ell, J H Delany, W H. Humilton, C V Hammond, W A Harcison, G Honser, W. A Lenier, P H MeDowell, J N Mcliwain.
A P Riley, E C. Riley, T J Rikiard, W A Shelits, George White, L W White, J P McCom.
Company C.--Killed: Sergt. John Rogers, Privates Ira Barker, E D Slaton.
M L Johson, Miles M. Calcavay, Joseph B. Pawell, C I A. WWhite, J P McCom.
Company C.--Killed: Sergt. John Rogers, Privates Ira Barker, E D Slaton.
M L Johson, Miles M. Calcavay, Joseph B. Pawell, C I A. Whitten.
Wounded: Capt. J J Roten, Private Nimfod Sullivan, F Hall, Jeme M Hall, John Thomal, Wm. Rogde, Isaac Hobba, Ferril Spied, Sergt. Jame Robine, A Colly, J W. Camernn, Ira Nichicken, W. N. Ransons, E Vonholdein, H Huskamp.
Company D.--Killed: Sergt. W. R. Butrougn, Privates T. C Hurs, T D Braddy, Died Young, Wounded: Caoung, J A Hofoway, C C Baras, R L Carler M Gentree, E T. Chambler.
Wounded: Corp. C D Rowland, Corp W S Harris, Corp D F son; Privates R S Kay, J m Watson, L W White, J O Hammett, L G Williams, J W Wowler, J M Fowler, G W Vandiver, J L Vandiver, L P Woodruff, W T Simmens, A Y Shearly, Albert Johnson, D C Stott, J M Geer, Israel
ieut Privates M D. Tatum, G F Hill, H V L F Ferkinson, Jos C Robinson, B A Lucy.
Company Killed: Corp Nicholas Dawson.
Company Banks — Killed: None, Wounded Lieut Sergt Jos Carr; Privates D A Bars Revan, J T Robinson, W A Shepherd.
Company Killed: None.
Wounded: Lieut. Corp W C Brown, Private J A
Company G. Capt Crawford.--Killed: Private J B Symington.
Wounded: Privates J Lovenstein, E E Nimmo.
Company G, Capt Owens.--Killed: Corpl T B Braithwaite; Private Lewis Meyers.
Wounded: Sergt J R Baldry.
Company I. Capt Jones.--Killed: Privates John Delbridge, W. E Edwards.
Wounded: Sergt T J. Harwell Privates G. W Lee, L F Kelly.
Company H, Capt Lewellen.--Killed: None.--Wounded: Corpl B Mitchell; Private Wm. Mann.
A list of the Killed, wounded, and Missing from the 19th Virginia regiment.
Major John T Ellis wounded in thigh.
Company A.--Wounded: W W Murray.
Company B.--Killed: Jas Durret.
Wounded: Sgt Lee Gilmore, Sgt Sheph
y F.--Killed: Capt. Hawthorn, Privates J J Henderson, James Lyles; and G. T. M Drown.--Wounded: Serg'ts Armstrong; Miltes, and Ballenger.
Privates Thos Reeden, Thos Price, H N Harrum, W. T Beardin, H H Haghes R B Mayse, J. Dickson, Henry Daunders, Chas Mason, Wm Maldin, W T Abbot, T R Morris.
Company G.7#x2014;Killed: Corpl J M Redwood, Sergt. J H Hastings.
Corp J B Gilloit, T B Allen, Betijohn, Baldwin, C Caster, C Dunn, J T Harpin, W. B Holt, It L Keebbs, E Ledyard, J Newburger, J Price, H Fritchard, Chas Pollard, J G Renolds, P C Raudel, Jos Thorntou, E K Waterhouse, D Wheeler, jr.
Company B, (Gulf Gily Guards.) Killed: W C Ayres, D J J. T C Tommy.
Wounded: Lt L H Hill; Privates J E Carter, C K McMorris, B J Goss, W A Bensoo, L A Calla.
Way, J R King, G A Jones, W Jefter, W M Teague, J. Skinner.
D Price, G A Ready, Sgt J A Davis.--Missing: Privates Ben Bross, J O Banksion, J A Dison, Wm Loyd, John Lynch, Chas Law, J N Norwood, H J Norris.
N A Rawis, J J Stoker.
, Wm H Gibson, David C Bankin, Jeseph Gibson, John L Morgan, Francis McCleveland, John C Knox, John M Rankin, FJames Stone, James Jarkson, Jas H. Johnston, Harmon Stillwood, David L Beroy, W. J. H. Leroy, S N Wihic Fall; Wm. F Morgan.
Company F.--Killed: Capt. Hawthorn, Privates J J Henderson, James Lyles; and G. T. M Drown.--Wounded: Serg'ts Armstrong; Miltes, and Ballenger.
Privates Thos Reeden, Thos Price, H N Harrum, W. T Beardin, H H Haghes R B Mayse, J. Dickson, Henry Daunders, Chas Mason, Wm Maldin, W T Abbot, T R Morris.
Company G.7#x2014;Killed: Corpl A P Lindsay, Privates L A Calahan, J L Grier, R P Cunningham, J A Davis, L Fields, W P Morrison, E W Pruit, G B Richey, Wm H Simpson, Jos. Smith, F Clinkscales.
L O Rid. Wounded: Capt G McD Miller, Lieut. Latimer, Serg't Means, Serg't R W Hadden, Corp J A Burton, privates W D Anderson, C A Botts, L D Bowie, Wm. Boyd, A P Brooks, T W Brocks, A W Brock, W J Calvert, W T Cowen, M Flin, M Freeman, B T Parsavay, T S Gordon
ris, Sharp, Sharp, Stone, W Stanley, W H Turner.
Missing privates Pierce, W H Alexander, W Alexander, B H Dudley, Lerer, Broadiway, Scofield.
Co. I, (Wetumpka Light Guards.)--Killed: Color Sgt W M Due, Privates W E Lindsey.
H C Tommy.
Wounded: Lt L H Hill; Privates J E Carter, C K McMorris, B J Goss, W A Bensoo, L A Calla.
Way, J R King, G A Jones, W Jefter, W M Teague, J. Skinner.
D Price, G A Ready, Sgt J A Davis.--Missing: Privates Ben Bross, J O Banksion, J A Dison, Wm Loyd, John Lynch, Chas Law, J N Norwood, H J Norris.
N A Rawis, J J Stoker.
Co. K, (Mobile Rifles.)--Killed: Corp'l Wm. Lieut. Wounded: Sgt. Traylor, Corp'l McGuire, Privates Buford, Jones. Keeler, Closeby ), Moseby 69, Innerarity, Clark, Young.
Hunter, Howard.
Co. L. (Dixie Eagles.)--Killed: Privates J A Pipkins, W J Keener, G Hutson.
Wounded: Lt Kennon, Sgt Martin; Privates C Delbridge, M W Dick, G Oliver, McKennon, Young, Patterson, Coggins, Greenwood.
Missing: Privates Owens, Tillery.
issing: C Barnett, J Lankford, F Bohlinger,--Madison, Chas Walton.
Company I.--Killed: C J Higginbatham.
Wounded: Serg't T. H. Campbell, Privates D G Campbell Jos Campbell, E W Smith, W L Simpson, L O Jennings, D F M Burford, W A Pendleton, A S Quinn.
Missing: A M Franklin, L P Hawkins, T P Gill, W H Lavender.
Company Had.)
Company. G, Capt. Flowers.--Killed R A. Hines, J. S. McLain.
Wounded: Sgt Heartness, J. W. Hartness, J. W. Linney, Corp'l C. J. Deal, T F Murdoch, D E Campbell, M M Clary, W. L W Ellis, J Q Elder, J Gamt, S. N. Hines, J. W. Lackey, J. Wealey Lackey, J C Lackey, R C Lackey, W L Lackey, D M Mathicon, A V Turner, D A Wilso. Maull, Corpl E W Nobles, Privates J W Cox, J. J. Howell, J A Logall, J A Oliver, J. P Puteguat, R W Woodward, W. H. Templin.
Severely wounded: J W Carter, J D Campbell, J M Jones, J R Smith, W P Clanghten.
There were 28 horses of the battery killed and disabled.
D. V. Bates, Orderly sergt.
Casualties in the Thirteent
ed: Capt J. E. Blair, Lt. S H. White, Sgt Ro, Bowles, privates.
M R Morris, James Napier, C, T Thompson, W D Scruggs.
Missing: Ro Herndon.
Company D.--Wounded: Lts R J Harland, H. Baker, S W FaC. Turner, H T Johnson.
Company D.--Killed: Private William Boyett.--Wounded: Privates H W Thompson, J B Lane, W J Roberts, R. W. Hugings.
Company F.--Wounded: Lieut Simmis; Sgt Fitzgerald. tes paul Barger, Geo Cauble, James Solemon.
Wounded: Privates Alfred C Carter.
Wm Morris, J F Thompson.
The regiment went into the battle with 130 effective men. Killed 8, wounded 16--Total 51.arkman, W Yarborough.
Company F.--Wounded: Privates James W. Lawless, Martin G Turner, William Thompson.
Company G.--Killed: Private Richard Payton.
Wounded: 1st Lieut John B Coleman, Serg'Feibler, R M-McNeil, J M Gillis — Wounded: C C Terry, Capt Powell, Thad McCowan, Joe Rowe, P G Thompson, S H Smith, W Swink, A S Connel, G C Baker, T J Bagby.
Missing: C Rosenthiel.
Company E.