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ry one expecting to see our troops driven into the Chickahominy; but when they saw the rebels running towards the city the greatest consternation prevailed. Many of the inhabitants have crossed the James river, expecting the city to be occupied by our troops soon. It is rumored that Gen. Magruder is going to resign, having become disgusted with the rebel military administration. We are informed that there are no troops between the Rappahannock and the army of the Potomac under Gen. McClellan. A flag of truce came in to-day from General Huger, asking for the bodies of General Pettigrew, and Cols. Davis, Leightfoot, Long, and Breton, who were supposed to have been killed in the late battle. Col. Davis was the only one killed. Leightfoot and Long are prisoners, and Breton was wounded, as also Gen. Pettigrew, Col. D. vis's body will be returned. Prisoners of War. Whitehouse, Pamunkey river, June 4. --The following are the names of eleven officers who, with two hun
ncy to endure these terrible sufferings rather than give in. If they have, and of course, they never can be conquered.--There are histories without end of natures deserting their sea- coasts, leaving their plains, retiring from their rivers, holding their own in their mountains, and retaining their independence at last; and, if the Southerners have but the endurance of which it would be easy to cite a hundred instances, they may well laugh the idea of subjugation to scorn. But they have sometimes talked so loudly and acted so feebly — as in this case of Now Orleans — that we are not certain that words really do mean fact. It is impossible to deny what the Southern press says — that they have a great front of battle still unsure on. There is Beauregard at Corinth with a great army which has shown it can fight, and which he has shown himself able to lead.--There is Johnston face to face with McClellan at Yorktown. There is Jackson in the Valley of the Shenandoah. There are ot
June 8th and 9th. Our losses in the engagements are upwards of five hundred, but the Federal loss is known to be more severe Fremont, who is blockading the roads in his retreat, is closely pressed by Ewell, and can hardly escape without the loss of many of his men. If Jackson had an adequate force, or even one equal to that of the enemy, the whole of these two invading armies would be destroyed as effectually as Banks's army was two weeks ago. The successes of glorious "Stonewall" in the Valley cannot fail to raise a high old panic among the functionaries of Washington, and divert, in a measure, the plans of McClellan opposite Richmond. The result of these splendid victories is to evident to need comment; and it is therefore unnecessary to urge that immediate reinforcements be sent to Jackson, that he may be able to follow up the advantages already gained.--These operations in the valley are as surely aids in the defence of Richmond as any along the line of the Chickahominy.
The Daily Dispatch: June 11, 1862., [Electronic resource], Company D, 11th Virginia Regiment.[For the Richmond Dispatch.] (search)
From Norfolk. Information from Norfolk, received from various sources, leads us to believe that the reported evacuation of Norfolk by the Yankee forces is correct. A large force has been stationed there, but all but two or three thousand have been removed, having just enough to hold the city. In all probability the remainder have been sent to reinforce McClellan on the Chickahominy, who is loudly calling for additional men. It is said the Navy-Yard has been destroyed, the fortifications around the city blown up, and the railroads rendered useless, Lincoln begins to see that the policy of occupying every point on the Southern coast is by no means a good one, and, since the recruits do not come in as rapidly as was anticipated, has been forced to withdraw to prevent too great diversion of his force. The absence of these men will be no cause of regret to the people of Norfolk.
The Daily Dispatch: July 21, 1862., [Electronic resource], The lines East of the Blue Ridge — affairs in the Valley. (search)
crops in Frederick, Clarke, and Jefferson, were unusually good, but owing to the scarcity of labor, only a portion of the wheat harvest would be gathered. Many of the farmers were saving what they could, but others were permitting the wheat to start in the fields, without the entrance of a scythe. The Yankee commandant had issued a circular to the farmers to induce them to gather their grain, assuring them the Government would purchase it at a price hereafter to be fixed. The news of McClellan's defeat had greatly elevated the hopes of the loyal people of the Valley, but for some days there was deep sorrow evinced by all in consequence of the Yankee report that Gen. Jackson had been killed. This report, however, had received its proper contradiction, and it was believed among our people that the time of their deliverance was not distant. Our informant does not believe that there is any Federal force between Winchester and Harper's Ferry, and only a small force at that point.
and Philadelphia papers of the 17th instant, and Baltimore papers of the 16th. They contain no news of importance from McClellan's army. The tone of the latest foreign news by the Persia caused much uneasiness in New York. We take the following aand that our troops there are falling back on Harper's Ferry; another is, that the President has determined to remove Gen. McClellan, and that the Army of the Potomac is to be recalled from the Peninsula. The former is thought to be probable, but therefore, and the final triumph of our armies, the constituted authorities must provide reinforcements immediately for Gen. McClellan. Not that the noble army under this gallant officer will be defeated if such reinforcements are not sent forward, buhern Confederacy before the first of September, unless, in the meantime, our army captured Richmond. He regarded Gen. McClellan's recent movements as a virtual defeat, and said that he had exposed his weakness to the rebels, and that his Governm
until our Western army again assumes the offensive. M'Clellan to be reinforced — operations in the Shenandoah Valley--Gen. Schenck in danger.[Correspondence of the New York world] Washington, July 13. --So the question is settled. McClellan is to be reinforced, and the siege of Richmond is to continue. Rather, I should say, the assault upon Richmond will be essayed; for we shall hear little more of trenches and engineering, except, as at Harrison's Landing, for purposes of defencts? We have not got out of this dilemma yet. The truth must be told. If 50,000 militia--three months men — were at once drawn from the North, for the protection of Washington, I think Pope could then march down, and that, through his aid, McClellan could rout the Confederate grand army. I firmly believe that in some such direction the true policy of the moment can be found. Will nothing arouse our leaders to the exigency? They are only a race of Bourbons, who learn nothing. At this ve
hreatening Maryland, and scaring Washington for the second time within a month. The conquest of Richmond will, by all accounts, be one of the most difficult achievements of warfare; but should it be evacuated without a fight, or be captured by McClellan, the result will be the same. Behind Richmond, to the west, is a mountainous country, abounding with formidable defiles, each of which might be defended against a large army by a handful of men. The war would be transferred further South, h is assuming a more hateful and ferocious character as it goes on. There will be no going into summer quarters for either army. There will be no chance for the smallest intervention or officious good offices. The Morning Herald says that McClellan had peremptory instructions to attack Richmond, and to capture it before the great anniversary of the Declaration of American Independence. The Fourth of July was made the occasion, by the London Times, for an editorial contrast of the ord
The Daily Dispatch: July 21, 1862., [Electronic resource], The lines East of the Blue Ridge — affairs in the Valley. (search)
police in regard to the status of Mr. Dudley. On repairing to his farm they found everything in excellent order, and nothing disturbed, though neighboring houses had been devastated and the country laid waste by the Yankees. It appeared that McClellan and his cronies had paid Mr. Dudley a visit, and the latter confessed that he had taken the oath to save himself and property, and that in consequence a guard was stationed, who prevented all depredation on the part of the Yankees. It also appnd property, and that in consequence a guard was stationed, who prevented all depredation on the part of the Yankees. It also appeared that Mr. D. sold to Gen McClellan a fine field of clover for the use of his horses, for $800 in gold. Mr. Dudley is a native of Massachusetts. The above facts were derived from those officially cognizant of the matters stated. The amount of guilt or innocence of the party will no doubt be the subject of inquiry before the court-martial now in session here.
of Yankeedom whip use every day by the illustrious deeds they put forth in pictures on paper. None of them do this more perseveringly than Harper's weekly. The swindling publishers who amassed additions by Southern trade, are now expending it freely by a vigorous prosecution of the branch of war entrusted to them, vis: the pictures. These are designed to excites the enthusiasm and spur up the flagging courage of the people and army. Even in their defence they pictorially illustrate McClellan's and Stanton's lies, and whip us. Harper's last has several views of terrific bombardments of the rebels, in the five days on the Chickahominy. The wonder will be how any people on the earth could stand such a cannonading by such calm and puissant cannoneers. All their pictures make their men noble, and ours contemptible looking creatures. Imitating the Chinese, the Yankees seek to act on the passions by sights and sounds. The Confederates are willing to leave to them a vocation they