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eputie, who made mee great cheere: the Captaine himselfe was not as yet come from Bergen : they looked for him every houre, and they said that he would bring newes with him. At a Northwest and by North sunne we departed from Wardhouse, toward Colmogro. 30 Wednesday we came to Kegor, where we met with the winde at East Southeast, so that we were faine to go in to a bay to the Westwards of the point Kegor, where a man may moare 2. or 3. small ships, that shall not draw past 11. or 12. foot for the Lappians (if neede were,) and they said no, but onely for their owne company if they should chance to be unruly. The Kerils and the Lappians are not to be trusted, for they will steale as well as the Russes, if they may conveniently come by any thing. Concerning my voyage, because the winde was scant to goe back againe to Colmogro, I tarried to the Eastwards of the poynt Kegor, and sent to land, and baked two batches of bread in the ovens that the Kerils have for their provision.
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, A letter of the Company of the Marchants adventurers to Russia unto George Killingworth, Richard Gray, and Henry Lane their Agents there, to be delivered in Colmogro or els where: sent in the John Evangelist. (search)
y, and Henry Lane their Agents there, to be delivered in Colmogro or els where: sent in the John Evangelist. AFTER our heaout, and after that you settle their worke in Vologhda or Colmogro as you shall thinke good, where their stuffe may be neere happen, wee have appoynted that hee which shall abide at Colmogro (which we doe thinke to bee most meetest Henry Lane) shalccording to our Invoyces. Which goods are to be sent from Colmogro to Vologhda or to Mosco, or to any other place where you arly in such sort as the said accompt may bee with him in Colmogro at the fine of May at the furthest: to the intent that her goods that were robbed and pilfered out of our ships at Colmogro and Vologda we trust by this time they are restored againrom his discoverie with the Serchthrift, and wintereth at Colmogro, and is minded to set forth in the beginning of June nextteen foot upon the barre at a lowe water, and is as neere Colmogro as S. Nicholas: which will bee a great pleasure unto us.
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, A Letter of Master Thomas Hawtrey to the worshipfull Master Henrie Lane Agent at Colmogro, written in Vologda the 31. of Januarie 1557. (search)
A Letter of Master Thomas Hawtrey to the worshipfull Master Henrie Lane Agent at Colmogro, written in Vologda the 31. of Januarie 1557. WORSHIPFULL Sir, heartie commendations premised.These may bee to advertise you, that yesterday the thirtieth of this present came hither Robert Best, and brought with him two hundred robles, that is, one hundred for this place, and one hundred for you at Colmogro. As for hempe which is here at two robles and a halfe the bercovite, master Gray hath written to buy no more at that price: for John Sedgewicke hath bought for sixe or seven hundred robles worth at Novogrode for one roble and a halfe the bercovite, and better trust they shall be sent downe in the spring of the yeere. And as concerning the Ropemakers, you shall understand that their abiding place shall bee with you at Colmogro, as I doe thinke Master Gray hath advertised you. For, as Roger Bontinge Master of the woorkes doeth say, there is no place more meete for their purpose then wit
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, A Letter of Master Richard Gray one of the first Agents of the Moscovie companie to Master Henrie Lane at Mosco, written in Colmogro the 19. of Februarie 1558. (search)
A Letter of Master Richard Gray one of the first Agents of the Moscovie companie to Master Henrie Lane at Mosco, written in Colmogro the 19. of Februarie 1558. WORSHIPFULL Sir, after heartie commendations &c. You shall understand that this Lent commeth to Lampas such a number of men of divers nations with wares, as hath not bene seene these ten yeeres. Thither come many out of Ugori: therefore I would have bene there my selfe, and also have received such money as is owing us in wares by Kerill his brother and Osep Boscovo. For as you well know, thence they will goe with their wares to the Mosco, and make us payment with delayes, as they have done these other yeeres past. Colobone and his partner be departed towards Lampas with seven sleddes laden with victuals. Others also are gone to that Mart. As touching the bringing of money with you, it will bee good, for I assure you since our comming to this countrey have not so many persons gone to the Sea, as will doe this yeere. Trusting
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, A letter of Thomas Alcocke to the worshipfull Richard Gray, and Henrie Lane Agents in Moscovia from Tirwill in Polonia , written in Tirwill the 26. of Aprill 1558. (search)
it to writing. At my comming hither heere were Ambassadours from the townes of Danske, Lubeck , and Hamburgh, as also out of Liefland to desire this king to bee their Captaine and head in their intended voyage, which was to stoppe all such shippes as shoulde goe out of England for Moscovia. Whereunto the King graunted, and immediatly they departed to prepare their shippes. So that I am afraide that either these our enemies, or the great warres that we have with France and Scotland will be an occasion that you shall have no shippes at Colmogro this yeere. To conclude, although I have no tokens to deliver them, that the tokens taken from me were sent unto, yet I will declare unto them that I had tokens for them, with the mischance. And thus I commit you to Almightie God with the rest of the companie, who keepe you in health to his holy will and pleasure. By yours to commaund THOMAS ALCOCKE.
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, A Letter of Master Anthonie Jenkinson upon his returne from Boghar to the worshipful Master Henrie Lane Agent for the Moscovie companie resident in Vologda, written in the Mosco the 18. of September, 1559. (search)
ced this present voyage,) for then it woulde be a trade woorthie to bee followed. Sir, for that I trust you will be here shortly (which I much desire) I will deferre the discourse with you at large untill your comming, as well touching my travel, as of other things. Sir, John Lucke departed from hence toward England the seventh of this present, and intendeth to passe by the way of Sweden , by whom I sent a letter to the worshipfull Companie, and have written that I intend to come downe unto Colmogro to be readie there at the next shipping to imbarke my selfe for England, declaring that my service shal not be needfull here, for that you are a man able to serve their worships in greater affaires then they have heere to doe, so farre as I perceive. As touching the Companies affaires heere, I referre you to Christopher Hudsons letters, for that I am but newly arrived. Having here but litle businesse to doe, I send you Richard Johnson to helpe you there in your affaires. Thus giving you mos
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, A Letter of the Moscovie companie to their Agents in Russia , Master Henrie Lane, Christopher Hudson, and Thomas Glover sent in their seventh voyage to Saint Nicholas with three ships, the Swallowe, the Philip and Marie, and the Jesus the fifth of May, 1560. (search)
nsidering the death of his father and mother: yet in regard that Sir George Barne and the Ladie his wife were his special friends in his absence, we doubt not but that he wil remain in the roome, which we have appointed him, if you doe not tarie and remaine there, till farther order be taken: and for his service and paines hee shall be considered, as reason is, as friendly as if his friends were living. Thus we trust you will take such order the one to remaine at the Mosco, and the other at Colmogro, or elsewhere, as most neede is. Thomas Alcocke is desirous to be in the Mosco: neverthelesse you shall find him reasonable to serve where he may doe most good. The 62 robles which you received of John Boucher we have payed him here, and also the 8 robles, which you received the yere before of Christopher Rose, and the money which you received more of George Burton, for the which we have you our debtors. Thus we rest, referring that which is here omitted to the report of the bringer: and so
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, From thence we fell with an Island, called Kettelwicke. This coast from Rost unto Lofoot lieth North and (search)
The third of the sayd moneth I with other of my company came unto the citie of Colmogro, being an hundred verstes from the Bay of Saint Nicholas, and in the latitude of 64 degrees 25 minutes. I tarried at the said Colmogro untill the fifteenth day: and then I departed in a little boate up the great river of Dwina, which runneth veof the river called Pinego, leaving it on our lefte hand fifteene verstes from Colmogro. On both sides of the mouth of this river Pinego is high land, great rockes ofh day in the morning, I came into a town called Yemps, an hundred verstes from Colmogro. All this way along they make much tarre, pitch and ashes of Aspen trees. Fromkes, to passe that way: wherein marchandise are transported from the aforesayd Colmogro to the citie of Vologhda. These vessels called Nassades, are very long buildedplagued with fire. This Vologhda is in 59 degrees, eleven minutes, and is from Colmogro, 1000 verstes. All the way I never came in house, but lodged in the wildern
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, The voyage, wherein Osep Napea the Moscovite Ambas- sadour returned home into his countrey, with his entertainement at his arrivall, at Colmogro: and a large description of the maners of the Countrey. (search)
The voyage, wherein Osep Napea the Moscovite Ambas- sadour returned home into his countrey, with his entertainement at his arrivall, at Colmogro: and a large description of the maners of the Countrey. THE twelfth of Maye, in the yeare of our Lorde 1557 there departed from Gravesend , foure good shippes well appointed for Marcher 1000 verstes, and every verste is about three quarters of an English mile. The 20 of July, we departed from S. Nicholas, and the 24 of the same, we came to Colmogro, where we remained eight daies: and the sayd Messenger was there of all his acquaintance welcommed home, and had presents innumerable sent unto him, but it was noth fish and flesh, in the best maner, that the rude people could devise: for among them, these presents are highly esteemed. The 29 of July, we departed from Colmogro, and the 14 of August we came to Ustiug, where we remained one day, and changed our barkes or boates. The 27 of August, we came to Vologhda, where we remained
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, The voyage of Master Anthony Jenkinson, made from the citie of Mosco in Russia , to the citie of Boghar in Bactria , in the yeere 1558: written by himself to the Merchants of London of the Moscovie companie. (search)
rors Majestie to depart, the 21. day I came to your house at Vologhda, and there remained until the breaking up of the yere: and then having seene all your goods laden into your boates, I departed with the same, and arrived withall in safetie at Colmogro the 9. of May 1560. And here I cease for this time, intreating you to beare with this my large discourse, which by reason of the varietie of matter, I could make no shorter, and I beseech God to prosper all your attempts. The latitudes of cert Deg. Min. Mosco in 55 10 Novogrod the great 58 26 Novogrod the lesse 56 33 Colmogro 64 10 Vologhda 59 11 Cazan 55 33 Oweke