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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The honor roll of the University of Virginia, from the times-dispatch, December 3, 1905. (search)
. Butler, W. B., Capt.. Fla., Chancellorsville, Va., 1863. Butt, J. W., Lt., Va., Richmond, Va., 1862. Cabell, J. C., Lt., Va., Richmond, Va., 1863. Cardwell, J. R., Va., Augusta, Ga., 1864. Carr, J. G., Lt., Va., Dry Creek, Va., 1863. Carr, W. C., Lt., Va., Seven Pines, Va., 1863. Carr, J. G., Va. Carrington, W. C. P., Capt., Va., Edwards Depot, Miss., 1863. Carter, J. C., Brig. Gen., Ga., Franklin, Tenn., 1864. Carey, G. M., Va., Gloucester Co., Va., 1862. Carson, S. M., Surg., Va., Tennessee. Charles, F. E., La., Arkansas, 186-. Chalmers, J., Va., Fairfax, Va., 1861. Chalmers, H. C., Asst. Surg., Va., 1865. Chapman, G. B., Capt., Va., Winchester, Va., 186-. Chew, R. E., Col., Miss., Prairie Grove, Va., 186-. Christian, H. B., Lt., Miss., Appomattox, Va., 1865. Clark, P. H., Capt., Va., Richmond, Va., 1862. Clay, C. G., Va., Spotsylvania C. H., 1864. Cleaver, W. H., Capt., Ark., Rio Grande River, 1862. Cochran, J. L., Va
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.64 (search)
Oats, I., third corporal; Parsons, D. M., fourth coropral. Privates. Acker, John, Alexander, M. S., Allen, George M., Allen Herman, Ala.; Anderson, Nathan H., Athey, William, Allen, J., Albright, James, Armentrout, Sol., Bobo, Jackson, Bean, Fred, Bierkamy, William, Brathwaite, Newton, Blakemore, William, Bowman, Jack, Barnula, Joseph, Bare, William, Baldwin, H., Blakemore, George, Branson, William, Bennett, Henry, Browning, E. R., Md.; Boggs, Gus, Md.; Crawford, James, Contey, Jack, Carson, John W., Cleaver, William, Clutter, J. W., Cain, Thomas, Cowger, David A., Coleman, Jack, Cokeley, John, Cokeley, George, Cooper, J., Clarey, L., Md.; Clarey, Thad., Md.; Clarey, Rich., Md.; Chisholm, Wallace, Md.; Cresap, Van, Md.; Cosner, Wayne, Carle, George, Coffman, Joseph, Childs, Ben, Cunningham, John, Daugherty, Sam, Davis, R. C., Duffy, J. W., Duval, H: R., Md.; Davis, Frank, Dyer, Robin, Dyce, Sam, Devectman, P., Md.; Enright, E. C., Fay, J. B. Md.; Fisher, J. G., Frederick, Lewis
, E. A., II., 334; X., 175, 176. Carr, J. B., X., 125. Carrick's Ford, W. Va., I., 348. Carrington, H. B., X., 311. Carroll, S. S., II., 320; X., 199. Carroll, W. H., X., 299. Carrollton, Ga., IV., 140. Carson, C. (Kit Carson), X., 221. Cartel: VII., 98; difficulties in the application of the, VII., 104, 106, 108; of 1862, provisions of, VII., 112; for exchange, adoption of, July 22, 1862, VII., 106, 160; for exchange, suspension of, May 25, 1863,Carson), X., 221. Cartel: VII., 98; difficulties in the application of the, VII., 104, 106, 108; of 1862, provisions of, VII., 112; for exchange, adoption of, July 22, 1862, VII., 106, 160; for exchange, suspension of, May 25, 1863, VII., 160; lack of clearness in the supplementary articles of, cause of trouble, VII., 112, 114, 116; of July 22, VII., 345; of July 22, 1862, VII., 345, Appendix A. Carter, Anne H. X., 52. Carter, J. C., III., 340; X., 299. Carter, S. P., III., 344; X., 305. Carter, a western photographer, IV., 145. Carters Station, Tonn., II., 328. Carthage, Mo., I., 348. Cartridges: small arms, V., 166; origin of, V., 172. Carver Hospital, Washington, D. C. , VII.
ion of arms between the States and the Government of the United States. 7. Resolved, That copies of the foregoing resolutions be forthwith telegraphed to the President of the United States, and the Executives of the several States, and that the Governor be requested, without delay, to inform the Commissioners of their appointment. The report having been completed, the yeas and nays were called on its adoption, with the following result: Yeas.--Messrs, Armstrong, Brannon, Bence, Carson, Carraway, Carter, Christian, Claiborne, Coghill, Critcher, Day, John Dickenson, Asa D. Dickinson, Douglas, French, Gatewood, Greever, Hubbard, Isbell, Johnson, Layne, Logan, Lynch, Marshall, McKenney, Nash, Neal, Neeson, Newlon, Newman, Pate, Paxton, Quesenberry, Richmond, Rives, Stuart, Henry W. Thomas, Christopher Y. Thomas, Townes and Wickham--40. Nays.--Messrs, August, Early, Finney, Pennybacker and Thompson--5. Mr. August and others, in voting against the resolutions, explain
ls passed. --To amend the charter of the Bank of Phillippi; a bill to amend the charter of the Bank of the Commonwealth. Mr. H. W. Thomas offered the following resolution: Resolved, That when the Senate adjourns on Wednesday, it will (with the consent of the House of Delegates) take a recess until the 6th day of February. Mr. Lynch moved to lay the resolution on the table, and called the yeas and nays, with the following result: Yeas.--Messrs. August, Brannon, Bruce, Carson, Day, French, Greever, Isbell, Lynch, Newman, Pate, Paxton, Richmond, Smith, Thompson,Townes--16. -Nays.--Messrs. Caldwell, Carraway, Jr., Christian, Dickenson of Grayson, Gatewood, Massie, Neal, Newton, Rives, Thomas of Fairfax, Thomas of Henry, Urquhart, Wickham--13. On motion of Mr.Paxton, Resolved, That a joint committee, consisting of three members of the House of Delegates and two members of the Senate, be appointed to provide a hall for the accommodation of the State Co
Penny-backer, of amending the 4th section of chapter 14 of the Code, so as to allow the first clerk in the Treasurer's office $1,300; by H. W. Thomas, for allowing the Banks of the Commonwealth to issue, to a limited amount, notes of a less denomination than five dollars during the period of suspension of specie payments by the Banks. The unfinished business of Friday, the bill to amend the charter of the Winchester and Potomac Railroad Company, was next called up, when, on motion of Mr. Carson, it was laid on the table, with the understanding that its consideration should be resumed at some day when the attendance of Senators was greater than at present. Mr. Isbell called up the resolution offered some time since by the Senator from Augusta, (Mr. Stuart,) relative to the contemplated attack upon the forts in Virginia and the Federal capital. On motion of Mr. Isbell, the resolution was subsequently laid on the table. Mr. Pennybacker offered a resolution for an adjo
resolutions were laid on the table and ordered to be printed. Mr. H. W. Thomas's motion was then lost, by the following vote: Yeas.--Messrs. Armstrong, Carson, Christian French, Greever, Logan, Marshall, Neeson, Newlon, Richmond, Stuart, Thomas of Fairfax, and Townes.--13. Nays.--Messrs. Brannon, Claiborne, Coghill of Henry. --14. The motion of Mr. Brannon, to have the Minnesota resolutions sent back, was then adopted by the following vote: Yeas.--Messrs. Brannon, Carson, Christian, Claiborne, Coghill, Day, Early, Finney, French, Gatewood, Greever, Isbell, Logan, Lynch, Nash, Newlon, Pate, Paxton, Richmond, Smith, and Taliaferro.-. Claiborne moved to lay the preamble and resolutions on the table. On this he called the yeas and nays, and it resulted as follows: Yeas.--Messrs. Brannon, Carson, Claiborne, Coghill, Early, Finney, Gatewood, Lynch, Nash, and Paxton.--10. Nays.--Messrs. Armstrong, Christian, Day, French, Greever, Isbell, Logan, Marshal
rginia.[Extra session.] Senate. Thursday, Feb. 14, 1861. Called to order at the usual hour, and opened with prayer by Rev. Mr. Saul., Bill Reported.--By Mr. Thompson, for the relief of Josephine Harper. Petitions.--The following petitions were presented: By Mr. Coghill, petition of Geo. Woodson, and other slaves of A. S. Goodson, asking the enactment of a law authorizing their voluntary enslavement. By Mr. H. W. Thomas, petition of Celia Edmunds, asking certain relief. Mr. Carson presented sundry petitions in favor of the Strasburg connection. Resolutions.--The following resolutions of inquiry were adopted: By Mr. Quesenberry, of amending the charter of the Bank of Commerce, of Fredericksburg; by Mr. Townes, of amending the charter of the Bank of Danville; by Mr. Neal, to authorize Thos. Chancellor to construct a wharf on his land, on the South side of the Little Kanawha River, near its mouth. Change of Hour.--On motion of Mr. Johnson, it was
located; and on the failure of any Bank or Branch to pay such excess on paper heretofore discounted and unpaid as aforesaid, such Bank or Branch shall not have the benefit of the provisions of this act releasing any penalty or forfeiture incurred by it by the non-payment of specie. The amendment occasional a spirited debate between Messrs. Armstrong, Anoust, Thomas of Fairfax, Isbell and others. The amendment was aed by the following vote: Yeas.--Messrs. Armstrong Caldwell, Carson, Carter, Claiborne, Day. Dickinson of Prince Edward, Early, Gatewood, Greever, Isbell, Logan, Marshall, Neal, Newman, Paxton, Richmond, Smith, Thomas of Henry--19 Nays.--Messrs. August, Brannen, Carraway, Jr., Coghill, Finney, Johnson, Lynch, Pennybacker, Thomas of Fairfax, Townes--10. Mr. Isbell offered the following, which was also adopted: "The 33d section of chapter 58 of the Code of Virginia shall be amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows: 'Sec. 16. Any Bank a
uld not be construed into active service, either in contemplation of law or in fact, affirmed its previous action, and there being no new facts adduced, at this time, the Board adheres to its decision." Armory Grounds.--A bill authorizing the sale of a portion of the Armory grounds, and out of the proceeds thereof to purchase a site for an arsenal and quarters for the Public Guard, and to erect buildings for that purpose, was called up, and after a discussion of some length between Messrs. Carson, August, Wickham, Lynch, &c., as to the propriety of its passage, the vote by which it was ordered to its third reading was reconsidered, and the bill referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. Treasury Note Bill.--The special order of the day, the bill authorizing the issue of Treasury notes, was next taken up, when Mr. Brannon proposed to amend by providing that the money hereby authorized to be raised is intended for the purpose of providing the means to carry into effect the