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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Daily Dispatch: February 15, 1861., [Electronic resource]. Search the whole document.

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George Woodson (search for this): article 2
General Assembly of Virginia.[Extra session.] Senate. Thursday, Feb. 14, 1861. Called to order at the usual hour, and opened with prayer by Rev. Mr. Saul., Bill Reported.--By Mr. Thompson, for the relief of Josephine Harper. Petitions.--The following petitions were presented: By Mr. Coghill, petition of Geo. Woodson, and other slaves of A. S. Goodson, asking the enactment of a law authorizing their voluntary enslavement. By Mr. H. W. Thomas, petition of Celia Edmunds, asking certain relief. Mr. Carson presented sundry petitions in favor of the Strasburg connection. Resolutions.--The following resolutions of inquiry were adopted: By Mr. Quesenberry, of amending the charter of the Bank of Commerce, of Fredericksburg; by Mr. Townes, of amending the charter of the Bank of Danville; by Mr. Neal, to authorize Thos. Chancellor to construct a wharf on his land, on the South side of the Little Kanawha River, near its mouth. Change of Hour.--On motion of M
Quesenberry (search for this): article 2
ted.--By Mr. Thompson, for the relief of Josephine Harper. Petitions.--The following petitions were presented: By Mr. Coghill, petition of Geo. Woodson, and other slaves of A. S. Goodson, asking the enactment of a law authorizing their voluntary enslavement. By Mr. H. W. Thomas, petition of Celia Edmunds, asking certain relief. Mr. Carson presented sundry petitions in favor of the Strasburg connection. Resolutions.--The following resolutions of inquiry were adopted: By Mr. Quesenberry, of amending the charter of the Bank of Commerce, of Fredericksburg; by Mr. Townes, of amending the charter of the Bank of Danville; by Mr. Neal, to authorize Thos. Chancellor to construct a wharf on his land, on the South side of the Little Kanawha River, near its mouth. Change of Hour.--On motion of Mr. Johnson, it was Resolved, That when the Senate adjourns to-day, it will adjourn to meet at 11 o'clock to-morrow, and at the same hour on each succeeding day until otherwise
General Assembly of Virginia.[Extra session.] Senate. Thursday, Feb. 14, 1861. Called to order at the usual hour, and opened with prayer by Rev. Mr. Saul., Bill Reported.--By Mr. Thompson, for the relief of Josephine Harper. Petitions.--The following petitions were presented: By Mr. Coghill, petition of Geo. Woodson, and other slaves of A. S. Goodson, asking the enactment of a law authorizing their voluntary enslavement. By Mr. H. W. Thomas, petition of Celia Edmunds, asking certain relief. Mr. Carson presented sundry petitions in favor of the Strasburg connection. Resolutions.--The following resolutions of inquiry were adopted: By Mr. Quesenberry, of amending the charter of the Bank of Commerce, of Fredericksburg; by Mr. Townes, of amending the charter of the Bank of Danville; by Mr. Neal, to authorize Thos. Chancellor to construct a wharf on his land, on the South side of the Little Kanawha River, near its mouth. Change of Hour.--On motion of
of the Bank of Commerce, of Fredericksburg; by Mr. Townes, of amending the charter of the Bank of Danville; by Mr. Neal, to authorize Thos. Chancellor to construct a wharf on his land, on the South side of the Little Kanawha River, near its mouth. Change of Hour.--On motion of Mr. Johnson, it was Resolved, That when the Senate adjourns to-day, it will adjourn to meet at 11 o'clock to-morrow, and at the same hour on each succeeding day until otherwise ordered. On motion of Mr. McKenney, it was Resolved, That the Clerk of the Senate prepare and have ready every Monday morning printed copies of the Calendar of the Senate. Bills Passed.--Senate bill transferring a part of the Price's Mountain and Cumberland Gap Road to the Mountain Lake and Salt Sulphur Springs Turnpike Company; Senate bill appropriating a sum necessary for the preparation and publication of the second edition of the Code of Virginia; House bill amending the second section of the act entitled an
Celia Edmunds (search for this): article 2
General Assembly of Virginia.[Extra session.] Senate. Thursday, Feb. 14, 1861. Called to order at the usual hour, and opened with prayer by Rev. Mr. Saul., Bill Reported.--By Mr. Thompson, for the relief of Josephine Harper. Petitions.--The following petitions were presented: By Mr. Coghill, petition of Geo. Woodson, and other slaves of A. S. Goodson, asking the enactment of a law authorizing their voluntary enslavement. By Mr. H. W. Thomas, petition of Celia Edmunds, asking certain relief. Mr. Carson presented sundry petitions in favor of the Strasburg connection. Resolutions.--The following resolutions of inquiry were adopted: By Mr. Quesenberry, of amending the charter of the Bank of Commerce, of Fredericksburg; by Mr. Townes, of amending the charter of the Bank of Danville; by Mr. Neal, to authorize Thos. Chancellor to construct a wharf on his land, on the South side of the Little Kanawha River, near its mouth. Change of Hour.--On motion of
Josephine Harper (search for this): article 2
General Assembly of Virginia.[Extra session.] Senate. Thursday, Feb. 14, 1861. Called to order at the usual hour, and opened with prayer by Rev. Mr. Saul., Bill Reported.--By Mr. Thompson, for the relief of Josephine Harper. Petitions.--The following petitions were presented: By Mr. Coghill, petition of Geo. Woodson, and other slaves of A. S. Goodson, asking the enactment of a law authorizing their voluntary enslavement. By Mr. H. W. Thomas, petition of Celia Edmunds, asking certain relief. Mr. Carson presented sundry petitions in favor of the Strasburg connection. Resolutions.--The following resolutions of inquiry were adopted: By Mr. Quesenberry, of amending the charter of the Bank of Commerce, of Fredericksburg; by Mr. Townes, of amending the charter of the Bank of Danville; by Mr. Neal, to authorize Thos. Chancellor to construct a wharf on his land, on the South side of the Little Kanawha River, near its mouth. Change of Hour.--On motion of M
A. S. Goodson (search for this): article 2
General Assembly of Virginia.[Extra session.] Senate. Thursday, Feb. 14, 1861. Called to order at the usual hour, and opened with prayer by Rev. Mr. Saul., Bill Reported.--By Mr. Thompson, for the relief of Josephine Harper. Petitions.--The following petitions were presented: By Mr. Coghill, petition of Geo. Woodson, and other slaves of A. S. Goodson, asking the enactment of a law authorizing their voluntary enslavement. By Mr. H. W. Thomas, petition of Celia Edmunds, asking certain relief. Mr. Carson presented sundry petitions in favor of the Strasburg connection. Resolutions.--The following resolutions of inquiry were adopted: By Mr. Quesenberry, of amending the charter of the Bank of Commerce, of Fredericksburg; by Mr. Townes, of amending the charter of the Bank of Danville; by Mr. Neal, to authorize Thos. Chancellor to construct a wharf on his land, on the South side of the Little Kanawha River, near its mouth. Change of Hour.--On motion of
N. A. Thompson (search for this): article 2
General Assembly of Virginia.[Extra session.] Senate. Thursday, Feb. 14, 1861. Called to order at the usual hour, and opened with prayer by Rev. Mr. Saul., Bill Reported.--By Mr. Thompson, for the relief of Josephine Harper. Petitions.--The following petitions were presented: By Mr. Coghill, petition of Geo. Woodson, and other slaves of A. S. Goodson, asking the enactment of a law authorizing their voluntary enslavement. By Mr. H. W. Thomas, petition of Celia Edmunds, asking certain relief. Mr. Carson presented sundry petitions in favor of the Strasburg connection. Resolutions.--The following resolutions of inquiry were adopted: By Mr. Quesenberry, of amending the charter of the Bank of Commerce, of Fredericksburg; by Mr. Townes, of amending the charter of the Bank of Danville; by Mr. Neal, to authorize Thos. Chancellor to construct a wharf on his land, on the South side of the Little Kanawha River, near its mouth. Change of Hour.--On motion of M
rg; by Mr. Townes, of amending the charter of the Bank of Danville; by Mr. Neal, to authorize Thos. Chancellor to construct a wharf on his land, on the South side of the Little Kanawha River, near its mouth. Change of Hour.--On motion of Mr. Johnson, it was Resolved, That when the Senate adjourns to-day, it will adjourn to meet at 11 o'clock to-morrow, and at the same hour on each succeeding day until otherwise ordered. On motion of Mr. McKenney, it was Resolved, That the Cf Bethany, passed 5th, 1853; Senate bill to incorporate the St. Paul's Church Home; amending the act incorporating the Farmville and Buckingham Plank-Road Company; House bill amending the charter of the town of Bath, in the county of Morgan. Order of the Day.--On motion of Mr. Isbell the rules were suspended, and the bill for the relief of the Banks of the Commonwealth taken up and made the order of the day for tomorrow at 11 o'clock. On motion of Mr. Johnson, the Senate adjourned.
d, That the Clerk of the Senate prepare and have ready every Monday morning printed copies of the Calendar of the Senate. Bills Passed.--Senate bill transferring a part of the Price's Mountain and Cumberland Gap Road to the Mountain Lake and Salt Sulphur Springs Turnpike Company; Senate bill appropriating a sum necessary for the preparation and publication of the second edition of the Code of Virginia; House bill amending the second section of the act entitled an act incorporating the town of Bethany, passed 5th, 1853; Senate bill to incorporate the St. Paul's Church Home; amending the act incorporating the Farmville and Buckingham Plank-Road Company; House bill amending the charter of the town of Bath, in the county of Morgan. Order of the Day.--On motion of Mr. Isbell the rules were suspended, and the bill for the relief of the Banks of the Commonwealth taken up and made the order of the day for tomorrow at 11 o'clock. On motion of Mr. Johnson, the Senate adjourned.
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