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Your search returned 62 results in 23 document sections:
Large fires
--Heavy Loss.--On Saturday night a fire broke out in the Lake Michigan Mills, at Milwaukie, Wis., owned by Nichols, Butt & Co., and the building and contents, consisting of 500 bbls. flour and 7,000 bushels of wheat, were destroyed.
Loss $35,000, insured for $20,000. A telegram says:
The flames communicated to the warehouse occupied by Collins & Andre, destroying the building, valued at $15,000; insurance not ascertained.
At 2 o'clock on Sunday morning another fire broke out in the building on the corner of Huron and East Water street, occupied by the City Offices.
Loss on the building $50,000; insured.
George Deyer & Co.'s saddlery and harness establishment was also consumed.
Loss $40,000; insured for $30,000. All the records and valuable documents deposited in the City Clerk's office were destroyed.
$200,000 worth of bonds and mortgages were not kept in the safe, and are, consequently, destroyed.
Five persons are missing, and it is feared they are buri