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hat he would call it up to-morrow morning. Agreed Personal explanation. Mr. Hall, of Marion, made an explanation of some portion of his previous remarks on taxation, the same having been misunderstood. Committee of the Whole. The hour of half-past 10 having arrived, the Convention went into Committee of the Whole. The Chairman (Mr. Southall) being absent, Mr. Price, of Greenbrier, was called to the chair. The Chairman stated that the substitute of the gentleman from Harrison having been voted down, the only subject before the Committee was the report of the majority of the Committee on Federal Relations. Mr. Anbler of Louisa, said that Mr. Harvin had indicated a desire to offer an amendment. He was not present, and no one here was authorized to act for him. The Chairman, who had recognized Mr. Anbler, said that Mr. Nelson, of Clarke, was entitled to the floor. Mr. Anbler took an appeal from this decision, and the Chair was sustained by the Commi
o her by the Federal Constitution. He was opposed to the amendment. Mr. Fisher, of Northampton, after an allusion to the State-Rights doctrine advanced by the gentleman from Rockbridge, said that the position occupied by the gentleman from Harrison was as hostile to the report of the committee, as was the position occupied by the State-Rights party in this Convention. Mr. Carlile hoped the gentleman would not pronounce him inconsistent until after he had cast his vote. Mr. Fisher asked pardon. He hoped that when the vote was taken, the gentleman from Harrison would go with him, against the report. He then made an argument in favor of the rights and sovereignty of the States, (quoting freely from Madison's opinions as bearing upon the present issue,) and advocated the amendment. Mr. Slaughter, of Campbell, thought the amendment of the gentleman from Middlesex was out of place, though he agreed with him in many of his positions. The amendment which he preferred wo
e prejudices which he picked up there. The Chairman stated the question to be upon the motion of the gentleman from Harrison, (Mr. Carlile,) to strike out the report of the Committee on Federal Relations and insert his substitute. Is the Commit so at this time. He understood the motion to be to strike out, and insert the substitute offered by the gentleman from Harrison, which was the proposition emanating from the Peace Conference. He supposed it was hardly necessary now to show why thed be presented to the North as Virginia's ultimatum. The report of the Peace Conference, proposed by the gentleman from Harrison, he regarded as a cheat and a fraud. Mr. Brown, of Preston, called for a division of the question — so that the vot After some further remarks from Mr. Wise, Mr. Summers, of Kanawha, said that he thought, since the gentleman from Harrison was absent, the vote should not be taken now, though he did not feel at liberty to move that the Committee rise. He reg
ords "seceded States," the words "and as to the policy the seceded States intend to pursue towards the General Government." Rejected--Mr. Carlile alone voting "aye." Mr. Carlile then moved to amend by adding the following to the resolution: "And that a like committee be appointed to wait upon the seceded States, and report to this Convention what policy they intend to pursue towards the General Government." Mr. Wise asked whether, if this amendment were adopted, the gentleman from Harrison would undertake the mission to the seceded States. He thought if he did, that would be the last of him. [Laughter.] Mr. Carlile replied that he would cheerfully undertake the mission, if the Convention thought proper to confer it upon him; and he would return, too. Mr. Carlile's second amendment was then voted down, and the preamble and resolution were adopted. Mr. Jackson, of Wood, said he had not understood the question, and moved a reconsideration, he having neglected to
g unfair was intended. Mr. Preston desired to bring the question back from the discussion debate, to the real object of the resolutions. The gentleman from Harrison had read a dispatch from a newspaper with regard to some movement at Washington, and he (Mr. P.) desired to know if he insinuated, directly or indirectly, that tHarvie asked the extension of the usual courtesy to him, to enable him to read that portion of the dispatch in the New York Herald which the gentleman from Harrison had omitted. (Calls for "Question," cries of "Leave," &c.) Mr. Carlile said he should claim the privilege of reply. After some difficulty, and against the protest of Mr. Hall, of Marion, Mr. Harvie succeeded in obtaining the floor. He said the gentleman from Harrison had taken occasion to make a fling at those with whom he (Mr. Harvie) acted, by bringing in an extract from the New York Herald. He would summon the witness back into court, to show the character of those who
ember shall be at liberty to speak more than ten minutes on any one subject. Mr.Morris. of Caroline, called attention to the fact that the Committee last evening agreed to take up the resolutions offered some time ago by the gentleman from Harrison, (Mr. Wilson.) The President said that these resolutions were passed by, by universal consent. Mr.Wishe claimed that no quorum was then present. A brief skirmish ensued between various members, when the President re-stated the facts in connection with the proceedings of last evening. The resolutions of the gentleman from Harrison, by universal consent, he said, were passed by, and Mr. Price's resolution was taken up. It was then suggested that no quorum was present, and a vote could not be taken until there was a quorum. A motion to adjourn then prevailed. Mr.Wise appealed from the decision of the Chair, making the point that when there was no quorum the resolution could not be received. The President said th
From Washington. [Special Correspondence of the Dispatch.] Washington, April 26. The troops are retained at Annapolis to fortify and hold that place. It is to be the point of outlet. Gen. Scott has posted troops along the road from Annapolis to Washington, to keep that place as a base line of operation. The object is to hem Maryland in on the Harrison road and at Annapolis, so as to reduce her to subjection. All the public buildings are mined. Citizens are leaving in vast numbers. Provisions are scarce. The Banks are on the eve of closing. The Black Republicans are impudent, and boasting that Maryland and Virginia will soon be sponged out! Jim Lane and Cassius M. Clay assert that the Republican party was formed to wipe out slavery from one end of the country to the other. Lane and his Border Ruffians meet at Willard's nightly, armed to the teeth, and pass through the building into the Church in the rear. The disunion feeling is increasing.
pted to murder the watchman, have been arrested, brought to Knoxville, and identified by that gentleman. The Union men at and around Chattanooga have threatened to burn the bank, the tannery, and the foundry — a large establishment which is engaged in making powder mills for Augusta, Ga., and Manchester, Tenn. The threat had created considerable excitement about Chattanooga, and on Tuesday three companies were made up to guard the town every night. An old man named Cleft, at Harrison, Hamilton county, about fifteen miles from Chattanooga, was reported to have a company of five hundred Lincolnites around him, but it is thought that the report is exaggerated. A strict watch is kept upon his movements, and he will be prevented from doing harm. The Union movement is not thought to be so formidable as we had supposed. The loyal men seem to regard the late insurrectionary movement as a malignant ebullition which can be easily managed and will soon blow over. Reduction in
ll from one hundred to one hundred and twenty. Six or eight arrests have been made in Chattanooga, but all having been soundly converted (?) are now enjoying their liberty. A general stampede is said to have taken place among the Lincolnites at Harrison upon learning the fate of the Soddy army. Harrison is a little town in the upper end of this county, the home of the traitor Trewhitt, and a place somewhat distinguished for the intelligence and morality of its inhabitants, as well as for one o burning reached this place, these cowardly traitors boasted that the time had then come when Union men could talk and act, and that they intended to do both. It is now difficult, we are told, to find a Union man anywhere in the neighborhood of Harrison ! We had suspected for some time that this "Union" or rebellion sentiment, which held out so persistently after the June election, had its origin in cowardice and villainy, and if any further proof is wanting to establish the truth of our conjec
n Tuesday, Aug, 22. The report that Stanton and Halleck have been at Winchester is unfounded. Two regiments of Federal cavalry and two regiments of infantry are at Dunlop, 25 miles from Chattanooga. Our Generals have paid Springfield Junction, ten miles North of Nashville, a visit. A letter from near Chattanooga, Aug. 21st, gives an account of Rosecrans's advance movement: A heavy advance of the enemy was reported coming in the direction of Harrison yesterday evening. A scouting party of thirty were captured in the vicinity of Harrison last night. I have reliable information that a portion of Rosecrans's force occupied Duniap, in Sequatchie county, with a force of 15,000 strong yesterday. There is also a considerable force at Pikesville. Dunlop is a distance of thirty miles from this place. Rumor says they are rapidly advancing. Clayton's splendid Alabama brigade moved in that direction this morning. Bate's brigade is under arms awaiting orders.