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Atlanta (Georgia, United States) 1,463 127 Browse Search
John Newton 1,193 3 Browse Search
David S. Stanley 1,012 8 Browse Search
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Jonesboro (Georgia, United States) 693 51 Browse Search
George H. Thomas 681 9 Browse Search
J. M. Schofield 592 2 Browse Search
Resaca (Georgia, United States) 570 16 Browse Search
Marietta (Georgia, United States) 445 19 Browse Search
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ning continually; no casualties. June 12, changed position toward the front, and intrenched, the skirmishers very busy day and night; no casualties. June 13, occupying the same position as yesterday; slight skirmishing in front; no casualties. June 14, the regiment with brigade advanced about .a mile toward Kenesaw Mountain, and ,intrenched; rained. June 15, remained in same position; some skirmishing in front; constant firing away on our right; no casualties reported in command to-day, June 16, advanced the lines again last night; rained all day; the usual skirmishing going on; no casualties. June 17, 18, the regiment occupying the same position, and constant skirmishing in front. June 19, early this morning the command moved forward to the foot of Kenesaw under a heavy fire from the enemy's batteries on the crest of the mountain, no casualties occurring in the regiment. June 20, steady skirmishing in front; at noon the rebel batteries on Kenesaw again opened on our camp, shel
heast course; raining all the time, and roads bad; arrived at Acworth, Ga., at 5 p. m.; distance marched about six miles. June 7, 8, 9, remained in camp at Acworth resting; no casualties to report. June 10, moving to the left to-day in direction of Big Shanty; rained all day. June 11, moved to the front one mile this a. m. and intrenched; raining continually; no casualties. June 12, changed position toward the front, and intrenched, the skirmishers very busy day and night; no casualties. June 13, occupying the same position as yesterday; slight skirmishing in front; no casualties. June 14, the regiment with brigade advanced about .a mile toward Kenesaw Mountain, and ,intrenched; rained. June 15, remained in same position; some skirmishing in front; constant firing away on our right; no casualties reported in command to-day, June 16, advanced the lines again last night; rained all day; the usual skirmishing going on; no casualties. June 17, 18, the regiment occupying the same pos
marched about six miles. June 7, 8, 9, remained in camp at Acworth resting; no casualties to report. June 10, moving to the left to-day in direction of Big Shanty; rained all day. June 11, moved to the front one mile this a. m. and intrenched; raining continually; no casualties. June 12, changed position toward the front, and intrenched, the skirmishers very busy day and night; no casualties. June 13, occupying the same position as yesterday; slight skirmishing in front; no casualties. June 14, the regiment with brigade advanced about .a mile toward Kenesaw Mountain, and ,intrenched; rained. June 15, remained in same position; some skirmishing in front; constant firing away on our right; no casualties reported in command to-day, June 16, advanced the lines again last night; rained all day; the usual skirmishing going on; no casualties. June 17, 18, the regiment occupying the same position, and constant skirmishing in front. June 19, early this morning the command moved forward
erve of other troops. June 5, this morning we were surprised by the news that the enemy had again disappeared from our front; remained in our position through the day. June 6, marched at sunrise this morning in a northeast course; raining all the time, and roads bad; arrived at Acworth, Ga., at 5 p. m.; distance marched about six miles. June 7, 8, 9, remained in camp at Acworth resting; no casualties to report. June 10, moving to the left to-day in direction of Big Shanty; rained all day. June 11, moved to the front one mile this a. m. and intrenched; raining continually; no casualties. June 12, changed position toward the front, and intrenched, the skirmishers very busy day and night; no casualties. June 13, occupying the same position as yesterday; slight skirmishing in front; no casualties. June 14, the regiment with brigade advanced about .a mile toward Kenesaw Mountain, and ,intrenched; rained. June 15, remained in same position; some skirmishing in front; constant firing a
sappeared from our front; remained in our position through the day. June 6, marched at sunrise this morning in a northeast course; raining all the time, and roads bad; arrived at Acworth, Ga., at 5 p. m.; distance marched about six miles. June 7, 8, 9, remained in camp at Acworth resting; no casualties to report. June 10, moving to the left to-day in direction of Big Shanty; rained all day. June 11, moved to the front one mile this a. m. and intrenched; raining continually; no casualties. June 12, changed position toward the front, and intrenched, the skirmishers very busy day and night; no casualties. June 13, occupying the same position as yesterday; slight skirmishing in front; no casualties. June 14, the regiment with brigade advanced about .a mile toward Kenesaw Mountain, and ,intrenched; rained. June 15, remained in same position; some skirmishing in front; constant firing away on our right; no casualties reported in command to-day, June 16, advanced the lines again last ni
49 this a. m. --early the command was withdrawn from the position it has occupied since the 1st instant, and moved two miles to the left and in reserve of other troops. June 5, this morning we were surprised by the news that the enemy had again disappeared from our front; remained in our position through the day. June 6, marched at sunrise this morning in a northeast course; raining all the time, and roads bad; arrived at Acworth, Ga., at 5 p. m.; distance marched about six miles. June 7, 8, 9, remained in camp at Acworth resting; no casualties to report. June 10, moving to the left to-day in direction of Big Shanty; rained all day. June 11, moved to the front one mile this a. m. and intrenched; raining continually; no casualties. June 12, changed position toward the front, and intrenched, the skirmishers very busy day and night; no casualties. June 13, occupying the same position as yesterday; slight skirmishing in front; no casualties. June 14, the regiment with brigade advanc
has occupied since the 1st instant, and moved two miles to the left and in reserve of other troops. June 5, this morning we were surprised by the news that the enemy had again disappeared from our front; remained in our position through the day. June 6, marched at sunrise this morning in a northeast course; raining all the time, and roads bad; arrived at Acworth, Ga., at 5 p. m.; distance marched about six miles. June 7, 8, 9, remained in camp at Acworth resting; no casualties to report. June 10, moving to the left to-day in direction of Big Shanty; rained all day. June 11, moved to the front one mile this a. m. and intrenched; raining continually; no casualties. June 12, changed position toward the front, and intrenched, the skirmishers very busy day and night; no casualties. June 13, occupying the same position as yesterday; slight skirmishing in front; no casualties. June 14, the regiment with brigade advanced about .a mile toward Kenesaw Mountain, and ,intrenched; rained. J
es. June 49 this a. m. --early the command was withdrawn from the position it has occupied since the 1st instant, and moved two miles to the left and in reserve of other troops. June 5, this morning we were surprised by the news that the enemy had again disappeared from our front; remained in our position through the day. June 6, marched at sunrise this morning in a northeast course; raining all the time, and roads bad; arrived at Acworth, Ga., at 5 p. m.; distance marched about six miles. June 7, 8, 9, remained in camp at Acworth resting; no casualties to report. June 10, moving to the left to-day in direction of Big Shanty; rained all day. June 11, moved to the front one mile this a. m. and intrenched; raining continually; no casualties. June 12, changed position toward the front, and intrenched, the skirmishers very busy day and night; no casualties. June 13, occupying the same position as yesterday; slight skirmishing in front; no casualties. June 14, the regiment with brigad
une 49 this a. m. --early the command was withdrawn from the position it has occupied since the 1st instant, and moved two miles to the left and in reserve of other troops. June 5, this morning we were surprised by the news that the enemy had again disappeared from our front; remained in our position through the day. June 6, marched at sunrise this morning in a northeast course; raining all the time, and roads bad; arrived at Acworth, Ga., at 5 p. m.; distance marched about six miles. June 7, 8, 9, remained in camp at Acworth resting; no casualties to report. June 10, moving to the left to-day in direction of Big Shanty; rained all day. June 11, moved to the front one mile this a. m. and intrenched; raining continually; no casualties. June 12, changed position toward the front, and intrenched, the skirmishers very busy day and night; no casualties. June 13, occupying the same position as yesterday; slight skirmishing in front; no casualties. June 14, the regiment with brigade adv
t in rear of the Fourth Corps, near New Hope Church; no casualities reported; heavy rains. June 2, early this a. m. the regiment was assigned its position in front; severe skirmishing through the day; no casualties. June 3, things seemingly quiet in our front, though heavy firing is heard to our right; no casualties. June 49 this a. m. --early the command was withdrawn from the position it has occupied since the 1st instant, and moved two miles to the left and in reserve of other troops. June 5, this morning we were surprised by the news that the enemy had again disappeared from our front; remained in our position through the day. June 6, marched at sunrise this morning in a northeast course; raining all the time, and roads bad; arrived at Acworth, Ga., at 5 p. m.; distance marched about six miles. June 7, 8, 9, remained in camp at Acworth resting; no casualties to report. June 10, moving to the left to-day in direction of Big Shanty; rained all day. June 11, moved to the front on
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