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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 4: campaign of the Army of the Cumberland from Murfreesboro'to Chattanooga. (search)
1863, where he established a fortified depot of supplies. General Bragg, his opponent, had taken a strong position north of the Duck River, Bragg's army was in three divisions, one of which was cavalry, under the command of General J. H. Wheeler. The First Corps was commanded by Lieutenant-General Leonidas Polk, with Generals B. F. Cheatham, J. M. Withers, and S. B. Buckner as division commanders; and the Second by Lieutenant-General W. J. Hardee, whose division commanders were Generals P. R. Cleburne and A. P. Stewart. The cavalry division commanders were Generals J. A. Wharton and W. Martin. his infantry extending from Shelbyville to Wartrace, his cavalry on his right stretched out to McMinnville, and on his left to Columbia and Spring Hill, on the railway between Nashville and Decatur. General Polk's corps was at Shelbyville. Hardee's Headquarters were at Wartrace, and his troops were holding Hoover's, Liberty, and Bellbuckle Gaps. Bragg's main base of supplies was at Chat
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 5: the Chattanooga campaign.--movements of Sherman's and Burnside's forces. (search)
wide for the passage of the ]east Chickamauga River and the railway, with margins rising several hundred feet. There General Cleburne (called, as we have observed, the Stonewall Jackson of the West ), covering Bragg's retreat, had made a stand, with nally, in the afternoon, when some of Hooker's guns were brought into position and the post was flanked by his infantry, Cleburne retreated, having inflicted a loss on the Nationals of four hundred and thirty-two men, of whom sixty-five were killed, Cleburne left one hundred and thirty killed and wounded on the field. So ended the battle of Ringgold. Nov. 27, 1863. General J. C. Davis's division, which had been attached to Sherman's command, reached Ringgold just after Cleburne fled, readyCleburne fled, ready to press on in pursuit; but there it ended. Grant would gladly have continued it, and would doubtless have captured or destroyed Bragg's army; but he was compelled to refrain, because Burnside needed immediate relief, so as to save East Tennessee f
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 15: Sherman's March to the sea.--Thomas's campaign in Middle Tennessee.--events in East Tennessee. (search)
ee divisions, commanded respectively by Generals B. F. Cheatham, A. P. Stewart, and S. D. Lee. The division commanders were as follows: Cheatham's corps--Generals P. R. Cleburne, Jas. C. Brown, and W. B. Bate. Stewart's — W. W. Loring, S. G. French, E. C. Walthall. Lee's — C. L. Stevenson, E. Johnson, and Clayton. Forrest comma,500. General Thomas officially reported it at 1,75 killed, 3,800 wounded, and 702 prisoners, making a total of 6,252. Hood lost the following general officers: Cleburne, Williams, Adams, Gist, Strahl, and Granberry, killed; Brown, Carter, Manigault, Quarles, Cocker ell, and Scott wounded, and Gordon captured. Cleburne was calleCleburne was called the Stonewall Jackson of the West, and his loss was severely felt. Thomas thought. it not prudent for him to risk another battle in the morning, and ordered him to retreat to Nashville. A little after midnight he left Franklin, and, notwithstanding they were sharply followed by Forrest after daybreak, the troops, with all thei
essary in the morning of the 27th to transfer Cleburne's Division of Hardee's Corps to our right, whccupied the interval, of half-a-mile, between Cleburne's right and Little Pumpkinvine creek. * * * * the noise of this contest revealed to Major General Cleburne the manoeuvre to turn his right, he brxtended my lines as far as possible. He sent Cleburne's Division to report to me. General Cleburne our own cavalry. As Howard's Corps advanced, Cleburne was directed to deploy quickly into line; the written field report I add, I enclose Major General Cleburne's report, and will forward others as sat the time of the engagement. Therefore General Cleburne brought his report of this affair to me, ich rested on Little Pumpkin-vine creek, with Cleburne's Division still on my extreme right and unden from General Wheeler's cavalry stationed on Cleburne's right, just across Little Pumpkin-vine cree reached me on the morning of the 28th, after Cleburne's repulse of the enemy on the afternoon and n[4 more...]
the subject — especially in regard to the failure, on the 20th, of the best troops of the Army, Hardee's Corps. Shortly after the beginning of the siege, Major General Cleburne, commanding a division in that corps, called at my headquarters. The occurrences of the hour were discussed, and, finally, the two late battles in which referred to engagements. I then unfolded to him the plans of action, together with the peremptory orders to halt at nothing on our side of Peach Tree creek. Cleburne seemed surprised, and thereupon informed me that as his Division was about to move forward to the attack, on the 20th, General Hardee rode along the line, and, iseeming perpetuation of injustice and misrepresentation in the guise of truth and history. It is but reasonable to deduce from this unfortunate observation to Cleburne that General Hardee gave a similar warning to other officers. At all events, those who are able to realize the baneful effect of such a remark from the commande
pel him to retreat. From the 5th to the 19th of August no event of special importance occurred. I find naught recorded save the constant demonstrations of the enemy in front, whilst completing his movement to our left. A heavy demonstration was made on the 6th against Bates's Division which was twice assaulted; twice the foe were driven back in great confusion with a loss of two stands of colors, eight hundred killed and wounded, some small arms and entrenching tools. On the 7th General Cleburne's Division was transferred to our extreme left, and the 9th was made memorable by the most furious cannonade which the city sustained during the siege. Women and children fled into cellars, and were there forced to seek shelter a greater length of time than at any period of the bombardment. The 19th, nigh two weeks after Wheeler's departure with about one-half of our cavalry force, General Sherman took advantage of the absence of these troops, and again attempted a lodgment on the M
e gained signal victories. It may very properly be asked why, after failure on two consecutive occasions, was Hardee placed in command at Jonesboroa; why I did not relieve him previously from duty with the Army, and thus avoid further cause of complaint The battles of the 20th, and 22d of July, were fought in rapid succession, and immediately after my appointment to the command of the Army. I knew not then the original cause of trouble, nor was I enlightened upon this matter till General Cleburne visited my headquarters about two weeks after these engagements. The President had confidence in General Hardee, and believed he could be of great service on account of his thorough knowledge of the country, and his long connection with the Army of Tennessee. In this opinion I naturally acquiesced, since I could not imagine that a soldier, wittingly and willingly, would disregard orders in operations of so much importance. Moreover, the position of his line of battle, together with t
tham's right, passed over the bridge soon after daybreak, and moved forward at the head of Granberry's Texas brigade, of Cleburne's Division, with instructions that the remaining corps and divisions follow, and at the same time keep well closed up duill and Franklin. I here halted about 3 p. m., and requested General Cheatham, commanding the leading corps, and Major General Cleburne to advance to the spot where, sitting upon my horse, I had in sight the enemy's wagons and men passing at double-t or near Spring Hill. Accept whatever comes, and turn all those wagons over to our side of the house. Then addressing Cleburne, I said, General, you have heard the orders just given. You have one of my best divisions. Go with General Cheatham, a the rear, with orders to Stewart and Johnson to make all possible haste. Meantime I rode to one side, and looked on at Cleburne's Division, followed by the remainder of Cheatham's Corps, as it marched by seemingly ready for battle. Within about
ed, by felling some small locust saplings in the vicinity. Soon after Cheatham's Corps was massed on the left, Major General Cleburne came to me where I was seated on my horse in rear of the line, and asked permission to form his Division in two, ness for action, and received orders to drive the enemy from his position into the river at all hazards. About that time Cleburne returned, and, expressing himself with an enthusiasm which he had never before betrayed in our intercourse, said, Generaers. Our troops fought with great gallantry. We have to lament the loss of many gallant officers and brave men. Major General Cleburne, Brigadier Generals Gist, John Adams, Strahl, and Granberry, were killed; Major General Brown, Brigadier GeneralsFederal breastworks, dying as the brave should prefer to die, in the intense and exalted excitement of battle. Major General Cleburne had been distinguished for his admirable conduct upon many fields, and his loss, at this moment, was irreparable.
olors. Our loss in killed, wounded, and prisoners was four thousand five hundred (4500). Among the killed was Major General P. R. Cleburne, Brigadier Generals Gist, John Adams, Strahl, and Granberry. Major General Brown, Brigadier Generals Carter, Ml; and my command was moved almost two divisions front to the left. The instructions given me were to attack as soon as Cleburne, who commanded Hardee's Corps, should become hotly engaged, he being ordered to swing to his right, and my corps to advance directly against the enemy, and if possible, swing to the left. The firing to my left on Cleburne's line, did not indicate a serious engagement, until the right division of Hardee's Corps became engaged. Being satisfied that the battle had commners. Our troops fought with great gallantry. We have to lament the loss of many gallant officers and brave men. Major General Cleburne, Brigadier Generals Gist, John Adams, Strahl, and Granberry were killed; Major General Brown, Brigadier Generals