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Large fires --Heavy Loss.--On Saturday night a fire broke out in the Lake Michigan Mills, at Milwaukie, Wis., owned by Nichols, Butt & Co., and the building and contents, consisting of 500 bbls. flour and 7,000 bushels of wheat, were destroyed. Loss $35,000, insured for $20,000. A telegram says: The flames communicated to the warehouse occupied by Collins & Andre, destroying the building, valued at $15,000; insurance not ascertained. At 2 o'clock on Sunday morning another fire broke out in the building on the corner of Huron and East Water street, occupied by the City Offices. Loss on the building $50,000; insured. George Deyer & Co.'s saddlery and harness establishment was also consumed. Loss $40,000; insured for $30,000. All the records and valuable documents deposited in the City Clerk's office were destroyed. $200,000 worth of bonds and mortgages were not kept in the safe, and are, consequently, destroyed. Five persons are missing, and it is feared they are buri
r Mumford, the New Orleans martyr. The late freshet in Roanoke river, N. C., was very heavy and destructive. Apprehensions are felt of severe losses in crops, cattle, &c., in Halifax and Northampton counties. The Cincinnati Commercial calls the New York Tribune's information regarding Unionism in Texas, "a cock and bull story." It is stated that Col. Graves, of the 8th Michigan regiment, was killed in the recent fight at Secessionville, S. C. Ample and well-arranged measures should be taken in season to procure a supply of fresh fruit and preserved vegetables for the use of our army. Mis. Mary C. Thorne, the last surviving witness of the execution of Major Andre, died in New York a few days since at the age of 92. Dr. George W. Ruffin, a well-known physician, died at his residence in Wilson county, N. C., on the 5th instant. The veteran soldier and patriot, General Twiggs, has taken up his residence near Augusta Georgia, the place of his nativity.
York, was the officer who had immediate charge of Major Andre after he had been taken. He had been brought, befair would thus have been only temporarily delayed — Andre would have been dismissed, and the neck of treason wr Tallmadge, who had been out on duty, arrived after Andre had been started off, under escort, to Arnold. He no sooner saw the papers that had been found on Andre than he saw at once that there was treason in the case, anid man) to recall him, and it was done accordingly. Andre, it will be recollected, was disguised as a merchant foot in pacing the room in which he was confined. Andre told who he was as soon as he became assured that Arnold had escaped. From that time until his death, Andre seems to have reposed the utmost confidence in Major Tteresting people. Many years after the death of Andre, about 1818 or '19, Major Tallmadge, then an old manng narrative of the whole transaction. He said that Andre told him, when he came upon the three militiamen, th