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Life, fire and Marine Insurance.Richmond fire Association.Office no. 158 Main (N. E. Corner or 11th) St.,Richmond, Va.Chartered 29th March, 1837. This old and reliable institution, with ample capital, and contingent fund carefully invested, continues to insure Slaves, Buildings, Merchandize, of every description; House hold Furniture and family Wearing Apparel, Vessels, Cargoes and Freight, at the lowest current rates. Losses adjusted and paid with all possible dispatch. Directors: David Currie, C. T. Wortham, John H. Claiborne, John J. Wilson, Alex. Garrett, Robert M. Burton, Francis J. Barnes, John T. Sublett, Thos. A. Rust, Geo. N. Gwathmey. David Currie, President. John J. Wilson, Treasurer. R. T. Brooke, Secretary. de 27--ly
der Caskie presiding.--The following cases were disposed of yesterday morning: John McCarthy, of the Mississippi Rifles, and James H. Mills, of a Texas regiment, arrested for taking more drinks than they could stand up under, were discharged on promise of immediate reformation. Henry, slave of Alex Rowlett, charged with stealing a bag of peanuts, was sent down for correction. Tazewell, slave of John Carr, was sentenced to thirty-nine for stealing a middling of bacon from John H. Claiborne. John Holland and Luke Finn, charged with being drunk and disorderly in the First Market, and threatening to assault Semon Greenburg, were each required to give $150 security to keep the peace. Finn was also committed to jail for five days for contempt of Court. Daniel Keys, for an assault upon Mary Sullivan, was held in $150 surety to keep the peace, and a former recognizance was declared forfeited. The Recorder thought the quiet of the city would be further secured by pla
Resignation of a State Senator Dr. John H. Claiborne, of Petersburg, has tendered his resignation as State Senator from the 2d district, owing to the fact that he is in the military service of the Confederate States, and feels it impracticable to discharge fully the duties of both positions.
Released on parole. Among those who reached Norfolk last week from Fortress Monroe, by flag of truce, were Midshipmen Cenas and Claiborne, of New Orleans, and Dalton, of Mississippi, released on parole. Messrs. Cenas and Claiborne were on board the U. S. frigate Congress, and resigned on the arrival of that vessel at New York, when they were immediately arrested and confined in Fort Lafayette, and thence transferred to Fort Warren. Midshipman Dalton, serving in the Saratoga on the coast Claiborne were on board the U. S. frigate Congress, and resigned on the arrival of that vessel at New York, when they were immediately arrested and confined in Fort Lafayette, and thence transferred to Fort Warren. Midshipman Dalton, serving in the Saratoga on the coast of Africa, resigned in August last, and endeavored to return home by way of New York, where he was likewise arrested. We believe these gentlemen have been commissioned as lieutenants in the C. S. Navy, but of course will not go into active service until regularly exchanged. We had an interview yesterday with the Rev. Nathaniel Greene North, who arrived at Norfolk, on Friday, by the last flag of truce steamer. This gentleman is a citizen of Charleston, Va., and was taken prisoner by Col.
The Daily Dispatch: January 8, 1862., [Electronic resource], Arrival of the ocean steamer Ella Wabley (search)
County Court. --The monthly term of the County Court of Henrico commenced on Monday. After disposing of a good deal of civil business, the Court proceeded to try a case of felony — viz: Matthew, slave of A. G. Wortham, and Claiborne, slave of Mrs. Mary Smith, charged with burglariously entering the house of Parker C. Westcott, in November last, and stealing therefrom two gold watches, chains and seal, valued at $150, and a lot of jewelry valued at $22. The trial was closed last evening, the Court finding the prisoners guilty and sentencing them to sale and transportation. John B. Young for the Commonwealth, Luther R. Spilman for the defence. The Court took time to consider upon the question of the valuation of the negroes.
the United States and the District of Columbia, as may be necessary to indemnify the citizens of Virginia, who are loyal to the State, for losses sustained by them in consequence of any confliction act of the Congress of the United States, or any other act growing out of the war. Election ordered. On motion of Mr. Thompson, it was Resolved, That a writ of election be issued to the 6th Senatorial District to supply the vacancy in the Senate occasioned by the resignation of John H. Claiborne, Esq., and that Tuesday, 14th inst., be fixed as the day of said election. Bonds and Stocks. On motion of Mr. Newman, it was Resolved, That the several banks of this Commonwealth, and the several railroad and other incorporated companies, be requested to report to the Senate, as soon as practicable, the amount of stock and bonds of such banks and other incorporations held by resident citizens of the United States and the District of Columbia, and, as far as practicable, t
Senatorial election. Petersburg, Jan. 14. --Robert R. Collier is elected as State Senator, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Dr. John H. Claiborne, over Wm. T. Joynes. Petersburg gave him 250 majority. Prince George not heard from.
The Daily Dispatch: March 24, 1863., [Electronic resource], The flour impressment case — decision of Judge Lyons--an injunction awarded. (search)
., and that he had been informed that Major John H. Claiborne, ing as was alleged, under the ordersupon the application was postponed, to allow Claiborne opportunity to show cause why the injunction should not be granted. Major Claiborne has filed an answer to the bill, in which he alleges that the bill was defective in not charging that Claiborne had impressed the flour; it only stated thathorized the impressment; it only states that Claiborne alleged that he had acted under such orders. The Commissary General, in his order to Major Claiborne, directing him to make impressments, in pe and adequate at law? Is the action of Maj Claiborne be illegal the plaintiff may the human , or the time of impressment. It is admitted by Claiborne in his answer that he has also impressed a lhas not as effectual a remedy at law against Claiborne as he would have against a private citizen w cannot avail himself of this remedy against Claiborne, because he is an officer in the military se[5 more...]
The Daily Dispatch: March 24, 1863., [Electronic resource], The late Yankee advance on the Rappahannock. (search)
eutenants E Barnett, co E 2d Ind; J W Buton, co 2d Indians cavalry; D Parsley co G. 2d Indian cavalry; Aleck Kep. co F, 23 Ind; Thos Barr, co K, do; A W Phugs co A, 106th Ohio; 2d Lieuts Jos Kern, co E 2d ind cav; G W Dailey, co I, do; W W Brush co H, do; J B William, co D, do. The following Abolition officers were captured in various places in the Old Dominion, viz: Maj H H Withers, 10th Va; Capt J R Brockley co K, 1st Md cav; Capt Stephen Charter co C, 15th N J Engineers; 1st Lieuts J H Claiborne. co C, 12th Ill cav; B F Seeva, co F, 10th N Y cav; W G Cummings, co D, 1st cav; 2d Lieuts Paul D cks, co G 1st ; cav; J E Bowers, co C, Md Va cav; A Dawson, co K, 1st Va cav; Capt D Magermeister co L. 5th Pa; 1st Lieuts E co L, 5th Pa cav; Thos Little co M 5th Pa cav; Captain B F Blood, 4th Pa cav; 2d Lieut E W Warren co C, 3d Pa cav. 1st Lieuts F C Davis, Co D, 3d Pa Cav; F D Wither Ill, co D, 3d Pa Cav; Co B Shutioff co A, 1st R I Cav; Capts P Ka co F, 13th Pa Cav; N S Sneyd, co D.
300 dollars reward --Will be paid for the apprehension and delivery so me of my boy Austin, who absconded from the residence of B W Hoxal, Esq. of this city, on the night of the 28th of January. He is 20 years old, bright mulatto, spare built, height 5 feet 8 or 9 inches. John H. Claiborne, Commissary Depot, Dock and 17th sts. fe 2--3t