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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Vergennes, Charles Gravier, Count de 1717-1787 (search)
Vergennes, Charles Gravier, Count de 1717-1787 Statesman; born in Dijon, France, Dec. 28, 1717. In 1740 he was sent to Lisbon in a diplomatic capacity; in 1750 was minister at the court of the elector of Treves; and from 1755 to 1768 was French ambassador to Turkey. When Louis XVI. succeeded to the throne (1774), Vergennes was minister in Sweden. The King recalled him, and made him minister for foreign affairs in July. He was the minister with whom the American diplomatists had intercourse during the entire Revolutionary War. When he was informed of the proclamation of King George and that it had been determined by the British ministry to burn the town of Boston and desolate the country, he exclaimed, prophetically: The cabinet of the King of England may wish to make North America a desert, but there all its power will be stranded; if ever the English troops quit the borders of the sea, it will be easy to prevent their return. Vergennes could not persuade himself that th
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 11: Paris.—its schools.—January and February, 1838.—Age, 27. (search)
my first week. Suffice it to say that I was kept in such an intoxicating whirl by the novelty which every thing had for my eyes, and every moment of my time was so intensely occupied, that I found not a fraction for this record. Of the letters which I brought to Paris I presented but few, feeling my utter incompetence for any French intercourse from my ignorance of the language. His first call was upon Foelix, Jean Jacques Gaspard Foelix, 1791-1853. He was born in the Electorate of Treves, and began, in 1814, the practice of the law at Coblentz. Upon the transfer of the Rhenish provinces from France to Germany, which soon followed, he had occasion to deal with questions involving a conflict between German law and the French code. He was thus led to the study of comparative jurisprudence,—a department in which he excelled all his contemporaries. Removing to Paris in 1826, and naturalized as a French citizen in 1829, he founded, in 1833, the Revue Étrangere de Legislation et
ar with it than the inhabitants of this vicinity are presumed to be. And here we shall still be indebted to his friend and countryman, Dr. Follen. Gaspar Spurzheim was born on the 31st of December, 1775, at Longvich, a village near the city of Treves, on the Moselle, in the lower circle of the Rhine, now under the dominion of Prussia. His father was a farmer,--in his religious persuasion, a Lutheran. Young Spurzheim received his classical education at the college of Treves; and was destinedTreves; and was destined by his friends for the profession of Theology. In consequence of the war between Germany and France, in 1797, the students of that college were dispersed, and Spurzheim went to Vienna. Here he devoted himself to the study of medicine, and became the pupil, and subsequently the associate of Dr. Gall, then established as a physician at Vienna, and whose attention had long before this been deeply engaged in the investigation of what was afterwards commonly known as Craniology, or the doctrine of
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 2. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier), Poems Subjective and Reminiscent (search)
less Shall know of sin the deadliest cost; The patience of the heavens is lost Beholding man's unthankfulness. For he who breaks all laws may still In Sivam's mercy be forgiven; But none can save, in earth or heaven, The wretch who answers good with ill. 1877. The vision of Echard. the Benedictine Echard Sat by the wayside well, Where Marsberg sees the bridal Of the Sarre and the Moselle. Fair with its sloping vineyards And tawny chestnut bloom, The happy vale Ausonius sung For holy Treves made room. On the shrine Helena builded To keep the Christ coat well, On minster tower and kloster cross, The westering sunshine fell. There, where the rock-hewn circles O'erlooked the Roman's game, The veil of sleep fell on him, And his thought a dream became. He felt the heart of silence Throb with a soundless word, And by the inward ear alone A spirit's voice he heard. And the spoken word seemed written On air and wave and sod, And the bending walls of sapphire Blazed with the though
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 4. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier), Personal Poems (search)
in Thine arms, And let her henceforth be A messenger of love between Our human hearts and Thee. Still let her mild rebuking stand Between us and the wrong, And her dear memory serve to make Our faith in Goodness strong. And grant that she who, trembling, here Distrusted all her powers, May welcome to her holier home The well-beloved of ours. 1845. To Ronge. This was written after reading the powerful and manly protest of Johannes Ronge against the pious fraud of the Bishop of Treves. The bold movement of the young Catholic priest of Prussian Silesia seemed to me full of promise to the cause of political as well as religious liberty in Europe. That it failed was due partly to the faults of the reformer, but mainly to the disagreement of the Liberals of Germany upon a matter of dogma, which prevented them from unity of action. Ronge was born in Silesia in 1813 and died in October, 1887. His autobiography was translated into English and published in London in 1846. st
o read. Once more the drums beat. Silence! exclaimed Fletcher. Drum, drum, I say! shouted Wadsworth, adding, as he turned to the governor of New York, If I am interrupted again, I will make the sun shine through you in a moment. Fletcher was daunted; and, as the excited people came swarming into Hartford, in spite of his expressed determination, he fled from the scene to his government in New York. In England, the king, in council, decided, on the 1694. April 19. advice of Ward and Treves, that the ordinary power of the militia in Connecticut, and in Rhode Island, belonged to their respective governments; and Winthrop, returning from his agency to a joyful welcome, was soon elected governor of a colony of which he had asserted the freedom. The decisions which established the rights of Connecticut included those of Rhode Island. The assaults of the royalists were always made upon the more powerful colony, in the assurance that the fate of both would be included in its over
bering in the aggregate a million and a half of men; that in seventeen months, terminating with the overthrow of Robespierre in July, 1794, these armies had been victorious in twenty-seven pitched battles and one hundred and thirty combats; that they had taken one hundred and sixteen strong cities and fortified places; that, in the North, they had conquered the ten provinces of the Austrian Netherlands, the Seven United Provinces, the bishoprics of Liege, Worms, and Spire, the electorates of Treves, Cologne, and Mentz, the duchy of Deux Ponts, the palatinate and the duchies of Juliers and Cleves; and, in the South, the duchy of Savoy and the principalities of Nice and Savoy; that all these had been united to France; that their aggregate population was thirteen millions, and that, in consequence of this annexation, the aggregates population of the French possessions in Europe rose from twenty-five to thirty-eight millions. These conquests, it must be recollected, had been achieved over
One of the marvels of modern traveling is the announcement that a passenger bent on doing things rapidly may leave London on any night at 8 o'clock, and the second night after, precisely at 8 o'clock--that is, in forty-eight hours--be in Madrid. The route is by way of Folkestone, Paris, Bordeaux and Treves.