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onville, Ga.,May 25, 1864. Marion, S. M.,*58th Mass. Inf.,Salisbury, N. C.,Jan. 12, 1865. Marosig, J. C., Possibly identical with Moratzeck, Charles, prisoner of war.35th Mass. Inf.,Salisbury, N. C.,Dec. 17, 1864. Marran, T.,*39th Mass. Inf.,Annapolis, Md.,--- Marsh, Oscar,34th Mass. Inf.,Wilmington, N. C.,March 13, 1865. Marsh, W. S., Corp.,2d Mass. Cav.,Danville, Va.,Feb. 19, 1865. Marshall, John,28th Mass. Inf.,Danville, Va.,Dec. 18, 1863. Martin, Charles G.,18th Mass. Inf.,Belle Isle, Va.,Nov. 14, 1863. Martin, Charles M.,2d Mass. H. A.,Andersonville, Ga.,Sept. 11, 1864. Martin, Edward,56th Mass. Inf.,Salisbury, N. C.,Feb. 13, 1865. Martin, G. A.,27th Mass. Inf.,Danville, Va.,April 28, 1865. Martin, H. F.,17th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,May 18, 1864. Martin, Patrick,*2d Mass. Cav.,Danville, Va.,Sept.--, 1864. Martin, Thomas,2d Mass. Cav.,Danville, Va.,Nov. 20, 1864. Marvel, Samuel, Sergt.,58th Mass. Inf.,Salisbury, N. C.,Dec. 29, 1864. Masgaw, Thomas,28th Mass
Inf.,Charleston, S. C.,June 24, 1862. Miller, August,28th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,May 19, 1864. Miller, Franklin, Not mustered.27th Mass. Inf.,Millen, Ga.,Oct.--, 1864. Miller, J. M.,11th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,July 30, 1864. Miller, Joseph, Sergt.,57th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,July 26, 1864. Miller, Luke,20th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,Sept. 30, 1864. Miller, Lysander,2d Mass. H. A.,Florence, S. C.,Oct.--, 1864. Miller, Thomas (or S. H.),*12th Mass. Inf.,Belle Isle, Va.,Nov. 14, 1863. Miller, William, Proved to have been mustered out, Sept. 3, 1865.2d Mass. H. A.,Andersonville, Ga.,--- Miller, William,1st Mass. Cav.,Richmond, Va.,Jan. 22, 1865. Millett, George C.,39th Mass. Inf.,Salisbury, N. C.,Nov. 15, 1864. Millett, John,39th Mass. Inf.,Salisbury, N. C.,Dec. 1, 1864. Millican, W. W., Corp.,2d Mass. Cav.,Andersonville, Ga.,Aug. 29, 1864. Milor, John,*2d Mass. H. A.,Andersonville, Ga.,Sept.--, 1864. Milton, C.,21st Mass. Inf.,Andersonville,
l,57th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,Oct. 9, 1864. Morris, Robert,28th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,May 10, 1864. Morrison, Isaac T.,39th Mass. Inf.,Salisbury, N. C.,Feb. 23, 1865. Morse, Charles,2d Mass. H. A.,Andersonville, Ga.,Aug. 25, 1864. Morse, George E., Sergt.,19th Mass. Inf.,Florence, S. C.,Aug. 21, 1864. Morse, Herbert C.,12th Mass. Inf.,Richmond, Va.,March 13, 1864. Morse, James K.,20th Mass. Inf.,Salisbury, N. C.,Dec. 28, 1864. Morse, Solon E., Corp.,35th Mass. Inf.,Belle Isle, Va.,March 1, 1864. Mortimer, Louis,19th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,Sept. 23, 1864. Morton, Emory P.,27th Mass. Inf.,Millen, Ga.,Oct.--, 1864. Morton, G. H.,*42d Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,Sept. 9, 1864. Morton, John,34th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,Aug. 11, 1864. Moulton, Harrison,20th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,Jan. 25, 1865. Moulton, Harrison, Error for Moulton, Harrison, transferred from 15th to 20th.15th Mass. Inf.,Salisbury, N. C.,Jan. 24, 1865. Moulton, J. F., Se
Newcome, George E. Name and rank.Command.Place of Death.Date of Death. Newcome, George E.,20th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,Aug. 27, 1864. Newhall, Edward E.,2d Mass. S. S.,Millen, Ga.,Nov.--, 1864. Newman, Edward A.,3d Mass. Cav.,Andersonville, Ga.,July 10, 1865. Newton, Edward,*2d Mass. H. A.,------ Newton, William, Teamster,--Andersonville, Ga.,March 27, 1864. Nichols, George H.,32d Mass. Inf.,Belle Isle, Va.,Feb. 27, 1864. Nickerson, Deane,58th Mass. Inf.,Danville, Va.,Jan. 23, 1865. Nickerson, E. S., Corp.,58th Mass. Inf.,Danville, Va.,Dec. 29, 1864. Nickett, Frank,23d Mass. Inf.,Richmond, Va.,March 3, 1865. Noble, Davis,17th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,May 22, 1864. Nolan, Patrick,19th Mass. Inf.,Annapolis, Md.,June 21, 1864. Nolan, Thomas,2d Mass. H. A.,Annapolis, Md.,Dec. 24, 1864. Norman, Ebenezer,1st Mass. H. A.,Andersonville, Ga.,Jan. 12, 1865. Norris, Albert G.,1st Mass. H. A.,Andersonville, Ga.,Aug.--, 1864. Norris, Henry, Possibly identical
h E.,56th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,Sept 3, 1864. Phillips, A.,*50th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,Sept 3, 1864. Phillips, Albert W.,39th Mass. Inf.,Salisbury, N. C.,Nov. 26, 1864. Phillips, John,2d Mass. H. A.,Drowned in Potomac River, Va.April 23, 1865. Phillips, Joshua, Not a prisoner, April 23, 1865.34th Mass. Inf.,Drowned in Potomac River, Va.April 23, 1865. Phillips, Leonard W., Sergt.,17th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,Oct. 2, 1864. Phillips, Minot E.,29th Mass. Inf.,Belle Isle, Va.,July--, 1862. Phipps, Henry B., Corp.,1st Mass. H. A.,Andersonville, Ga.,Aug. 24, 1864. Phipps, Lyman,15th Mass. Inf.,Richmond, Va.,Dec.--, 1862. Phipps, Mayhew M.,27th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,Aug. 5, 1864. Pierce, Eli,39th Mass. Inf.,Annapolis, Md.,April 3, 1865. Pilkerton, John,11th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,April 14, 1864. Pine, Daniel,21st Mass. Inf.,Richmond, Va.,June 21, 1864. Pinseno (or Pinsenault), Jacob,1st Mass. Cav.,Andersonville, Ga.,Nov. 2, 1864. Piper, A
Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,Sept. 5, 1864. Travis, John,*3d Mass. Cav.,Salisbury, N. C.,Jan. 3, 1865. Treat, John A.,1st Mass. H. A.,Florence, S. C.,Nov. 23, 1864. Tripp, Jireh B.,23d Mass. Inf.,Charleston, S. C.,Oct. 4, 1864. Tripp, William G., Proved discharged, June 27, 1865.58th Mass. Inf.,Danville, Va.,Dec.--, 1864. Triscott, William,20th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,Sept. 6, 1864. Troy, Patrick,17th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,Jan. 1, 1864. Trumbull, Levi,29th Mass. Inf.,Belle Isle, Va.,—--, 1862. Trun, F., Probably identical with True, Franklin B., reported died Nov. 5, 1864.59th Mass. Inf.,Danville, Va.,Oct. 3, 1864. Tucker, Alfred S.,36th Mass. Inf.,Salisbury, N. C.,Feb.--, 1865. Tucker, George H.,2d Mass. Inf.,Annapolis, Md.,Nov. 25, 1863. Tucker, Roscoe,4th Mass. Cav.,Andersonville, Ga.,Aug. 21, 1865. Turncliff, John,2d Mass. H. A.,Andersonville, Ga.,May 8, 1864. Turner, Horatio E.,34th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,Sept. 7, 1864. Turth, F., Probably
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died., Addenda: list of Massachusetts Officers and Soldiers who died as Prisoners. (search)
Va.,Feb. 19, 1864. Carlyle, James,56th Mass. Inf.,Florence, S. C.,Nov. 1, 1864. Clark, James,28th Mass. Inf.,Salisbury, N. C.,--- Cobleigh, James U.,57th Mass. Inf.,Confederate prison,July 30, 1864. Dary, William H.,27th Mass. Inf.,Florence, S. C.,Feb.--, 1865. Dearing, Theodore W.,29th Mass. Inf.,Salisbury, N. C.,—--, 1865. Dix, Elijah R.,11th Mass. Inf.,Confederate prison,Nov.--, 1863. Eddy, Lafayette,34th Mass. Inf.,Salisbury, N. C.,Feb. 22, 1865. Ellis, R. A.,15th Mass. Inf.,Belle Isle, Va.,Dec. 25, 1861. Emmons, Chauncey L.,27th Mass. Inf.,Millen, Ga.,Oct.--, 1864. Farnham, Roland N.,34th Mass. Inf.,In the hands of the enemy,--- Fullerton, Stewart M. G., Supposed dead. War Department Letter, Sept. 27, 1895.57th Mass. Inf.,Prisoner, May 6, 1864,--- Hayes, Patrick,37th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,Sept. 2, 1864. Helms, Carlos A., No further record.59th Mass. Inf.,Prisoner of war since July 30, 1864.--- Hodge, James, Supposed dead. No further record.57th Ma
our first day in Virginia we marched about eleven miles, and the next day seven more, camping near an insignificant settlement, known as Woodsgrove, amidst a profusion of blackberries. From this place Sergt. Allard and privates Alden, Abbott and F. A. Chase were sent, mounted, back to Berlin on the Maryland side of the Potomac, with requisitions for a supply of mules to take the place of the horses on our baggage wagons. While returning they were captured by guerrillas and taken to Belle Isle, Virginia. A detailed account of their experience will be found in the Appendix. Monday morning, the 20th, we continued our line of march, passing through Snickersville, near Snicker's Gap, Bloomfield, and Paris, all small villages, and camped at Upperville near Ashby's Gap, where we remained until the afternoon of the 22d, leaving at 5 o'clock, the right and centre sections advancing about six miles and camping at Piedmont. The left section having been detailed as rear guard to the supply
Beckwith, telegraph operator, VIII., 364. Bee, B. E., I., 156, 157, 158; X., 100, 147. Beech Grove, Ky. (see also Mill Springs, Ky.), I., 356. Beech Grove, Tenn., II., 340. Beechenbrook, M. T. Preston, IX., 230. Beecher, H. W., III., 331; IX., 335, 338; quoted, X., 45. Beer, W., I., 14. Beers, E. L., IX., 143. Beers, Mrs. E., IX., 142. Belknap, W. W., X., 91, 125. Bell, H. H., VI., 190, 193, 196. Bell, T. H., X., 299. Belle Isle, Va., IV., 122; VII., 38, 56, 61, 70, 95, 134, 162; prison, VII., 284. Belle Peoria,, U. S. S., II., 163. Belle Plain, Va.: III., 33; Second N. Y. and First Mass. at, V., 53; upper wharf, erected by engineer corps, V., 236; Benham's Wharf at, V., 236; Confederate prisoners at, VII., 41, 154, 155; U. S. sanitary commission supply wagons at, VII., 327; hospital tents at, VII., 333. Belle Plain Camp, Va., Confederate prisoners at, VII., 39 seq. Belle Plain Landing, Va.: