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Your search returned 701 results in 346 document sections:
Legislature of Virginia.
Senate. Wednesday, January 8, 1862.
The Senate was called to order at 12 o'clock, by Mr. Johnson, of Bedford.
Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Wooderidge, of the Monumental Church.
A message was received from the House of Delegates, announcing the passage of sundry bills, which were appropriately referred.
Bills reported.
Mr. Christian, of Augusta, from a special committee, reported a bill incorporating the Virginia Anthracite Coal and Iron Company.
Mr. Thomas, of Fairfax, by leave, reported a bill to authorize payment for horses taken by the enemy, or taken from the owners by impressment for the public service.
Several House bills were reported without amendment.
Resolutions of inquiry.
Resolutions of inqury into expediency were offered and adopted as follows:
By Mr. Stitler--Of requiring the County Courts to make provision for the support of families of volunteers who are in a destitute condition.
By Mr. Christia
The Daily Dispatch: January 10, 1862., [Electronic resource], Reminiscences of Fort Warren . (search)
Legislature of Verginia.
Senate. Friday, Jan, 10, 1862.
The Senate was called to order at 12 o'clock by Mr. Johnson, of Bedford.
Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Wooderidge, of the Monumental Church.
A communication was received from the House of Delegates announcing the passage of a bill incorporating the Mutual Insurance Company of Lynchburg — Referred.
Bill reported.
Mr. Coghill, from the Committee on Courts of Justice, reported a bill to amend section 11 of chaper 163 of the Code, in relation to the removal of the records and papers of the Courts.
Resolutions of inquiry.
By Mr. Hart--Of refunding to James G. Woodson, of Albemarie, a sum of money paid by him for a license to sell goods which was never used by him by reason of his absence in the military service of the country.
By Mr. Christian, of Angusta — Of changing the names of the counties of Scott and Buchanan, to Carrington and Cary, in honor, respectively, of Judge Paul Carrington, for 46 yea
Feminine Previdence for the soldier.
Editors Dispatch:--Johnson's force, campted upon the frozen summits of the Alleghany, the honors of martyrdom seem to have been decreed this winter.
Hansborough's and Regen's battalions have suffered most severely, having lost their baggage in the retreats ordered from Philippi and Laurel Hill, and being cut off from communication with their homes in Western Virginia, now in possession of the enemy.
They have had no supplies of clothing from the Quartermaster's depariment, because no requisitions have been made for them.
Letters from their officers of recent date, mention that they are in cruel need.
The omission to ask, that they were receive, is probably due to some local misapprehension.
We regret to learn that gloves are not among the articles furnished on demand.
In that severe climate, without such protection, they are exposed to lose their fingers, and cannot handle metal with impunity.
Is it sense, or sensibility, that is about
The Daily Dispatch: January 21, 1862., [Electronic resource], Calumnies of Liberated prisoners. (search)
The Daily Dispatch: January 29, 1862., [Electronic resource], General Assembly of Virginia . (search)
General Assembly of Virginia.
Tuesday, Jan. 28, 1862.
At 12 o'clock, the Senate was called to order by the President, and prayer was offered by Rev. Mr. Duncan, (Methodist.)
Read First and Second times.
The bill entitled an act to incorporate the Planters' Insurance Company of Petersburg.
Mr. Johnson, from the Committee on Boards and Revenues, presented a bill to amend section 28, chapter 52 of the Code of Virginia, (edition of 1860.)
Mr. Brannon, from the Committee on Finance and Claims, presented a bill refunding to the county of Amherst a licence tax paid by George S. Sprader, advanced to him by the County Court of said county.
Also a bill for the relief of John W. Vaughan and others.
Mr. Douglas introduced a bill authorizing the Governor to raise a force in Western Virginia for local defence.
By Mr. Ball: Referring to the Committee on Finance to inquire as to the expediency of amending the Ordinance of the Co