Found 968 total hits in 735 results.
, W R Woodson.
Missing: E M Miles.
Company E.--Killed: W. C. Woud, Wounded: W J Garnett, P. O Garrold, M Wood, J Sandridge, J H Pritchett, B J. Edwards.
Company G.--Killed: W W Loving, W B Coffee, R. M. Fitzpatrick, Aleck Johnson.
Wounded: Corp'l B Hamilton, Privates A K Kidd, A B Kidd, L D Kidd, Geo May, J W May, W. H Parrish, J M. Plunket, N. B Ponton, A A Purvis, S J. Saundors.
Missing: J A Lowry.
Company F.--Wounded: Privates D Strange, J Warren.
Missing: C Barnett, J Lankford, F Bohlinger,--Madison, Chas Walton.
Company I.--Killed: C J Higginbatham.
Wounded: Serg't T. H. Campbell, Privates D G Campbell Jos Campbell, E W Smith, W L Simpson, L O Jennings, D F M Burford, W A Pendleton, A S Quinn.
Missing: A M Franklin, L P Hawkins, T P Gill, W H Lavender.
Company H.--Killed: Herod Scott.
Wounded: Serg't T. McGinnis, Corp'l P Roberts, Privates G. G. Hite, Jno Watts, P G Cox, B Cox, B T, Joiner, J Landrum, H. Stinnett, John Davidson, C W Brown, B Sottle,
T Machel, J W C Mitchel, Robin Keaton, Wm McMury, T M Morrison, R. C Kay, Corp Wiliam Williamson, J H Hanks, Jesse Devenport.Wounded: Capt G W Cox, Lt W C Norris, W A Bigby, W A Bagwell, G W. Bagwell, J B Alexander, L R Williams, J M Duninp, W F Cox, W M Folks, D L Telimd, Perry Geins, L P Man.
Company I.--Privates, Asron Mitchel, Jas C Young, J A Hofoway, C C Baras, R L Carler M Gentree, E T. Chambler.
Wounded: Corp. C D Rowland, Corp W S Harris, Corp D F son; Privates R S Kay, J m Watson, L W White, J O Hammett, L G Williams, J W Wowler, J M Fowler, G W Vandiver, J L Vandiver, L P Woodruff, W T Simmens, A Y Shearly, Albert Johnson, D C Stott, J M Geer, Israel Nelson, R F Srown, W I. Shearer, C C Bolt.
List of casualties in the Third Alabama regiment, July 16th, 1862.
Sergt.-Major C Whitman, wounded.
Company A, (Mobile Cadets.)--Killed: P L Lockwood, F J. Stewart, W M Caultield; W J Ledyard; jr. Wounded: lieut. W H Averill, Lieut B F. Yuisestra Lieut J M Redwood
Grace, N. Messenger, and Benjamin C. Collier.
Company F. Capt. Fitzgerald.--Killed: Privates John Walters and Robt Neal.
Company G, Capt. Dudicy.--Wounded: Serg't C. M. Stewart, Corp. N. B. Stewart, mortally, since dead: Private C M Stewart A. E. Williams, S. D. Williams, John Ransek, G, and F. Mitchell.
Company I. Captain Gibson.--Killed: A. W. Waggoner.
Wounded: Lt. Martin, Privates J Corgan; W. R. Ratliff, E. P. Jones, Lynch, John Warmack, and — Ellis.
Company K. Capt. Renfrow.--Killed: Private J Shellon.
Wounded: Lt. Foster, badly; privates R. Bottoms, J. Dausby, J. Noland, A. Miller, C. K. Martin and M. Tucker.
Company L. Capt. Green.--Killed: Private D. McHue.
Wounded: Thos. Fostray.
R. G. Sims. 1st Lieut. and Adj't 21st Miss. Reg't.
List of the wounded in the Lynchburg Beauregard Artillery.
W. S Roid, G. A Boyd.--Johns, J. Stratton, A Stratton — Mayo, J D Stephens, --Green,--Folkes.
List of Killed and wounded in the 1st regiment o
h Virginia regiment, Elicy's brigade; June 27th.
Company A--Killed: Capt Cook, Corp Thomas Slaughter, Martin Burruss, Jos Burruss, Robt Burruss, Wm B Peake, Robert Powell, Ed Staples, Wounded: Sergt T Brockman, Reuben Newman, Herbert Newman, F D Hume, A Hensworth, Henry Diggs, W. T. Diggs, Jos. Brockman, S Cave, W. H. Richetis, J O Neal, A Walters.
Company B.--Killed: J P Haynes, J W Franklin.
Wounded: Capt. C. T. Crittenden, Lt. J A Grinnell, Sergt B B Ashley, Sergt. W A Judd, Roane Alicock, --Beckham, G Kilby, Jno F Freeman, Martin Smith, J R Tapp, Thos. Kilby, Stephen Green J. J. Jones.
Company C.--Wounded: Capt Goodman. Lieut Grubbs (since dead.) Sergt. Maj. Wm Mansfield, C H Catter Jno Bible, O P Madbry, D Hay, Geo Maginder, R Moore.
Company D.--Killed Sgt R N Trico Jos Brown J. W Campball.
Wounded. Lt S H Parsons Color Sergt Fendall Chiles, He Dine, Price Perains, Jas M Trico (alike dead,) P E. Jones, D A. Trico, Jos Sarpeni.
Company E.--Wounded: W. R.
ivates Cohn, Dreyfox.
Company G, (Sharpshooters.)--Willed: None — Wounded: N M Cowling, J Stubbs, P Giduce, A Sodler.
Company H. Cownder Beanregards.--Killed: Sgt. Reese, Sgt. Shelby; Brivittes Myley.
Wounded. Corpl Dunklin; Privates J Stanley.
S Farris, Sharp, Sharp, Stone, W Stanley, W H Turner.
Missing privates Pierce, W H Alexander, W Alexander, B H Dudley, Lerer, Broadiway, Scofield.
Co. I, (Wetumpka Light Guards.)--Killed: Color Sgt W M Due, Privates W E Lindsey.
H C Tommy.
Wounded: Lt L H Hill; Privates J E Carter, C K McMorris, B J Goss, W A Bensoo, L A Calla.
Way, J R King, G A Jones, W Jefter, W M Teague, J. Skinner.
D Price, G A Ready, Sgt J A Davis.--Missing: Privates Ben Bross, J O Banksion, J A Dison, Wm Loyd, John Lynch, Chas Law, J N Norwood, H J Norris.
N A Rawis, J J Stoker.
Co. K, (Mobile Rifles.)--Killed: Corp'l Wm. Lieut. Wounded: Sgt. Traylor, Corp'l McGuire, Privates Buford, Jones. Keeler, Closeby ), Moseby 69, Innerarity, Clark, You
Comd'ing 16th Miss. Regiment
List of Killed and wounded in 21st Mississippi regiment on the 30th.
Company A. Capt. Atwood.--Wounded: F. Home and A. B. Redding.
Company C. Capt. Brooks.--Wounded: Private V. Smith.
Company D. Capt. Sims--Killed: Serg't W. C. Smith, privates E. B. Binnie and H. Mackell, Wounded: Privates Jas. Downs, C Humphreys, J. Schuber, Sullivan, and Hemlet.
Company E. Capt. Stawps.--Killed: Privates Thos. Kirkland and J. Cline.
Wounded: Lt. C. H. Coxy K. Capt. Renfrow.--Killed: Private J Shellon.
Wounded: Lt. Foster, badly; privates R. Bottoms, J. Dausby, J. Noland, A. Miller, C. K. Martin and M. Tucker.
Company L. Capt. Green.--Killed: Private D. McHue.
Wounded: Thos. Fostray.
R. G. Sims. 1st Lieut. and Adj't 21st Miss. Reg't.
List of the wounded in the Lynchburg Beauregard Artillery.
W. S Roid, G. A Boyd.--Johns, J. Stratton, A Stratton — Mayo, J D Stephens, --Green,--Folkes.
List of Killed and wounded in the 1st
P McCom.
Company C.--Killed: Sergt. John Rogers, Privates Ira Barker, E D Slaton.
M L Johson, Miles M. Calcavay, Joseph B. Pawell, C I A. Whitten.
Wounded: Capt. J J Roten, Private Nimfod Sullivan, F Hall, Jeme M Hall, John Thomal, Wm. Rogde, Isaac Hobba, Ferril Spied, Sergt. Jame Robine, A Colly, J W. Camernn, Ira Nichicken, W. N. Ransons, E Vonholdein, H Huskamp.
Company D.--Killed: Sergt. W. R. Butrougn, Privates T. C Hurs, T D Braddy, Died Young, Wounded: Capt. F. E. B Sergt. J. R. Sadier; Privates G O. anderson, John a Bates, L C Braddy, A d. Camphell, H B Grant El Hall, J R Haynie, M T Lawis, B S Mitchel, J, W. McLees, J. D. McConnell W P Robbinson G W Richardson, W. L. Sunpson, J F. Strickland, Jesse B Weelbright, S J Webb, Warsen Wedkins, S. K. Ygargon, J H Goodram, A C Beatte, P J Osborn.
Company E.--Killed: Lieut. L R McFall, Sergt Miles Knoz, David A Ross, John W Mergan, Warren D Mergan, Wm. R William, James R Deatnam, Andrew S HunMcuti, Warren R Bunnon,
Company E. (Washington Light Infantry.)--Killed: J S Foley, Leo Goldsmith, g F Bowers.
Wounded. Sergt J C Turner, Corpl M Boullemef, A W Foster, J Y Gilmore J. C Lesy, T J McLangidin, Capt J W Chester, Sergt Stephenson, Corpl J M Coleman,--Bridges, Jno Burton, W Hamaling.
T A McDonald, W Shearer, Geo Taggerl, C F Westfell, Missing: T W Cocks.
W G Cocke, E McVoy.
Company F, (Metropolitan Guards.)--Killed, Chas Powell.
Wounded: Sgt H Myer, privates Cahon Toomer, Bergen, Arrington, Bonham, Durden, Hausman, Henley, Lorre, Keating, McDaniel, Pringle.
Missing: Privates Cohn, Dreyfox.
Company G, (Sharpshooters.)--Willed: None — Wounded: N M Cowling, J Stubbs, P Giduce, A Sodler.
Company H. Cownder Beanregards.--Killed: Sgt. Reese, Sgt. Shelby; Brivittes Myley.
Wounded. Corpl Dunklin; Privates J Stanley.
S Farris, Sharp, Sharp, Stone, W Stanley, W H Turner.
Missing privates Pierce, W H Alexander, W Alexander, B H Dudley, Lerer, Broadiway, Scofield.