 76; his son John to be 74; his son Daniel to be 65 at least. William Lloyd Garrison died in his 74th year, far surpassing his father and paternal grandfather. Religiously, the Palmers were affiliated with the Baptists, and Mary Palmer Garrison is said to have been the only person of that denomination on the Jemseg when she came there. (She joined the church in Byfield before the removal, October 10, 1762.) She long survived her husband, dying on February 14, 1822. On the 30th of January, 1787, she was granted eighty acres of land (Lot No. 6, Second Division) on the River St. John, opposite the Jemseg, in Queen's County. Later, her home was on the Jemseg with her son Silas, who cultivated the farm now shown as the Garrison homestead. At the time of her death she had been for many years the widow of Robert Angus. He died in the latter half of the year 1805. She is remembered late in life as a jolly sort of person—portly, with round face an
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