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d hardly less so to Gen. Beauregard; though it was the manifest interest of the Confederates not only to stop their prodigal expenditure of ammunition at the earliest moment, but to obtain possession of the coveted fortress in as effective a state as possible — each day's additional bombardment subtracting seriously from its strength and efficiency, as a defense of Charleston after it should have fallen into their hands. While Charleston resumed and intensified her exulting revels, Bishop Lynch (Roman Catholic), of Charleston, S. C., celebrated on Sunday the bloodless victory of Fort Sumter with a Te Deum and congratulatory address. In all the churches, allusions were made to the subject. The Episcopal Bishop, wholly blind and feeble, said it was his strong persuasion, confirmed by travel through every section of South Carolina, that the movement in which the people were engaged was begun by them in the deepest conviction of duty to God; and God had signally blessed their depe
manding points on the Virginia shore, while the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad was dismantled and obstructed by them at Harper's Ferry and further west on the other; leaving the city of Washington, as well as his vast army, dependent on the single track of the Branch Rail-road for all their subsistence and supplies, throughout the tedious Winter that followed. The Confederates had not yet enforced a general Conscription; and, though volunteering was widely stimulated by Police discipline and Lynch law, while the more ignorant and ill-informed young women of many slaveholding localities were envenomed Secessionists, refusing to give any but the most furious countenance to young men who hesitated to enlist, yet the white population of the States actually controlled by the Rebels was so very far inferior in numbers to that of the loyal North and West, that the Rebel armies were necessarily and vastly the less numerous likewise. Gen. McClellan, indeed, appears to have estimated their n
the expeditious and prompt manner in which this island has been fortified and defended. The following is a list of the officers who were attached to this expedition: Captain E. Higgins, commanding; Lieutenants Warley, Thom, and Dunnington; Surgeon Lynch; Purser Semple; Midshipmen Reid, Stone, Comstock, Dalton, and Robey, with 65 sailors and 85 marines. After taking possession of the island, Captain Higgins detailed the following officers, with the marines and sailors, to hold and defend it: Lieutenant Warley, commanding; Lieutenant Thom, of the marines; Surgeon Lynch, and the midshipmen. After the enemy had retired, the steamer Swaim arrived with Lieutenant-Colonel H. W. Allen, of the Fourth Regiment, from Mississippi City, with three companies. Major Smith is now in command, fortifying the island, and a larger force may shortly be expected. So much for our first naval brush with the enemy, in which it is but just to say that our officers and men all acted with the greatest
hiding-places of the publishers and seized their unfortunate victims, but the citizens rescued them, and with great difficulty carried them to the police-station. Their preservation from death was a very remarkable circumstance, and had it not been for a few brave men their lives would have paid the penalty of their deeds. Among those who displayed the most commendable bravery in rescuing them, I would mention John Foss, Esq., the Warden of the Prison. The victims were hurried to the police-station on the full run, the crowd following after, and shouting Lynch them! lynch them! The citizens are endeavoring to calm the rioters, but are fearful of another outbreak before morning. As I close I learn that the publishers have been secretly carried to the State Prison, in order to render them as secure as possible; they are considerably bruised, but not seriously injured. A flag has been suspended across the street in front of the office, bearing the words, The doom of traitors.
south (West Plains) toward Waynesville, to cut off our retreat. I also was aware that it would take considerable time to cross the Robidoux, and the Little and Big Piney, on the old road. To avoid all these difficulties, and to give the army an opportunity to rest, I directed the troops from Lebanon to the northern road, passing Right Point and Humboldt, and terminating opposite the mouth of Little Piney, where, in case of the ford being unpassable, the train could be sent by Vienna and Lynch to the mouth of the Gasconade, whilst the troops could ford the river at the mouth of the Little Piney to reinforce Rolla. To bring over the artillery, I ordered the ferry-boat from Big Piney Crossing to be hauled down on the Gasconade to the mouth of the Little Piney, where it arrived immediately after we had crossed the ford. Before we had reached the ford, Major Sturgis assumed the command of the army. I therefore respectfully refer to his report in regard to the main body of the troop
igned by the Secretary of War, since to recognize him would be to recognize his Government. On Monday night Mr. Bing left Richmond by the train for Fredericksburg. The conductor was not satisfied with Beauregard's pass not countersigned, but the documents certifying that he was a bearer of British despatches, silenced his scruples. With a letter from the British Consul to the Vice-Consul at Fredericksburg, he reached the latter town unmolested. The Vice-Consul gave him a letter to Capt. Lynch, in command of the rebel force at Acquia Creek, which secured his assistance. It was arranged that he should be sent with a flag of truce on board of one of our vessels off Acquia Creek; but just as he was starting off, a soldier swore that he had seen him on board a Federal ship, and denounced him as a spy. Where-upon he was sent back to Fredericksburg for examination. There he was in imminent danger from a fourth mob that gathered about him, some one having reported that he was a chap
Rebellion Record: Introduction., Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore), Introduction. (search)
lose of the then current Presidential term. Such are the famous alien and sedition laws, passed under the Administration of that noble and true-hearted revolutionary patriot, John Adams, though not recommended by him officially or privately; adjudged to be constitutional by the Supreme Court of the United States; distinctly approved by Washington, Patrick Henry, and Marshall; and, whatever else may be said of them, certainly preferable to the laws which, throughout the Seceding States, Judge Lynch would not fail to enforce at the lamp-post and tar-bucket against any person guilty of the offences against which these statutes were aimed. It suited, however, the purposes of party at that time, to raise a formidable clamor against these laws. It was in vain that their Constitutionality was affirmed by the Judiciary of the United States. Nothing, said Washington, alluding to these laws, will produce the least change in the conduct of the leaders of the opposition to the measures of
In the Virginia Convention, when it was proposed to send a committee to ask Mr. Lincoln what was the object of his military movements, Mr. Carlisle suggested that a similar committee should be sent to Montgomery to ascertain from Jeff. Davis what he intended to do with all the troops he is raising. Henry A. Wise enquired whether Mr. Carlisle would be named as one of the committee to be sent to Montgomery, for, if so, that would be the last they would ever see of him. That remark was in the true spirit of the Secessionists; they have taken their States out of the Union without consulting the Border States; they are trying to complicate us in difficulties and place us in false positions in the hope to compel us to join them; and, if we have the temerity to ask why large armies are raised and extraordinary expenses incurred, the threat of murder is made at once. Lynch law is the only law proffered to the friends of the Union in the Confederate States.--Louisville Journal, April 23.
ghtening Union mesh, And stop this dire disaster! ”We trust we have not been remiss In duty or in sacrifice; We feel we have wrought thine abyss Some services, good devil! The hottest hell-fire marked our track O'er the green land we have made black; We think our hands have not been slack In doing work of evil. ”Have we not drugged and drowsed the press, And held the Bible in duress? And, Satan, did we not suppress The thinkers and the teachers; Close up the schools, starve out the brains, Lynch those attaint with loyal stains, Festoon the sacred cross with chains, And gag the Lord Christ's preachers? ”O Prince of rebels! have we not Almost eclipsed Iscariot, And quite shamed Peter's little blot, With treachery and lying? Have we not hacked, and hewed, and burned, And pillaged what the poor had earned; Brought havoc on the rich, and spurned The famished and the dying? ”So, being thine in word and deed, We trust we shall not vainly plead In this our time of frightful need And per
the loss of a gallant officer in the person of First Lieutenant Isaac W. Brewer, who was killed just as he was taking his section from the field. Throughout the fight he managed his section with consummate ability, and fell while cheering his men. The service has lost no braver officer. My casualties were: Killed: First Lieutenant I. W. Brewer; privates, Thompson, McDonald, and Dolan--4. Wounded: Corporal P. W. Pettiss; privates James Tully, Levy, Bourshee, Maxwell, Crilly, Kerwin, Lynch, and Joubert--9. Twenty-one horses killed. Three hundred and fifty-six rounds ammunition expended. I would be pleased to pay a tribute to the coolness and intrepidity of my command; but, where all acted so well, it would be invidious to particularize. I should be wanting in my duty, however, were I not to mention Lieutenants Hero and McElroy, and my non-commisioned officers, Sergeants McNeil, Handy, Collins, Ellis, and Stocker, and Corporals Coyl, Kremnelberg, Pettis, and De Blanc, w