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Otho H. Binkley (search for this): chapter 26
Hundred and Sixth New York, Captain Peter Robertson. One Hundred and Fifty-first New York, Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas M. Fay. Eighty-seventh Pennsylvania, Colonel John W. Schall. Tenth Vermont (1), Major Edwin Dillingham. Tenth Vermont (2), Captain Lucius T. Hunt. Second brigade: Colonel J. Warren Keifer. Sixth Maryland (1), Colonel John W. Horn. Sixth Maryland (2), Captain Clifton K. Prentiss. Ninth New York Heavy Artillery, Major Charles Burgess. One Hundred and Tenth Ohio, Lieutenant-Colonel Otho H. Binkley. One Hundred and Twenty-second Ohio, Colonel Wm. H. Ball. One Hundred and Twenty-sixth Ohio (1), Lieutenant-Colonel Aaron W. Ebright. One Hundred and Twenty-sixth Ohio (2), Captain George W. Hoge. Sixty-seventh Pennsylvania, Lieutenant John F. Young. One Hundred and Thirty-eighth Pennsylvania (1), Colonel Matthew R. McClennan. One Hundred and Thirty-eighth Pennsylvania (2), Major Lewis A. May. artillery brigade: Colonel Charles H. Tompkins. Maine Light Artillery, Fifth Batte
Caspar Urban (search for this): chapter 26
lery, First Battery (A), Captain Albert W. Bradbury. reserve artillery: Captain Elijah D. Taft. Indiana Light Artillery, Seventeenth Battery, Captain Milton L. Miner. First Rhode Island Light Artillery, Battery D, Lieutenant Frederick Chase. Army of West Virginia. Brigadier-General George Crook. first division: Colonel Joseph Thoburn. first brigade: Colonel George D. Wells. Thirty-Fourth Massachusetts, Major Harrison W. Pratt. Fifth New York Heavy Artillery, Second Battalion, Major Caspar Urban. One Hundred and Sixteenth Ohio, Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas F. Wildes. One Hundred and Twenty-third Ohio, Captain John W. Chamberlin. Second brigade: Guarding trains, and not engaged in the battle. Lieutenant-Colonel Robert S. Northcott. First West Virginia, Lieutenant-Colonel Jacob Weddle. Fourth West Virginia, Captain Benjamin D. Boswell. Twelfth West Virginia, Captain Erastus G. Bartlett. Third brigade: Colonel Thomas M. Harris. Twenty-third Illinois (battalion), Captain Samuel
William P. Robeson (search for this): chapter 26
pehart. First New York, Major Timothy Quinn. First West Virginia, Major Harvey Farabee. Second West Virginia, Lieutenant-Colonel John J. Hoffman. Third West Virginia, Major John S. Witcher. artillery: Fifth United States, Battery L, Lieutenant Gulian V. Weir. Third division: Brigadier-General James H. Wilson. first brigade: (1) Brigadier-General John B. Mcintosh. (2) Lieutenant-Colonel George A. Purington. First Connecticut, Major George O. Marcy. Third New Jersey, Major William P. Robeson, Jr. Second New York, Captain Walter C. Hull. Fifth New York, Major Abram H. Krom. Second Ohio (1), Lieutenant-Colonel George A. Purington. Second Ohio (2), Major A. Bayard Nettleton. Eighteenth Pennsylvania (1), Lieutenant-Colonel William P. Brinton. Eighteenth Pennsylvania (2), Major John W. Phillips. Second brigade: Brigadier-General George H. Chapman. Third Indiana (two companies), Lieutenant Benjamin F. Gilbert. First New Hampshire (battalion), Colonel John L. Thompson. Eighth
Henry W. Birge (search for this): chapter 26
emporarily attached. Captain George W. Randall. One Hundred and Thirty-third New York, Major Anthony J. Allaire. One Hundred and Sixty-second New York, Colonel Justus W. Blanchard. One Hundred and Sixty-fifth New York (six companies), Lieutenant-Colonel Gouverneur Carr. One Hundred and Seventy-third New York, Major George W. Rogers. artillery: New York Light Artillery, Fifth Battery, Lieutenant John V. Grant. Second division: Brigadier-General Cuvier Grover. first brigade: Brigadier-General Henry W. Birge. Ninth Connecticut, Colonel Thomas W. Cahill. Twelfth Maine, Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Ilsley. Fourteenth Maine, Colonel Thomas W. Porter. Twenty-sixth Massachusetts, Colonel Alpha B. Farr. Fourteenth New Hampshire (1), Colonel Alexander Gardiner. Fourteenth New Hampshire (2), Captain Flavel L. Tolman. Seventy-fifth New York (1), Lieutenant-Colonel Willoughby Babcock. Seventy-fifth New York (2), Major Benjamin F. Thurber. Second brigade: Colonel Edward L. Molineux. Thirteenth
William Waltermire (search for this): chapter 26
nty-fifth New York (1), Lieutenant-Colonel Willoughby Babcock. Seventy-fifth New York (2), Major Benjamin F. Thurber. Second brigade: Colonel Edward L. Molineux. Thirteenth Connecticut, Colonel Charles D. Blinn. Eleventh Indiana, Colonel Daniel Macauley. Twenty-second Iowa, Colonel Harvey Graham. Third Massachusetts Cavally (dismounted), Lieutenant-Colonel Lorenzo D. Sargent. One Hundred and Thirty-first New York, Colonel Nicholas W. Day. One Hundred and Fifty-ninth New York, Lieutenant-Colonel William Waltermire. Third brigade: (1) Colonel Jacob Sharpe. (2) Lieutenant-Colonel Alfred Neafie. Thirty-eighth Massachusetts, Major Charles F. Allen. One Hundred and Twenty-eighth New York, Captain Charles R. Anderson. One Hundred and Fifty-sixth New York (1), Lieutenant-Colonel Alfred Neafie. One Hundred and Fifty-sixth New York (2), Captain James J. Hoyt. One Hundred and Seventy-fifth New York (three companies), Captain Charles McCarthey. One Hundred and Seventy-sixth New York, Major Charl
A. Bayard Nettleton (search for this): chapter 26
. Witcher. artillery: Fifth United States, Battery L, Lieutenant Gulian V. Weir. Third division: Brigadier-General James H. Wilson. first brigade: (1) Brigadier-General John B. Mcintosh. (2) Lieutenant-Colonel George A. Purington. First Connecticut, Major George O. Marcy. Third New Jersey, Major William P. Robeson, Jr. Second New York, Captain Walter C. Hull. Fifth New York, Major Abram H. Krom. Second Ohio (1), Lieutenant-Colonel George A. Purington. Second Ohio (2), Major A. Bayard Nettleton. Eighteenth Pennsylvania (1), Lieutenant-Colonel William P. Brinton. Eighteenth Pennsylvania (2), Major John W. Phillips. Second brigade: Brigadier-General George H. Chapman. Third Indiana (two companies), Lieutenant Benjamin F. Gilbert. First New Hampshire (battalion), Colonel John L. Thompson. Eighth New York, Lieutenant-Colonel William H. Benjamin. Twenty-second New York, Major Caleb Moore. First Vermont, Colonel William Wells. horse-artillery: Captain La Rhett L. Livingsto
Charles L. Leiper (search for this): chapter 26
n. Fourth New York (1), Major August Hourand. Fourth New York (2), Major Edward Schwartz. Sixth New York, Major William E. Beardsley. Ninth New York, Lieutenant-Colonel George S. Nichols. Nineteenth New York (First Dragoons), Colonel Alfred Gibbs. Seventeenth Pennsylvania, Major Coe Durland. reserve brigade: Colonel Charles R. Lowell, Jr. Second Massachusetts, Lieutenant-Colonel Casper Crowninshield. Sixth Pennsylvania, At Pleasant Valley, Md., and not engaged in the battle. Major Charles L. Leiper. First United States, Captain Eugene M. Baker. Second United States (1), Captain Theophilus F. Rodenbough. Second United States (2), Captain Robert S. Smith Fifth United States, Lieutenant Gustavus Urban. Second division:[From Department of West Virginia.] Brigadier-General William W. Averell. first brigade: Colonel James N. Schoonmaker. Eighth Ohio (detachment), Colonel Alpheus S. Moore. Fourteenth Pennsylvania (1), Captain Ashbell Duncan. Fourteenth Pennsylvania (2), Capta
nder command of General Wright, were expected to press on after and occupy Wilson's ground, who was then to shift to the south bank of Abraham's Creek and cover my left; Crook's two divisions, having to march from Summit Point, were to follow the Sixth and Nineteenth corps to the Opequon, and should they arrive before the action began, they were to be held in reserve till the proper moment came, and then, as a turning-column, be thrown over toward the Valley pike, south of Winchester. McIntosh's brigade of Wilson's division drove the enemy's pickets away from the Berryville crossing at dawn, and Wilson following rapidly through the gorge with the rest of the division, debouched from its western extremity with such suddenness as to capture a small earthwork in front of General Ramseur's main line; and notwithstanding the Confederate infantry, on recovering from its astonishment, tried hard to dislodge them, Wilson's troopers obstinately held the work till the Sixth Corps came up.
Harry Gilmore (search for this): chapter 26
e of our own soldiers who should volunteer for the delicate and hazardous duty would be the most valuable material, and decided that they should have a battalion organization and be commanded by an officer, Major H. K. Young, of the First Rhode Island Infantry. These men were disguised in Confederate uniforms whenever necessary, were paid from the Secret-Service Fund in proportion to the value of the intelligence they furnished, which often stood us in good stead in checking the forays of Gilmore, Mosby, and other irregulars. Beneficial results came from the plan in many other ways too, and particularly so when in a few days two of my scouts put me in the way of getting news conveyed from Winchester. They had learned that just outside of my lines, near Millwood, there was living an old colored man, who had a permit from the Confederate commander to go into Winchester and return three times a week, for the purpose of selling vegetables to the inhabitants. The scouts had sounded th
Francis T. Sherman (search for this): chapter 26
the Administration from further solicitude for the safety of the Maryland and Pennsylvania borders. The President's appreciation of the victory was expressed in a despatch so like Mr. Lincoln that I give a fac-simile of it to the reader. This he supplemented by promoting me to the grade of brigadier-general in the regular army, and assigning me to the permanent command of the Middle Military Department, and following that came warm congratulations from Mr. Stanton and from Generals Grant, Sherman, and Meade. The battle was not fought out on the plan in accordance with which marching orders were issued to my troops, for I then hoped to take Early in detail, and with Crook's force cut off his retreat. I adhered to this purpose during the early start of the contest, but was obliged to abandon the idea because of unavoidable delays by which I was prevented from getting the Sixth and Nineteenth corps through the narrow defile and into position early enough to destroy Ramseur while s
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