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John Q. Wilds (search for this): chapter 26
tain Charles R. Anderson. One Hundred and Fifty-sixth New York (1), Lieutenant-Colonel Alfred Neafie. One Hundred and Fifty-sixth New York (2), Captain James J. Hoyt. One Hundred and Seventy-fifth New York (three companies), Captain Charles McCarthey. One Hundred and Seventy-sixth New York, Major Charles Lewis. Fourth brigade: Colonel David Shunk. Eighth Indiana, Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander J. Kenny. Eighteenth Indiana, Lieutenant-Colonel William S. Charles. Twenty-fourth Iowa, Lieutenant-Colonel John Q. Wilds. Twenty-eighth Iowa, Lieutenant-Colonel Bartholomew W. Wilson. artillery: Maine Light Artillery, First Battery (A), Captain Albert W. Bradbury. reserve artillery: Captain Elijah D. Taft. Indiana Light Artillery, Seventeenth Battery, Captain Milton L. Miner. First Rhode Island Light Artillery, Battery D, Lieutenant Frederick Chase. Army of West Virginia. Brigadier-General George Crook. first division: Colonel Joseph Thoburn. first brigade: Colonel George D. Wells. Thi
Gordon in the woods south of Red Bud Run, and bring Rodes into the interval between Gordon and Ramseur. When the two corps had all got through the cafion they were formed with Getty's division of the Sixth to the left of the Berryville pike, Rickett's division to the right of the pike, and Russell's division in reserve in rear of the other two. Grover's division of the Nineteenth Corps came next on the right of Rickett's, with Dwight to its rear in reserve, while Crook was to begin massingRickett's, with Dwight to its rear in reserve, while Crook was to begin massing near the Opequon crossing about the time Wright and Emory were ready to attack. Just before noon the line of Getty, Ricketts, and Grover moved forward, and as we advanced, the Confederates, covered by some heavy woods on their right, slight underbrush and corn-fields along their centre, and a large body of timber on their left along the Red Bud, opened fire from their whole front. We gained considerable ground at first, especially on our left but the desperate resistance which the right m
New Jersey, Major Lambert Boeman. Fifteenth New Jersey, Captain William T. Cornish. Second brigade: (1) Brigadier-General Emory Upton. (2) Colonel Joseph E. Hamblin. Second Connecticut Heavy Artillery, Colonel Ranald S. Mackenzie. Sixty-fifth New York (1), Colonel Joseph E. Hamblin. Sixty-fifth New York (2), Captain Henry C. Fisk. One Hundred and Twenty-first New York, Captain John D. P. Douw. Ninety-fifth and Ninety-Sixth Pennsylvania, Guarding trains, and not engaged in the battle. Captain Francis J Randall. Third brigade: (1) Colonel Oliver Edwards. (2) Colonel Isaac C. Bassett. Thirty-seventh Massachusetts, Lieutenant-Colonel George L. Montague. Forty-ninth Pennsylvania, Lieutenant-Colonel Baynton J. Hickman. Eighty-second Pennsylvania, Colonel Isaac C. Bassett. One Hundred and Nineteenth Pennsylvania, Lieutenant-Colonel Gideon Clark. Second Rhode Island (battalion), Captain Elisha H. Rhodes. Fifth Wisconsin (battalion), Major Charles W. Kempf. Second division: Brigadier-
Lorenzo D. Sargent (search for this): chapter 26
olonel Alpha B. Farr. Fourteenth New Hampshire (1), Colonel Alexander Gardiner. Fourteenth New Hampshire (2), Captain Flavel L. Tolman. Seventy-fifth New York (1), Lieutenant-Colonel Willoughby Babcock. Seventy-fifth New York (2), Major Benjamin F. Thurber. Second brigade: Colonel Edward L. Molineux. Thirteenth Connecticut, Colonel Charles D. Blinn. Eleventh Indiana, Colonel Daniel Macauley. Twenty-second Iowa, Colonel Harvey Graham. Third Massachusetts Cavally (dismounted), Lieutenant-Colonel Lorenzo D. Sargent. One Hundred and Thirty-first New York, Colonel Nicholas W. Day. One Hundred and Fifty-ninth New York, Lieutenant-Colonel William Waltermire. Third brigade: (1) Colonel Jacob Sharpe. (2) Lieutenant-Colonel Alfred Neafie. Thirty-eighth Massachusetts, Major Charles F. Allen. One Hundred and Twenty-eighth New York, Captain Charles R. Anderson. One Hundred and Fifty-sixth New York (1), Lieutenant-Colonel Alfred Neafie. One Hundred and Fifty-sixth New York (2), Captain James J. H
Ranald S. Mackenzie (search for this): chapter 26
st Michigan Cavalry, Company G, Lieutenant William H. Wheeler. first division: (1) Brigadier-General David A. Russell. (2) Brigadier-General Emory Upton. (3) Colonel Oliver Edwards. first brigade: Lieutenant-Colonel Edward L. Campbell. Fourth New Jersey, Captain Baldwin Hufty. Tenth New Jersey, Major Lambert Boeman. Fifteenth New Jersey, Captain William T. Cornish. Second brigade: (1) Brigadier-General Emory Upton. (2) Colonel Joseph E. Hamblin. Second Connecticut Heavy Artillery, Colonel Ranald S. Mackenzie. Sixty-fifth New York (1), Colonel Joseph E. Hamblin. Sixty-fifth New York (2), Captain Henry C. Fisk. One Hundred and Twenty-first New York, Captain John D. P. Douw. Ninety-fifth and Ninety-Sixth Pennsylvania, Guarding trains, and not engaged in the battle. Captain Francis J Randall. Third brigade: (1) Colonel Oliver Edwards. (2) Colonel Isaac C. Bassett. Thirty-seventh Massachusetts, Lieutenant-Colonel George L. Montague. Forty-ninth Pennsylvania, Lieutenant-Colonel
Charles W. Kempf (search for this): chapter 26
ins, and not engaged in the battle. Captain Francis J Randall. Third brigade: (1) Colonel Oliver Edwards. (2) Colonel Isaac C. Bassett. Thirty-seventh Massachusetts, Lieutenant-Colonel George L. Montague. Forty-ninth Pennsylvania, Lieutenant-Colonel Baynton J. Hickman. Eighty-second Pennsylvania, Colonel Isaac C. Bassett. One Hundred and Nineteenth Pennsylvania, Lieutenant-Colonel Gideon Clark. Second Rhode Island (battalion), Captain Elisha H. Rhodes. Fifth Wisconsin (battalion), Major Charles W. Kempf. Second division: Brigadier-General George W. Getty. first brigade: Brigadier-General Frank Wheaton. Sixty-second New York, Lieutenant-Colonel Theo. B. Hamilton. Ninety-third Pennsylvania, Lieutenant-Colonel John S. Long. Ninety-eighth Pennsylvania, Lieutenant-Colonel John B. Kohler. One Hundred and Second Pennsylvania, Major James H. Coleman. One Hundred and Thirty-ninth Pennsylvania, Major Robert Mullroe. Second brigade: Colonel James M. Warner. Lieutenant-Colonel Amasa S.
Lemuel Z. Cadot (search for this): chapter 26
M. Comly. Thirty-sixth Ohio (1), Colonel Hiram F. Duval. Thirty-sixth Ohio (2), Lieutenant-Colonel William H. G. Adney. Fifth West Virginia (battalion), Lieutenant-Colonel William H. Enochs. Thirteenth West Virginia, Colonel William R. Brown. Second brigade: (1) Colonel Daniel D. Johnson. (2) Lieutenant-Colonel Benjamin F. Coates. Thirty-fourth Ohio (battalion), Lieutenant-Colonel Luther Furney. Ninety-first Ohio (1), Lieutenant-Colonel Benjamin F. Coates. Ninety-first Ohio (2), Major Lemuel Z. Cadot. Ninth West Virginia, Major Benjamin M. Skinner. Fourteenth West Virginia, Lieutenant-Colonel George W. Taggart. artillery brigade: Captain Henry A. Du Pont. First Ohio Light Artillery, Battery L, Captain Frank C. Gibbs. First Pennsylvania Light Artillery, Battery D, Lieutenant William Munk. Fifth United States, Battery B, Captain Henry A. Du Pont. cavalry: Brigadier-General Alfred T. A. Torbert. escort: First Rhode Island, Major William H. Turner, Jr. first division: Bri
Frank C. Gibbs (search for this): chapter 26
nel William R. Brown. Second brigade: (1) Colonel Daniel D. Johnson. (2) Lieutenant-Colonel Benjamin F. Coates. Thirty-fourth Ohio (battalion), Lieutenant-Colonel Luther Furney. Ninety-first Ohio (1), Lieutenant-Colonel Benjamin F. Coates. Ninety-first Ohio (2), Major Lemuel Z. Cadot. Ninth West Virginia, Major Benjamin M. Skinner. Fourteenth West Virginia, Lieutenant-Colonel George W. Taggart. artillery brigade: Captain Henry A. Du Pont. First Ohio Light Artillery, Battery L, Captain Frank C. Gibbs. First Pennsylvania Light Artillery, Battery D, Lieutenant William Munk. Fifth United States, Battery B, Captain Henry A. Du Pont. cavalry: Brigadier-General Alfred T. A. Torbert. escort: First Rhode Island, Major William H. Turner, Jr. first division: Brigadier-General Wesley Merritt. first brigade: Brigadier-General George A. Custer. First Michigan, Colonel Peter Stagg. Fifth Michigan, Major Smith H. Hastings. Sixth Michigan, Colonel James H. Kidd. Seventh Michigan, Maj
George L. Beal (search for this): chapter 26
ey. New York Light Artillery, First Battery (1), Lieutenant William H. Johnson. New York Light Artillery, First Battery (2), Lieutenant Orsamus R. Van Etten. First Rhode Island Light Artillery, Battery C, Lieutenant Jacob H. Lamb. First Rhode Island Light Artillery, Battery G, Captain George W. Adams. Fifth United States, Battery M, Captain James McKnight. Nineteenth Army Corps: Brigadier-General William H. Emory. first division: Brigadier-General William Dwight. first brigade: Colonel George L. Beal. Twenty-ninth Maine (1), Major William Knowlton. Twenty-ninth Maine (2), Captain Alfied L. Turner. Thirtieth Massachusetts, Captain Samuel D. Shipley. One Hundred and Fourteenth New York (1) Colonel Samuel R. Per Lee. One Hundred and Fourteenth New York (2) Major Oscar H. Curtis. One Hundred and Sixteenth New York, Colonel George M. Love. One Hundred and Fifty-third New York, Colonel Edwin P. Davis. Second brigade Brigadier-General James W. McMillan. Twelfth Connecticut (1), Lie
William H. McCartney (search for this): chapter 26
ixth Ohio (1), Lieutenant-Colonel Aaron W. Ebright. One Hundred and Twenty-sixth Ohio (2), Captain George W. Hoge. Sixty-seventh Pennsylvania, Lieutenant John F. Young. One Hundred and Thirty-eighth Pennsylvania (1), Colonel Matthew R. McClennan. One Hundred and Thirty-eighth Pennsylvania (2), Major Lewis A. May. artillery brigade: Colonel Charles H. Tompkins. Maine Light Artillery, Fifth Battery (E), Captain Greenleaf T. Stevens. Massachusetts Light Artillery, First Battery (A), Captain Wm. H. McCartney. New York Light Artillery, First Battery (1), Lieutenant William H. Johnson. New York Light Artillery, First Battery (2), Lieutenant Orsamus R. Van Etten. First Rhode Island Light Artillery, Battery C, Lieutenant Jacob H. Lamb. First Rhode Island Light Artillery, Battery G, Captain George W. Adams. Fifth United States, Battery M, Captain James McKnight. Nineteenth Army Corps: Brigadier-General William H. Emory. first division: Brigadier-General William Dwight. first brigade: C
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