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Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House 4 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: Introduction., Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore) 4 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore) 4 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Index, Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore) 4 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli 4 2 Browse Search
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 28. 3 1 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Book and heart: essays on literature and life 3 1 Browse Search
Mary Thacher Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson: the story of his life 2 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Letters and Journals of Thomas Wentworth Higginson 2 0 Browse Search
Lydia Maria Child, Letters of Lydia Maria Child (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier, Wendell Phillips, Harriet Winslow Sewall) 2 0 Browse Search
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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), United States of America. (search)
s, aged eighty-one......Sept. 1, 1894 Maj.-Gen. George Stoneman, ex-governor of California, born Aug. 8, 1822, dies at Buffalo, N. Y.......Sept. 5, 1894 President Cleveland proclaims amnesty to persons convicted of polygamy under the Edmunds act......Sept. 27, 1894 Proclamation of President setting apart the Ashland forest reserve in Oregon......Sept. 28, 1894 Brig.-Gen. John P. Hawkins, commissary-general of subsistence, United States army, retired......Sept. 29, 1894 Oliver Wendell Holmes, born in Cambridge, Mass., Aug. 29, 1809, dies at his residence in Boston......Oct. 7, 1894 Andrew G. Curtin, war governor of Pennsylvania, dies at Bellefonte, Pa., aged seventy-seven......Oct. 7, 1894 Train on the Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad held up 41 miles south of Washington, D. C., and robbed of $150,000......Oct. 12, 1894 Memorial tablet to memory of Robert C. Morris, the financier of the Revolution, unveiled at Batavia, N. Y.; oration by Secretary of Treasury
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Massachusetts (search)
e age of seventy years......Nov. 8, 1893 Ex-Gov. William Gaston dies at Boston, aged seventy-four......Jan. 19, 1894 Miss Helen Shafer, president of Wellesley College, born 1840, dies......Jan. 20, 1894 Fast Day abolished and April 19, the anniversary of the battle of Lexington, substituted as a holiday (to be called Patriots' Day)......March 16, 1894 Sixty-eight factories closed in Fall River......Aug. 13, 1894 Nathaniel P. Banks dies at Waltham......Sept. 1, 1894 Oliver Wendell Holmes dies at Boston......Oct. 7, 1894 Ex-Speaker Robert C. Winthrop dies at Boston......Nov. 16, 1894 The veterans of the 15th, 19th, 23d, and 58th Massachusetts volunteer regiments return captured flags, and the 7th Massachusetts return the State flag to the State officers......Dec. 22, 1894 State census taken, showing a total population of 2,500,183......1895 Manchester celebrates its 250th anniversary......July 18, 1895 Samuel F. Smith, author of America, dies at Boston.
or-General Meade, U. S. A., Ralph Waldo Emerson, Rear-Admiral Davis, U. S.N., Major-General Force of Ohio, Rev. Dr. Thompson of New York, Colonel Thomas W. Higginson, and Rev. J. K. Hosmer, who was color-bearer of the Fifty-second Massachusetts Regiment. An original song, written by Rev. Charles T. Brooks, entitled The Soldier's Oath, was sung by a selected choir; also an original ode by J. S. Dwight. Mrs. Julia Ward Howe contributed a poem, which was read by Mr. Samuel A. Elliot. Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes and James Russell Lowell each furnished a poem, which was read by the author. The celebration closed with the singing of Auld Lang Sync. Considered as a whole, it was one of the most remarkable gathering of educated and distinguished citizens ever assembled on the continent of America. Among the good people of Richmond, Va., who were kind and charitable to our prisoners, and loyal to the Government, was the family of the Van Lews. When Colonel Lee, Major Revere, and others
Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches, Contents. (search)
Contents. The close of the war13 Francis J. Child40 Longfellow55 Lowell83 C. P. Cranch113 T. G. Appleton132 Doctor Holmes142 Frank Bird and the Bird Club162 Sumner180 Chevalier Howe218 The War Governor242 The Colored Regiments262 Emerson's tribute to George L. Stearns279 Elizur W. Right286 Dr. W . T. G. Morton309 Leaves from a Roman Diary332 Centennial Contributions355
Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches, The close of the War (search)
l after all others had done so. This naive confession made his audience like him. It is a curious geneological fact that Professor Pierce had a son named after him who would seem to have been born in mirth, to have lived in comedy, and died in a jest. He was a college Yorick who produced roars of laughter in the Dicky and Hasty Pudding clubs. Another son, called affectionately by the students Jimmy Mills, was also noted for his wit, and much respected as an admirable instructor. Doctor Holmes says, in Parson Turell's Legacy: Know old Cambridge? Hope you do.- Born there? Don't say so! I was too. (Born in a house with a gambrel-roof,-- Standing still, if you must have proof.-Nicest place that ever was seen,-- Colleges red and Common green, Sidewalks brownish with trees between. This describes Cambridge as it was forty years since. In spite of its timid conservatism and rather donnish society, as Professor Child termed it, it was one of the pleasantest places to live in
Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches, Longfellow (search)
ers; for every autograph he gave would have made a purchaser for his publishers. Harmony did not always prevail in the Saturday Club, for politics was the all-embracing subject in those days and its members represented every shade of political opinion. Emerson, Longfellow, and Lowell were strongly anti-slavery, but they differed in regard to methods. Lowell was what was then called a Seward man, and differed with Emerson in regard to John Brown, and with Longfellow in regard to Sumner. Holmes was still more conservative; and Agassiz was a McClellan Democrat. William Hunt, the painter, believed that the war was caused by the ambition of the leading politicians in the North and South. Longfellow had the advantage of more direct information than the others, and enjoyed the continued successes of the Republican party. In the spring of 1866 a number of Southerners came to Boston to borrow funds in order to rehabilitate their plantations, and were introduced at the Union League C
Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches, Doctor Holmes. (search)
id at once: We must get something from Oliver Wendell Holmes. He was Lowell's great discovery and ld books and claw-footed furniture; but if Doctor Holmes had depended on such society for his mater that was told in a confident manner. But Doctor Holmes's digressions are infectious. The Autocich ends in a sympathetic conversation. Doctor Holmes's humor permeates every sentence that he wmedy; but if the reverse, low comedy. Some of Holmes's comparisons make the reader laugh out aloud. on the faces of less distinguished wits. Doctor Holmes ridiculed phrenology as an attempt to estil always be glad to see you here. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., was class poet of 1861, an honor whound in seven hours; and yet in three days Captain Holmes was able to write to his father. The Doctbattle, and when they met at the railway depot Holmes said: I would give my house to have your fortuing it of vulgarity; but we regret to find Doctor Holmes falling into line in this particular. He [5 more...]
Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches, Sumner. (search)
sire to give them as good an education as his own, he could not afford to spend much on external elegances. It was not until Charles had become a distinguished lawyer that his mother dispensed with the iron forks and spoons on her dinner table; and this gives a fair idea of their domestic economy. We learn from Pierce's biography that his college expenses did not exceed two hundred dollars a year; and this included everything. He entered at Harvard in the class of 1830; a year after Doctor Holmes and a year before Wendell Phillips. Much more is known concerning his college life than that of other distinguished men of that time, and it is highly interesting to recognize the mature man foreshadowed in the youth of eighteen. He was a good scholar in everything but mathematics; yet, at the same time, he cared little for rank. He was an enthusiastic reader, and sometimes neglected his studies for a book in which he was more deeply interested. He also liked to converse about the bo
Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches, Elizur Wright (search)
f 1842 he went to England, and with the kind assistance of Browning and Pringle succeeded in placing the rest of his books there to his satisfaction. Having a great admiration for Wordsworth's poetry, he made a long journey to see that celebrated author, but only to be affronted by Wordsworth's saying that America would be a good place if there were only a few gentlemen in it. With Carlyle he had, as might have been expected, a furious argument on the slavery question, and King Thomas, as Dr. Holmes calls him, encountered for once a head as hard as his own. The Brownings, Robert and Elizabeth, received him with true English hospitality. More experienced than Wordsworth in the great world, they recognized Elizur Wright to be what he was,--a man of intellect and rare integrity. Mr. Wright always spoke of Browning as one of the most satisfactory men with whom he had ever conversed. In 1840, as is well known, the anti-slavery movement became divided into those who still believed in
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Olde Cambridge, Chapter 2: old Cambridge in three literary epochs (search)
in young men's libraries of the British Essayists of Addison's period. The result was a well-bred, clearly written, somewhat prosaic style common to both nations, but practically brought to an end by Carlyle with his impetuous vigor and by what Holmes called the Macaulay-flowers of literature. These influences in England, with the rise of Emerson and Parker in America, brought a distinct change, and Lowell eminently contributed his share when Professor Bowen, editing the North American, complsome period of the Atlantic's existence, if not the whole, to be classed as Cambridge authors, together with the total of contributions credited to each in the Atlantic Index, of 1888: W. D. Howells, 399; T. S. Perry, 355; H. E. Scudder, 196; O. W. Holmes, 18I; G. P. Lathrop, 168; W. F. Apthorp, 134; Henry James, Jr., 134; J. R. Lowell, 132; T. W. Higginson, 117; T. B. Aldrich, I I; John Fiske, 89; G. E. Woodberry, 73; H. W. Longfellow, 68; C. P. Cranch, 45; C. E. Norton, 44; N. S. Shaler, 32;