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ho is dubbed "the hero of Carihage and Pea Ridge." "The Washingtons," by J. N. Simpkinson, an English clergyman — an attempt to trace the ancestry of the "Pater Patriæ" in England.--[According to the author, Washington had a right to the title of baronet, which his emigrating ancestry received from James the First; but abandoned upon going to America.] Besides Anthony Trellope's book, the American Continent is the subject of "Ten Years in the United States," by D. W. Mitchell, and "Down South," by Samuel Phillips Day, correspondent of the London Herald, who is intensely Southern in his sympathies. There are two works on the Mormons, "A Journey to the Salt Lake City," by Jules Remy, a Frenchman, in two volumes, and "The City of the Saints," by R. F. Burton. The Harpers, of New York, are publishing in numbers a "History of the Great Rebellion. " "The Life and Writings of General Nathaniel Lyon," who was killed at Carthage, is the title of a book from the New York press