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Farmington (Mississippi, United States) 389 39 Browse Search
G. T. Beauregard 161 7 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott).

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N. J. Sharp (search for this): chapter 5
that neighborhood, bat in consequence of the swollen condition of the creek and the nature of the banks I deemed it inexpedient to cross. I learned from a citizen of the neighborhood that the enemy had fallen back on Purdy and Bethel; that he supposed them to be from 5,000 to 8,000 strong, consisting of Louisiana and Alabama infantry, with some few companies of Tennessee cavalry, and the citizen from whom I obtained my information was positive that this force is well armed, principally with Sharp's and Enfield rifles. I am, sir, your obedient servant, Chas. S. Hayes, Major, Comdg. Third Battalion Fifth Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. Capt. Fred. Knefler, Assistant Adjutant-General. No. 4.-reports of Maj. Gen. Brawton Bragg, C. S. Army. Bethel Station, March 14, 1862-11.30 p. m. Colonel: After much delay, mostly unnecessary, from inefficient railroad management, I have just reached here. General Gladden is at Purdy, with his two regiments and a battery and a small force
Brawton Bragg (search for this): chapter 5
Bethel; that he supposed them to be from 5,000 to 8,000 strong, consisting of Louisiana and Alabama infantry, with some few companies of Tennessee cavalry, and the citizen from whom I obtained my information was positive that this force is well armed, principally with Sharp's and Enfield rifles. I am, sir, your obedient servant, Chas. S. Hayes, Major, Comdg. Third Battalion Fifth Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. Capt. Fred. Knefler, Assistant Adjutant-General. No. 4.-reports of Maj. Gen. Brawton Bragg, C. S. Army. Bethel Station, March 14, 1862-11.30 p. m. Colonel: After much delay, mostly unnecessary, from inefficient railroad management, I have just reached here. General Gladden is at Purdy, with his two regiments and a battery and a small force of cavr alry. A report from him to General Ruggles has just been read by me [No. 5]. It seems the enemy's force landed in this vicinity has been greatly exaggerated, the general estimating it, from the most reliable informatio
Hdqrs. Second Battalion Mississippi Cavalry, March 12, 1862. General: Information has just reached my quarters, through one of the scouts belonging to Captain McCaa's company, that the enemy are landing on this side the river at Williams' Landing, about half a mile below Crump's Landing. Colonel Adams and Major Baskervilleing. Brig. Gen. Daniel Ruggles. Hdqrs. Second Battalion Mississippi Cavalry Purdy, Tenn., March 14, 1862. Colonel: In obedience to your orders I took Captains McCaa's and Robertson's companies (except that portion already on duty) down the Shunpike road to ascertain if the enemy had reconstructed the bridge. At the Pittsould remark that the caps we have are the common G. D. caps, and will not fire after exposure to rain. I would also report that in obedience to your orders Captain McCaa employed a man and team to bring in your wagon. I have the honor to be, your obedient servant, Charles Baskerville, Major, Commanding Second Mississip
Charles G. Field (search for this): chapter 5
ttalion Mississippi Cavalry, March 12, 1862. General: Information has just reached my quarters, through one of the scouts belonging to Captain McCaa's company, that the enemy are landing on this side the river at Williams' Landing, about half a mile below Crump's Landing. Colonel Adams and Major Baskerville are both advised of the fact. On the approach of the enemy the man Williams hoisted the Union flag. I have the honor to be, general, your humble and obedient servant, Charles G. Field. Brigadier-General Gladden, Commanding. [indorsement] General: Above I forward you a copy of intelligence just received.: Col. D. W. Adams, with 350 Louisiana Infantry, a detachment of Baskerville's cavalry (130), and two rifle guns (Ketchum's), are about 5 miles this side of where the enemy is landing. I have here Colonel Deas' regiment, nine companies, 360 men, and the remainder of Ketchum's battery. I have left at Bethel the Alabama battalion, about 300 men. So you will
D. W. Adams (search for this): chapter 5
a copy of intelligence just received.: Col. D. W. Adams, with 350 Louisiana Infantry, a detachment of Baskerville's cavalry (130), and two rifle guns (Ketchum's), are about 5 miles this side of where the enemy is landing. I have here Colonel Deas' regiment, nine companies, 360 men, and the remainder of Ketchum's battery. I have left at Bethel the Alabama battalion, about 300 men. So you will see that the enemy may at any moment land a large force, and I am now uneasy, fearing that Colonel Adams may be cut off. I shall send Colonel Deas forward and the balance of the battery. I instructed Col. D. W. Adams to run no risk, and to retire before a superior force, destroying bridges and obstructing roads. I am not advised as to the object of the enemy. This landing, I presume, is in consequence of the appearance of our forces. I hope you will telegraph General Bragg. I have no further instructions from him. I was in hopes that you would be able to communicate with him. I
side ashore and in boats. Sixty-one boats are reported as having passed Coffee. Within 300 or 400 yards of the enemy's pickets I found 30 or 40 bales of cotton which I had burned. Most of it belonged to the Union shriekers. I had 3 suspected men passing my lines arrested. As their advanced pickets cut me off from doing anything on the river, I am now inclined to return by the Adamsville road, keeping an eye on their movements. I will write again to-morrow. Very respectfully, Danl. W. Adams, Colonel, Commanding Detachment. Brig. Gen. Adley H. Gladden, Bethel, Tenn. No. 7.-report of Col. Alfred Mouton, Eighteenth Louisiana Infantry. Hdqrs. 4TH Brigade, 1ST Corps, 2D Grand Div., Army of Mississippi Valley, Near Corinth nine miles towards Pittsburg, March 12, 1862. Sir: A mounted courier has just reached me with a verbal message from Major Baskerville, stating that the enemy had landed a force at Crump's Landing 18,000 strong, firing upon the cavalry pickets
Mouton Colonel (search for this): chapter 5
T Corps, 2D Grand Div., Army of Mississippi Valley, Near Corinth nine miles towards Pittsburg, March 12, 1862. Sir: A mounted courier has just reached me with a verbal message from Major Baskerville, stating that the enemy had landed a force at Crump's Landing 18,000 strong, firing upon the cavalry pickets driving them in. The same courier informs me that a regiment of infantry, a company of our artillery, and all the cavalry are retreating on Purdy. Yours, respectfully, Alfr. Mouton Colonel Eighteenth Regiment Louisiana vols., (Comdg. Fourth Brig., C. S. Forces, Mississippi Valley. Capt. Roy Mason Hooe, A. A. A. G., Corinth, Miss. No. 8.-reports of Maj. Charles Baskerville Second Mississippi cavalry (Battalion). headquarters, Purdy, March 10, 1862. Sir: Day before yesterday (March 8) the Yankee transport Golden State arrived at Savannah loaded with troops, followed by a gunboat (name unknown) mounting nine guns. On the evening of the same day the transport J
Roy Mason Hooe (search for this): chapter 5
Sir: A mounted courier has just reached me with a verbal message from Major Baskerville, stating that the enemy had landed a force at Crump's Landing 18,000 strong, firing upon the cavalry pickets driving them in. The same courier informs me that a regiment of infantry, a company of our artillery, and all the cavalry are retreating on Purdy. Yours, respectfully, Alfr. Mouton Colonel Eighteenth Regiment Louisiana vols., (Comdg. Fourth Brig., C. S. Forces, Mississippi Valley. Capt. Roy Mason Hooe, A. A. A. G., Corinth, Miss. No. 8.-reports of Maj. Charles Baskerville Second Mississippi cavalry (Battalion). headquarters, Purdy, March 10, 1862. Sir: Day before yesterday (March 8) the Yankee transport Golden State arrived at Savannah loaded with troops, followed by a gunboat (name unknown) mounting nine guns. On the evening of the same day the transport John Adams also landed troops at the same place. She had horses on board, whether draught or cavalry we could n
Thomas Orr (search for this): chapter 5
e unknown) mounting nine guns. On the evening of the same day the transport John Adams also landed troops at the same place. She had horses on board, whether draught or cavalry we could not tell. We are however, informed by a gentleman who had the temerity to visit Savannah that they are draught horses. The gunboat mentioned above returned to Savannah again yesterday, having on board several tories taken from Chalk Bluff, among whom may be mentioned the following: Col. A. M. Craven, Thomas Orr, Ned Towry, and Benton Towry. Another gunboat was expected up last evening when the scout was dispatched. Rumor has it that the Yankees are forwarding 1,200 cavairy from Nashville to Savannah, who are hourly expected. This seems to be well authenticated. My scouts are of the opinion, from intelligence received from the same gentleman mentioned above, that it is the intention of the Yankees as soon as possible to throw a strong scout across the river. They have retained their tra
Ned Towry (search for this): chapter 5
ounting nine guns. On the evening of the same day the transport John Adams also landed troops at the same place. She had horses on board, whether draught or cavalry we could not tell. We are however, informed by a gentleman who had the temerity to visit Savannah that they are draught horses. The gunboat mentioned above returned to Savannah again yesterday, having on board several tories taken from Chalk Bluff, among whom may be mentioned the following: Col. A. M. Craven, Thomas Orr, Ned Towry, and Benton Towry. Another gunboat was expected up last evening when the scout was dispatched. Rumor has it that the Yankees are forwarding 1,200 cavairy from Nashville to Savannah, who are hourly expected. This seems to be well authenticated. My scouts are of the opinion, from intelligence received from the same gentleman mentioned above, that it is the intention of the Yankees as soon as possible to throw a strong scout across the river. They have retained their transports at
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