Butler, W. B., Capt.. Fla., Chancellorsville, Va., 1863.
Butt, J. W., Lt., Va., Richmond, Va., 1862.
Cabell, J. C., Lt., Va., Richmond, Va., 1863.
Cardwell, J. R., Va., Augusta, Ga., 1864.
Carr, J. G., Lt., Va., Dry Creek, Va., 1863.
Carr, W. C., Lt., Va., Seven Pines, Va., 1863.
Carr, J. G., Va.
Carrington, W. C. P., Capt., Va., Edwards Depot, Miss., 1863.
Carter, J. C., Brig. Gen., Ga., Franklin, Tenn., 1864.
Carey, G. M., Va., Gloucester Co., Va., 1862.
Carson, S. M., Surg., Va., Tennessee.
Charles, F. E., La., Arkansas, 186-.
Chalmers, J., Va., Fairfax, Va., 1861.
Chalmers, H. C., Asst. Surg., Va., 1865.
Chapman, G. B., Capt., Va., Winchester, Va., 186-.
Chew, R. E., Col., Miss., Prairie Grove, Va., 186-.
Christian, H. B., Lt., Miss., Appomattox, Va., 1865.
Clark, P. H., Capt., Va., Richmond, Va., 1862.
Clay, C. G., Va., Spotsylvania C. H., 1864.
Cleaver, W. H., Capt., Ark., Rio Grande River, 1862.
Cochran, J. L., Va
Oats, I., third corporal; Parsons, D. M., fourth coropral.
Acker, John, Alexander, M. S., Allen, George M., Allen Herman, Ala.; Anderson, Nathan H., Athey, William, Allen, J., Albright, James, Armentrout, Sol., Bobo, Jackson, Bean, Fred, Bierkamy, William, Brathwaite, Newton, Blakemore, William, Bowman, Jack, Barnula, Joseph, Bare, William, Baldwin, H., Blakemore, George, Branson, William, Bennett, Henry, Browning, E. R., Md.; Boggs, Gus, Md.; Crawford, James, Contey, Jack, Carson, John W., Cleaver, William, Clutter, J. W., Cain, Thomas, Cowger, David A., Coleman, Jack, Cokeley, John, Cokeley, George, Cooper, J., Clarey, L., Md.; Clarey, Thad., Md.; Clarey, Rich., Md.; Chisholm, Wallace, Md.; Cresap, Van, Md.; Cosner, Wayne, Carle, George, Coffman, Joseph, Childs, Ben, Cunningham, John, Daugherty, Sam, Davis, R. C., Duffy, J. W., Duval, H: R., Md.; Davis, Frank, Dyer, Robin, Dyce, Sam, Devectman, P., Md.; Enright, E. C., Fay, J. B. Md.; Fisher, J. G., Frederick, Lewis
, E. A.,
II., 334; X., 175, 176.
Carr, J. B.,
X., 125.
Carrick's Ford, W. Va.,
I., 348.
Carrington, H. B.,
X., 311.
Carroll, S. S.,
II., 320; X., 199.
Carroll, W. H.,
X., 299.
Carrollton, Ga.,
IV., 140.
Carson, C. (Kit Carson), X., 221.
Cartel: VII., 98; difficulties in the application of the, VII., 104, 106, 108; of 1862, provisions of, VII., 112; for exchange, adoption of, July 22, 1862, VII., 106, 160; for exchange, suspension of, May 25, 1863,Carson), X., 221.
Cartel: VII., 98; difficulties in the application of the, VII., 104, 106, 108; of 1862, provisions of, VII., 112; for exchange, adoption of, July 22, 1862, VII., 106, 160; for exchange, suspension of, May 25, 1863, VII., 160; lack of clearness in the supplementary articles of, cause of trouble, VII., 112, 114, 116; of July 22, VII., 345; of July 22, 1862, VII., 345, Appendix A.
Carter, Anne H.
X., 52.
Carter, J. C.,
III., 340; X., 299.
Carter, S. P.,
III., 344; X., 305.
Carter, a western photographer, IV., 145.
Carters Station, Tonn., II., 328.
Carthage, Mo.,
I., 348.
Cartridges: small arms, V., 166; origin of, V., 172.
Carver Hospital, Washington, D. C.
, VII.
ion of arms between the States and the Government of the United States.
7. Resolved, That copies of the foregoing resolutions be forthwith telegraphed to the President of the United States, and the Executives of the several States, and that the Governor be requested, without delay, to inform the Commissioners of their appointment.
The report having been completed, the yeas and nays were called on its adoption, with the following result:
Yeas.--Messrs, Armstrong, Brannon, Bence, Carson, Carraway, Carter, Christian, Claiborne, Coghill, Critcher, Day, John Dickenson, Asa D. Dickinson, Douglas, French, Gatewood, Greever, Hubbard, Isbell, Johnson, Layne, Logan, Lynch, Marshall, McKenney, Nash, Neal, Neeson, Newlon, Newman, Pate, Paxton, Quesenberry, Richmond, Rives, Stuart, Henry W. Thomas, Christopher Y. Thomas, Townes and Wickham--40.
Nays.--Messrs, August, Early, Finney, Pennybacker and Thompson--5.
Mr. August and others, in voting against the resolutions, explain
resolutions were laid on the table and ordered to be printed.
Mr. H. W. Thomas's motion was then lost, by the following vote:
Yeas.--Messrs. Armstrong, Carson, Christian French, Greever, Logan, Marshall, Neeson, Newlon, Richmond, Stuart, Thomas of Fairfax, and Townes.--13.
Nays.--Messrs. Brannon, Claiborne, Coghill of Henry. --14.
The motion of Mr. Brannon, to have the Minnesota resolutions sent back, was then adopted by the following vote:
Yeas.--Messrs. Brannon, Carson, Christian, Claiborne, Coghill, Day, Early, Finney, French, Gatewood, Greever, Isbell, Logan, Lynch, Nash, Newlon, Pate, Paxton, Richmond, Smith, and Taliaferro.-. Claiborne moved to lay the preamble and resolutions on the table.
On this he called the yeas and nays, and it resulted as follows:
Yeas.--Messrs. Brannon, Carson, Claiborne, Coghill, Early, Finney, Gatewood, Lynch, Nash, and Paxton.--10.
Nays.--Messrs. Armstrong, Christian, Day, French, Greever, Isbell, Logan, Marshal