Jos Campbell, E W Smith, W L Simpson, L O Jennings, D F M Burford, W A Pendleton, A S Quinn.
Missing: A M Franklin, L P Hawkins, T P Gill, W H Lavender.
Company H.--Killed: Herod Scott.
Wounded: Serg't T. McGinnis, Corp'l P Roberts, Privates G. G. Hite, Jno Watts, P G Cox, B Cox, B T, Joiner, J Landrum, H. Stinnett, John Davidson, C W Brown, B Sottle, E Cutter.
D Jennings, Lieut Richardson.
Company K.--Wounded: Captain J. G. Woodson, Lieut A J Robertson, Serg't J. H. Rea, Private M. L. Abel.
A list of Killed and wounded of Company I, 1st North Carolina regiment, Capt. Foote.
Killed: Orderly Sergt J. W. Hartsfield, Privates Oscar L Mitchell, Isham W Mitchell, John Smith.
Wounded: Elijah Belvin, mortally; Sergt M F Searborough, severely; Atlas H Jones, seriously; James W Powell, James H. Grady, W. H. Pace, Jas Belvin, John Pully, Baldy Pierce, Calvin Pierce, Wesley Young, Wesley Jones, Joseph Rowland, Wm Buffalow, Wm A Jones, Andison Williams, Perry Loyd, Wm T Mas
16th Miss. Regiment
List of Killed and wounded in 21st Mississippi regiment on the 30th.
Company A. Capt. Atwood.--Wounded: F. Home and A. B. Redding.
Company C. Capt. Brooks.--Wounded: Private V. Smith.
Company D. Capt. Sims--Killed: Serg't W. C. Smith, privates E. B. Binnie and H. Mackell, Wounded: Privates Jas. Downs, C Humphreys, J. Schuber, Sullivan, and Hemlet.
Company E. Capt. Stawps.--Killed: Privates Thos. Kirkland and J. Cline.
Wounded: Lt. C. H. Cox, Privates H. Grace, N. Messenger, and Benjamin C. Collier.
Company F. Capt. Fitzgerald.--Killed: Privates John Walters and Robt Neal.
Company G, Capt. Dudicy.--Wounded: Serg't C. M. Stewart, Corp. N. B. Stewart, mortally, since dead: Private C M Stewart A. E. Williams, S. D. Williams, John Ransek, G, and F. Mitchell.
Company I. Captain Gibson.--Killed: A. W. Waggoner.
Wounded: Lt. Martin, Privates J Corgan; W. R. Ratliff, E. P. Jones, Lynch, John Warmack, and — Ellis.
Company K. Capt
rg't H. B Brown, J A Boon, G C Poplin, A Grose, J. M Atwood, G D Halcomb; W M Carter, A S Hair, W Cook, J E Hutchins, A R Reese, R D Russell, D T Talley, W H Felts, L J Wells, W R Hains, John H Grose, C F Armstrong.
Company C, Capt Wilson, commanding.--Killed: Privates L Gurley, O M Warwick, J S Britt. --Wounded: Serg'ts J W Walker, G L. Doughtry, Corpl's W T Sutton.
W A Andrews, Privates R. R Jackson, R Cobb, W MeLamb, J. B. Cotton, R B. Stith, W. Brewer, S. W Sutton, J S Sanderson, M. Vaughn, W B Harlington, W. H. Pope, J. H Warwick.
Company D. Capt Ashfort, commanding.--Killed: Lieut Jos W Darden.
Wounded: Serg't O B Morrissey, Privates Jos Persithe, Robt Shipp, M. Lockkanny, W E Brewer, W H Stevens.
Company E, Capt McRae, commanding.--Killed: Lieut M T. Covington, Privates Jas.
T Bostick, M. V. B Covington.
Wounded: Serg't A G Dawkins, privates H. H McCaskill, E Kelly, J Benoist, N. T Baldwin, K. M. Covington, C Crouch, M Chappell, W C Mitchell.
Company F,
, H. Baker, S W Farrar; privates W A Ball, W H Duncan, W T England, A M Fortune, W A Moss, J Scanlan, J Strange, W R Woodson.
Missing: E M Miles.
Company E.--Killed: W. C. Woud, Wounded: W J Garnett, P. O Garrold, M Wood, J Sandridge, J H Pritchett, B J. Edwards.
Company G.--Killed: W W Loving, W B Coffee, R. M. Fitzpatrick, Aleck Johnson.
Wounded: Corp'l B Hamilton, Privates A K Kidd, A B Kidd, L D Kidd, Geo May, J W May, W. H Parrish, J M. Plunket, N. B Ponton, A A Purvis, S J. Saundors.
Missing: J A Lowry.
Company F.--Wounded: Privates D Strange, J Warren.
Missing: C Barnett, J Lankford, F Bohlinger,--Madison, Chas Walton.
Company I.--Killed: C J Higginbatham.
Wounded: Serg't T. H. Campbell, Privates D G Campbell Jos Campbell, E W Smith, W L Simpson, L O Jennings, D F M Burford, W A Pendleton, A S Quinn.
Missing: A M Franklin, L P Hawkins, T P Gill, W H Lavender.
Company H.--Killed: Herod Scott.
Wounded: Serg't T. McGinnis, Corp'l P Roberts, Privates
Missing: A M Franklin, L P Hawkins, T P Gill, W H Lavender.
Company H.--Killed: Herod Scott.
Wounded: Serg't T. McGinnis, Corp'l P Roberts, Privates G. G. Hite, Jno Watts, P G Cox, B Cox, B T, Joiner, J Landrum, H. Stinnett, John Davidson, C W Brown, B Sottle, E Cutter.
D Jennings, Lieut Richardson.
Company K.--Wounded: Captain J. G. Woodson, Lieut A J Robertson, Serg't J. H. Rea, Private M. L. Abel.
A list of Killed and wounded of Company I, 1st North Carolina regiment, Capt. Foote.
Killed: Orderly Sergt J. W. Hartsfield, Privates Oscar L Mitchell, Isham W Mitchell, John Smith.
Wounded: Elijah Belvin, mortally; Sergt M F Searborough, severely; Atlas H Jones, seriously; James W Powell, James H. Grady, W. H. Pace, Jas Belvin, John Pully, Baldy Pierce, Calvin Pierce, Wesley Young, Wesley Jones, Joseph Rowland, Wm Buffalow, Wm A Jones, Andison Williams, Perry Loyd, Wm T Massingale, Jackson Ellis, Augustus Hicks, H. C Hodge, Henry Perry, Lewis Browning, Green Sander