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commanding at Franklin, and General Rosecrans. The two men were in reality, first, Colonel Lawrence A. Williams, formerly Second United States cavalry; (according to the Army Register, he was First Lieutenant of the Tenth infantry, and was appointed by President Lincoln Major of the Sixth United States cavalry on September seventh, 1861. He must have deserted the United States service since September, 1862, as his name appears in the Register of that date. At one time he was on General Winfield Scott's staff, latterly on Bragg's staff;) and, secondly, a Lieutenant Dunlap, whose position in the rebel Army I do not know. They represented themselves, on arriving at Colonel Baird's headquarters, as Colonel Auton, United States army, and his assistant, Major Dunlap. They were dressed in our uniform, and had horses with the equipments complete of a colonel and major. They represented their duty to be the inspection of the outposts of this army, and said they had come from Murfreesbo
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The Peninsular campaign. (search)
nd all the vast impedimenta and material indispensable for an army in the field, were to be manufactured. So great was the difficulty of procuring small-arms that the armament of the infantry was not satisfactorily completed until the winter, and a large part of the field-batteries were not ready for service until the spring of 1862. As soon as possible divisions were organized, the formation being essentially completed in November. On the 1st of November, upon the retirement of General Winfield Scott, I succeeded to the command of all the armies, except the Department of Virginia, which comprised the country within sixty miles of Fort Monroe. Upon assuming the general command, I found that the West was far behind the East in its state of preparation, and much of my time and large quantities of material were consumed in pushing the organization of the Western armies. Meanwhile the various coast expeditions were employed in seizing important points of the enemy's sea-board, to fa
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The opposing forces at the beginning of Grant's campaign against Richmond. (search)
cLean. Second Brigade, Col. Thomas A. Smyth: 28th Mass., Lieut.-Col. Geo. W. Cartwright; 63d N. Y., Maj. Thomas Touhy; 69th N. Y., Capt. Richard Moroney; 88th N. Y., Capt. Denis F. Burke; 116th Pa., Lieut.-Col. Richard C. Dale. Third Brigade, Col. Paul Frank: 39th N. Y., Col. Augustus Funk; 52d N. Y. (detachment 7th N. Y. attached), Maj. Henry M. Karples; 57th N. Y., Lieut.-Col. Alford B. Chapman; 111th N. Y., Capt. Aaron P. Seeley; 125th N. Y., Lieut.-Col. Aaron B. Myer; 126th N. Y., Capt. Winfield Scott. Fourth Brigade, Col. John R. Brooke: 2d Del., Col. William P. Baily; 64th N. Y., Maj. Leman W. Bradley; 66th N. Y., Lieut.-Col. John S. Hammell; 53d Pa., Lieut.-Col. Richards McMichael; 145th Pa., Col. Hiram l. Brown; 148th Pa., Col. James A. Beaver. Second division, Brig.-Gen. John Gibbon. Provost Guard: 2d Co. Minn. Sharp-shooters, Capt. Mahlon Black. First Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Alex. S. Webb: 19th Me., Col. Selden Connor; 1st Co. Andrew (Mass.) Sharp-shooters, Lieut. Samuel G.
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 3: assembling of Congress.--the President's Message. (search)
71. the President's indecision and recommendations denunciations of the Message, 73. disappointment of the people, 74. movements of the Clergy warnings of General Scott, 75. General Wool's letter to General Cass, 76. resignation of Cass Fast day proclaimed, 77. Clingman's treasonable speech in the Senate, 78. Crittenden'ical questions — a greater regard for the rights and feelings of men. So early as the close of October, October 80, 1860. that venerable soldier, Lieutenant-General Winfield Scott, the General-in-chief of the armies of the Republic, perceiving the gathering cloud betokening a storm, spoke words of warning to the President and S at once to the commanders of the Barancas [Pensacola], Forts Moultrie and Monroe, to be on their guard against surprises. Another veteran warrior, who had been Scott's companion in arms for fifty years, full of patriotic zeal, and with a keen perception of danger, after reading the President's message wrote a letter remarkable
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 6: Affairs at the National Capital.--War commenced in Charleston harbor. (search)
tive, at least as their quiescent ally l He refuses to exercise his functions, and to enforce the laws l He refuses to protect the public property, and to re-enforce the gallant Anderson at Fort Moultrie! He sends the Secretary of the Interior to North Carolina, with the intention of forcing that loyal and conservative State into the ranks of the disunionists! While sending General Harney to Kansas with a large military force to suppress a petty border insurgent, he folds his arms when General Scott and his brave subordinates in the South appeal to him for succor. His Attorney-General argues with all his ingenuity against the power of the Federal Government to enforce the laws of the country. His confidants are disunionists. His leaders in the Senate and in the House are disunionists and while he drives into exile the oldest Statesman in America, simply and only because he dares to raise his voice in favor of the country, he consults daily with men who publicly avow, in their sea
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 8: attitude of the Border Slave-labor States, and of the Free-labor States. (search)
f the volunteer companies of the State, with an aggregate membership of about five thousand, commenced drilling nightly in their armories. Governor Andrew also sent one of his staff (Lieutenant-Colonel Ritchie) to Washington, to consult with General Scott and other officers, civil and military, concerning the dispatch of Massachusetts troops to the Capital, in the event of insurrectionary movements against it. A satisfactory arrangement was made, and troops were held in John A. Andrew. readic resource than to test, by land and sea, the full strength of the Federal authority under our National Alexander Ramsay. flag. It gave assurance of an earnest desire for peace with and good — will toward the people of the South; thanked General Scott for his patriotic efforts, and declared that the people of Minnesota would never consent to the obstruction of the free navigation of the Mississippi River, from its source to its mouth, by any power hostile to the Federal Government. By a
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 10: Peace movements.--Convention of conspirators at Montgomery. (search)
d the failure of the Peace Conference, 243. Tyler's treachery General Scott's desire for Peace indicated, 244. his letter to Mr. Seward Pwhen they saw the precautions taken by the Secretary of War and General Scott to preserve the peace and secure the safety of the National Capge.--Springfield (Mass.) Republican, January 23, 1861. and Lieutenant-General Scott, who knew what were the horrors Winfield Scott in 1865. Winfield Scott in 1865. of war, seems to have contemplated this alternative without dread. In a letter addressed to Governor Seward, on the day preceding Mr. Lincol IV. Say to the seceded States--Wayward sisters, depart in peace!--Scott's Autobiography, II. 625. On the solicitation of John Van Buren, of New York, General Scott gave him the original draft of this letter, as an autographic keepsake of a strictly private nature, supposing tied censure of the policy of the Administration of Mr. Lincoln. General Scott, in vindication of himself, then published a Report on the publ
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 11: the Montgomery Convention.--treason of General Twiggs.--Lincoln and Buchanan at the Capital. (search)
neral David E. Twiggs, of Georgia, who was next in rank to Lieutenant-General Scott, in the Army of the Republic. We have observed that the Mr. Lincoln whilst passing through the streets in a carriage. General Scott and Mr. Seward were so well satisfied that such a plot was arraold me that he had been sent, at the instance of his father and General Scott, to inform me that their detectives in Baltimore had discoveredreceived with demonstrations of delight. He then called to see General Scott, at his Headquarters. The veteran was absent. Mr. Lincoln retullen. A capital plan in their scheme had been frustrated; and General Scott, whose defection had been hoped and prayed for, and expected beause of his gallant and useful conduct at Fort Sumter, and Lieutenant-General Scott asked the President to show his regard for the faithful sohe threats and summons of a formidable army, Letter of Lieutenant-General Scott to President Buchanan, February 26, 1861. the President, w
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 12: the inauguration of President Lincoln, and the Ideas and policy of the Government. (search)
ance of the ceremony in the usual peaceful form, General Scott had collected about six hundred regular troops ittempted. Mounted troops, under the direction of General Scott, moved on the flanks on parallel streets, ready certed signal. I caused to be organized, says General Scott, the élite of the Washington Volunteers, and caly and infantry, all regulars. --Autobiography of General Scott, III. 611. The General says, that during the twithdrew, and passing north on Capitol Hill, saw Generals Scott and Wool, in full uniform, standing by their ba so many victories. They received me cordially, General Scott inquiring how the inauguration was going on. I rch have occurred since 1812, when first saw them-General Scott a major of artillery, and General Wool a captainInfantry, both alert, active, buoyant young men--General Scott tall and erect, but remarkably slender in form, e represents the President and his Cabinet, with General Scott, in consultation concerning military affairs. I
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 14: the great Uprising of the people. (search)
of the Delta with McCulloch on the previous evening. Another declared that General Scott had resigned, and had offered his services to his native State, Virginia. ton would doubtless be in the hands of the insurgents in a day or two; that General Scott had certainly resigned his commission and offered his services to Virginia; This story was so persistently iterated and reiterated, that it was believed. Scott was eulogized by the press in the interest of the conspirators. And now, said y of those gallant men who, in various positions, have for years gloried in Winfield Scott, will linger in the ranks of the army which, in losing him, has lost its ab have not resigned. I have not thought of resigning. Always a Union man. Winfield Scott. Commenting on this answer, a Virginia newspaper, differing from its confrere, the Picayune, in its estimate of Scott's character, said, after calling him a driveling old fop, With the red-hot pencil of infamy, he has written on his wr