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Your search returned 160 results in 44 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: July 27, 1863., [Electronic resource], Gen. Johnston 's movements — his next stand. (search)
Gen. Johnston's movements — his next stand.
The Atlanta Appeal has the following intelligence relative to the position of Gen. Johnston's army:
Gen Johnston is falling back from Jackson towards Meridian.
His position at Brandon was untenaGen. Johnston's army:
Gen Johnston is falling back from Jackson towards Meridian.
His position at Brandon was untenable on account of the deficiency of water, and in addition it afforded no natural advantages.
He will, without doubt, take position on the Chunky river, fifteen miles west of Meridian, which many military men have for some time looked upon as a faGen Johnston is falling back from Jackson towards Meridian.
His position at Brandon was untenable on account of the deficiency of water, and in addition it afforded no natural advantages.
He will, without doubt, take position on the Chunky river, fifteen miles west of Meridian, which many military men have for some time looked upon as a favorable point.
If so, he will be in position to easily defend his front, or if necessary, by means of the railroad facilities in his rear, operate to prevent any raid against the Mobile and Ohio Railroad either north or south of Meridian.
Some heir late raid on the river.
The Montgomery Mail, of the 21st, says:
Brandon, the present headquarters of General Johnston, is in Rankin county, and about fifteen miles east of Jackson.
We do not believe that Sherman and Burnside will cr
The Daily Dispatch: December 16, 1863., [Electronic resource], Gen. Bragg 's Fitness for command--Gen. Joe Johnston 's opinion. (search)
John Simon, an Israelite, of the Middle Temple, London, has been created a Sergeant-at-Arms, the first of his religious belief who has ever received this honor in England.
Brig Gen Mercer, so long in command of Savannah, has been ordered to report to Gen Johnston at Dalton.
His place is to be supplied by Gen John K Jackson.
The residence of Hon. Jno. McQueen, Mariboro'district, S, C, was burst on the 17th ult. with all its contents, Including a library of 2,500 volumes.
Gen. D. H. Hill.--A correspondent of the Augusta Sentinel says Gen D H Hill is now acting as volunteer aid to Gen Beauregard.
Judge Thos. W. Thomas died at Riberton, Ga, on the 24th ult.
The Daily Dispatch: May 27, 1864., [Electronic resource], The War news. (search)
The Daily Dispatch: May 27, 1864., [Electronic resource], The War news. (search)
The Daily Dispatch: May 28, 1864., [Electronic resource], Wanted — to Hire (search)
From Gen Johnston's army.
--The following is Gen. Johnston's order to his troops heretofore briefly noticed by telegraph:
Head's Army of Tennessee, Cassville, Ga., May 19th, 1864. General Orders. Soldiers of the Army of Tennessee:
Gen. Johnston's order to his troops heretofore briefly noticed by telegraph:
Head's Army of Tennessee, Cassville, Ga., May 19th, 1864. General Orders. Soldiers of the Army of Tennessee:
You have displayed the highest quality of the soldiers.--firmness in combat, patience under tell.
By your courage and skill you have repulsed every assault of the enemy.
By marches by day and night you have defeated every attempt upon your commun ur efforts will equal theirs; strengthened by. His support your effort will be crowned with like glories. (Signed) J E Johnston, General. [Official.] (Signed) Kinlech Falcaner, A A G.
The Savannah Republican has the following paragraph:
The retrograde movements of Gen Johnston have not in the least dispirited the army, and the most implicit confidence is felt in his strategy.
All our soldiers express themselves thus: "Old Johnston knows best," On passing his lines a few days