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Isaac O. Best, History of the 121st New York State Infantry 2 0 Browse Search
John D. Billings, The history of the Tenth Massachusetts battery of light artillery in the war of the rebellion 2 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore) 2 0 Browse Search
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington 2 0 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 2 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 2 0 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4 1 1 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays 1 1 Browse Search
William H. Herndon, Jesse William Weik, Herndon's Lincoln: The True Story of a Great Life, Etiam in minimis major, The History and Personal Recollections of Abraham Lincoln by William H. Herndon, for twenty years his friend and Jesse William Weik 1 1 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 1 1 Browse Search
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ing: In another column, this evening, will be found the order of the Adjutant-General of Rhode Island, calling for a regiment of colored persons, who will constitute a part of the quota from that State. The gentleman of color has at last turned up by authority, to the eternal disgrace of the twenty millions of whites who thus acknowledge their inability to conquer seven millions. Whenever this regiment appears on the field let the black flag be raised. D. A. Mahoney, editor of the Dubuque (Iowa) herald, was arrested by the United States Marshal. Mr. Mahoney was charged with discouraging enlistments. The Thirty-third regiment of Massachusetts volunteers, commanded by Colonel Albert G. Maggi, left Lynnfield for Washington.--A slight skirmish took place near Helena, Arkansas, between a scouting-party of National troops, who were looking after cotton, and a body of rebel guerrillas, resulting in the defeat and retreat of the guerrillas. General Pope, commanding the army of
d in the vicinity of Gadsden, Ala., after successfully resisting the enemy in a series of skirmishes along his march, by a body of rebel troops, under the command of General Forrest.--(Doc. 173.) The battle of Chancellorsville, Va., was renewed at daylight this morning, and, after severe fighting until noon, the Nationals were obliged to fall back from their position, when hostilities, in a great measure, ceased for the day.--(Doc. 183.) The Catholic Bishop of Iowa, in a sermon at Dubuque, pointedly denounced the Knights of the Golden Circle, stating that he would give the members of the church who had joined the organization, two weeks to leave it, and then, if they still continued in it, they might consider themselves excommunicated.--The British schooner Emma Amelia was captured at St. Andrew's Bay, Fla., by the National bark Roebuck.--Grand Gulf, Miss., was abandoned at daylight this morning, the rebels blowing up the magazines and spiking their guns. Soon after the eva
nt on sick leave. Captains Huggins, of company G, and Nash, of company F, were sick and unable to leave their quarters. Time has shown that my selection of Adjutant was a happy one. In the office or in the field he is every inch a soldier, recognizing no deviation from the stern laws that govern a military organization. Assistant-Surgeons Nicholson and Eakin were on the field, and were active and vigilant in their attentions to the wounded. A section of the Third Iowa battery (from Dubuque) commanded by Lieutenant Wright, was posted on our right, and did good service, and rendered the position of the enemy very uncomfortable. I would like to give you the details of the general engagement, but have not time, and you will doubtless see them elsewhere. Suffice it to say that the battle was hotly contested on both sides. The rebels fought well, and yielded only to the superior force of our arms. Our entire effective force, according to the official reports of the day previo
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 9: events at Nashville, Columbus, New Madrid, Island number10, and Pea Ridge. (search)
f artillery, and a battalion of cavalry which had been sent toward the borders of the Indian Nation, did not return in time to engage in the battle. Very soon there was fighting along the whole line of Carr's division, and one of the guns of the Dubuque battery was captured by the foe. So fierce and heavy was the work of the Confederates, that Carr was driven back a short distance after an hour's hard fighting. Still hard pressed, he fought on. He sent for re-enforcements, but all Curtis couldition occupied the night before, while the left was so extended as to command Pea Ridge and make a flank movement on that wing almost impossible. Upon an elevation on the extreme right, which commanded Van Dorn's center and left, he planted the Dubuque battery, with orders for the right wing to support it, and very soon its commander, Hayden, opened a galling fire on the Confederates. Captain Davidson, with his First Iowa battery, also opened fire on their center, and thus skirmishing was kep
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 22: prisoners.-benevolent operations during the War.--readjustment of National affairs.--conclusion. (search)
response. Supplies and money flowed in in sufficient volume to meet all its demands. All over the country, men, women, and children, singly and collectively, were working for it and contributing. to it. Fairs were held in. large cities, which turned immense sums of money into its treasury. Fairs for the benefit of soldiers and their families were held in Lowell, Chicago twice, Boston, Rochester, Cincinnati, Brooklyn, Albany, Cleveland, Poughkeepsie, New York, Pittsburg, Philadelphia, Dubuque, St. Paul, St. Louis, and Baltimore, in the order here named. In a single fair, in the city of New York, the net receipts, over the expenses, were $1,181,500. In other places the receipts were in equal proportion to the population. In the little city of Poughkeepsie, on the Hudson, whose population was then about 16.000, the net profits of the fair were over $16,000. Branches were established; agents were employed; corps of nurses were organized; ambulances, army wagons and steamboats of
could not be flanked. Gen. Curtis ordered his right to advance to the positions held the night before, and, finding himself an elevation on the extreme right, considerably in advance, which commanded the enemy's center and left, here posted the Dubuque battery, directing the right wing to advance to its support, while Capt. Hayden opened from it a most galling fire. Returning to the center, he directed the 1st Iowa battery, Capt. David, to take position in an open field and commence operationhorns with Herron on Illinois creek, near the settlement known as Prairie Grove. Herron, divested of his cavalry, had but about 4,000 men in hand, and ought to have stood on the defensive, Gen. Herron. in a private letter to a friend at Dubuque, Iowa, dated Dec. 16, says: For four miles, we fought their cavalry, driving them back to Illinois creek, where I found their whole force strongly posted on a long ridge, with magnificent positions for batteries. For one mile in front, it wa
Ga. 4 Arkansas Post, Ark. 1 Dallas, Ga. 6 Brandon Station, Miss. 1 Kenesaw Mountain, Ga. 5 Siege of Vicksburg, Miss. 13 Atlanta, Ga. 5 Assault on Vicksburg 29 Jonesboro, Ga. 2 Missionary Ridge, Tenn. 5 Bentonville, N. C. 2 Ringgold, Ga. 2 Place unknown 1 Claysville, Ga. 2     Present, also, at Sugar Creek; Jackson; Cherokee Station; Tuscumbia; Chattahoochie,; Lovejoy's Station; Griswoldville; Macon; Eden Station; Congaree Creek; Columbia. notes.--Mustered in at Dubuque, September 24, 1861, it left the State on the 26th, 1,007 strong, and proceeded to Benton Barracks, St. Louis. Four months of active service were passed in Missouri, and then it joined Curtis's Army of the Southwest, having been assigned to Vandever's Brigade, Carr's Division. It fought at Pea Ridge, withstanding a severe attack and sustaining the heaviest loss of any regiment on that field, its casualties amounting to 38 killed, 176 wounded, and 4 missing,--a total of 218 out of 560 enga
joys forego, And haste without delay. Our country's wrongs, and treason's dye, Each bosom brave shall thrill-- Shall nerve each arm, and fire each eye, Each heart with courage fill. Our country's flag, that o'er them waves They'll gallantly defend; And Freedom's cause, with patriot zeal, Shall triumph in the end. The “Stars and Stripes” our fathers loved Shall lead them safely on, Till shouts of victory make known The battle nobly won. The Iowa Twelfth! fear not for them. Ah no! their country's fame They shall not dim ; when they return They'll bear an honored name. Yet some may fall; but doubly dear The life which thus is given For Freedom-noblest cause on earth And in the sight of Heaven. The Eagle bold, with pinions spread, The cannon's heavy roar, The joyous shouts of “Union boys,” Will greet them then no more. Fight, brave ones of the gallant Twelfth! Till conquerors you become, And laurel wreaths shall deck your brows-- Then welcome, welcome home. Dubuque, Nov. 20,
ing to the east from the Elkhorn hotel, and opened its battery upon the enemy, who was posted in a wood on a declivity in front. They were promptly replied to, and a brisk encounter of artillery and infantry speedily ensued. Col. Vandever's brigade passed about half a mile beyond the hotel and took position on the left of the road. In front of them the ground descended to a dry ravine, and the opposite bank, which was somewhat abrupt and covered with low oaks, was held by the enemy. The Dubuque battery opened upon the rebels, and the scattering of some of the infantry of the latter showed that the guns were well aimed. The rebel batteries replied, and at the third fire a shell from their guns blew up one of the Union limber-chests. It was about nine A. M. when the first gun was fired. Within fifteen minutes afterward the whole line of the division was fairly engaged. The explosion of the limber-chest showed the rebels that their shots were well directed, and they appeared in l
files occupied by him, would not admit of easy evolutions to repel such as could be made by us on the open plain. Victory was inevitable. As soon as the left wing extended so as to command the mountain, and rest safely upon it, I ordered the right wing to move forward so as to take position where I placed it the night previous. I repaired, myself, to the extreme right, and found an elevated position considerably in advance, which commanded the enemy's centre and left. Here I located the Dubuque battery, and directed the right wing to move its right forward so as to support it, and gave directions to the advance of the entire right wing. Capt. Hayden soon opened a fire which proved most galling to the foe and a marker for our line to move upon. Returning to the centre, I directed the First Iowa battery, under Capt. David, to take position in an open field, when he could also direct a fire on the central point of the enemy. Meantime, the powerful battery of Captain Woelfley, and m