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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Atlantic Essays. Search the whole document.
Found 264 total hits in 108 results.
Achilles (search for this): chapter 10
The Greek goddesses.
That heroic virtue For which antiquity hath left no names But patterns only, such as Hercules, Achilles, Theseus. Carew.
The Greek goddesses, like all other mythologic figures, have been very fully discussed, in all their less interesting aspects.
Their genealogies have been ransacked, as if they had lived in Boston or Philadelphia.
Their symbolic relations to the elements and to the zodiac and to all the physical phenomena have been explored, as if there were to ve been ill-used by them, and perhaps deserved it, while his own pictures of womanhood, from Alcestis downward, show the finest touches of appreciation.
Iphigenia refuses to be saved from the sacrifice, and insists on dying for her country; and Achilles, who would fain save and wed her, says: I deem Greece happy in thee, and thee in Greece; nobly hast thou spoken.
In the Troades, Hecuba warns Menelaus that, if Helen is allowed on the same ship with him, she will disarm his vengeance; he disput
Minerva (search for this): chapter 10
Venus (search for this): chapter 10
Ceres (search for this): chapter 10
Proclus (search for this): chapter 10
Semele (search for this): chapter 10
Nestorius (search for this): chapter 10
Nausicaa (search for this): chapter 10
Actaeon (search for this): chapter 10
Thirlwall (search for this): chapter 10