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From General Lee's army. [Special Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.] Army of Northern Virginia, Dec. 23d, 1863. The elements have proclaimed an armistice which will ensure a suspension of campaigning for the next five months. In the meantime let us hope that the Congress of our Confederacy will not permit the appros made to measure and as they are needed.--It would be a good thing for the troops if factories could be started in every brigade in the army. "Marse Robert" E. Lee returned from Richmond on Monday, after an absence of ten days, during which he has doubtless given much of good counsel to the President touching the public affairs. Gen. Lee is in good health, and never was in better spirits. I have frequently been asked the names of the gentlemen comprising the Staff of the General Commanding. I will give it as follows; Col. R. H. Chilton, A. A. G., Chief of Staff; Lieut-Col. B. G. Baldwin, Chief of Ordnance; Lieut.-Col. J. L. Corbey, Chief Quarterma
50 dollars reward. --Ranaway, about four weeks ago, a negro man named Irvine. Irvine is about 25 years old, of dark gingerbread color, about 5 feet 9 inches high, heavily bolt, and round shouldered. He wears a long drab sack coat, stammers if confused, and probably has hired himself in Richmond. The above reward will be paid on his delivery to Lee & James, Richmond.-- Richard G Morriss. de 18--1aw3t*
The Daily Dispatch: June 10, 1864., [Electronic resource], Capture of the U. S. Steamer Water Witch. (search)
ed, and provided with every convenience. A letter from battery Deauliere gives a list of the losses in the expedition: I deeply regret to state that Lieut Pelot, W. R. Jones, Jas Stapleton, ordinary seamen; --Crosby, landsman; Patrick Lottle, quarter gunner, and Moses, colored pilot of the expedition, were killed, the first named shot through the heart. Midshipman Minor, Lieut B. Price, boatswain Seymour, surgeon's steward Harley, G. R. Rice, J Burnett, A McDonald, E. J. Murphy, E. Lee. A William, T. King, and — Champton, were wounded. The following named officers and men belonging to the captured steamer were killed: J Sells and J. Sills, said negroes, and the following wounded: Lieut Commanding A Pendergrast, Acting Assistant Paymaster Sillings, Ensign J. Hill, Ensign A. D. Store, U. P. Wesson, H. R. Marphy, C. W. Buck, Henry Williams, John Parker,--Hazleton, J. Smith, and Wm Dickson, negro. The bodies of the slain and the wounded were brought to this p