E Kelly, J Benoist, N. T Baldwin, K. M. Covington, C Crouch, M Chappell, W C Mitchell.
Company F, Capt Yount, commanding — Wounded: Lts D. F. Roseman, J. Yount, A Deal, Corp'l N E Ligman, privates A Arwood, Jno D Hoke, John Hetrick, David Hoffman, Jacob Hoffman, (since dead.)
Company. G, Capt. Flowers.--Killed R A. Hines, J. S. McLain.
Wounded: Sgt Heartness, J. W. Hartness, J. W. Linney, Corp'l C. J. Deal, T F Murdoch, D E Campbell, M M Clary, W. L W Ellis, J Q Elder, J Gamt, S. N. Hines, J. W. Lackey, J. Wealey Lackey, J C Lackey, R C Lackey, W L Lackey, D M Mathicon, A V Turner, D A Wilson, J R Muldock, Capt Flowers, Lt Harrington.
Company H. Capt Thornburgh.--Killed: N. H Crawford, A. M. Dorset, D N. Miller.
Wounded: Serg't J L Andrews, Serg't T L Russell, Corp'l E T Kearns, A. C. Steed, T W Bell, A M Bell, P. W Garier, B. H Hopkins, James Howell, E. E Luck, Wm M Newby, A W Sanders, Jesse Scarlett, H. M. Tomliuson.
Company I, Capt Megness.--Killed D. D. Hamr
n, H Huskamp.
Company D.--Killed: Sergt. W. R. Butrougn, Privates T. C Hurs, T D Braddy, Died Young, Wounded: Capt. F. E. B Sergt. J. R. Sadier; Privates G O. anderson, John a Bates, L C Braddy, A d. Camphell, H B Grant El Hall, J R Haynie, M T Lawis, B S Mitchel, J, W. McLees, J. D. McConnell W P Robbinson G W Richardson, W. L. Sunpson, J F. Strickland, Jesse B Weelbright, S J Webb, Warsen Wedkins, S. K. Ygargon, J H Goodram, A C Beatte, P J Osborn.
Company E.--Killed: Lieut. L R McFall, Sergt Miles Knoz, David A Ross, John W Mergan, Warren D Mergan, Wm. R William, James R Deatnam, Andrew S HunMcuti, Warren R Bunnon, Th Ghaslian, Wounded: Sergt. C C NcKenny, Nuthan B Robertson, John C Mooly, David S Todd, Robt C King.
Wm. B Hepkine.
Thos J Stribling, John M George; Menry hartman, Wm H Gibson, David C Bankin, Jeseph Gibson, John L Morgan, Francis McCleveland, John C Knox, John M Rankin, FJames Stone, James Jarkson, Jas H. Johnston, Harmon Stillwood, David L Beroy, W. J.
Missing: Privates Cohn, Dreyfox.
Company G, (Sharpshooters.)--Willed: None — Wounded: N M Cowling, J Stubbs, P Giduce, A Sodler.
Company H. Cownder Beanregards.--Killed: Sgt. Reese, Sgt. Shelby; Brivittes Myley.
Wounded. Corpl Dunklin; Privates J Stanley.
S Farris, Sharp, Sharp, Stone, W Stanley, W H Turner.
Missing privates Pierce, W H Alexander, W Alexander, B H Dudley, Lerer, Broadiway, Scofield.
Co. I, (Wetumpka Light Guards.)--Killed: Color Sgt W M Due, Privates W E Lindsey.
H C Tommy.
Wounded: Lt L H Hill; Privates J E Carter, C K McMorris, B J Goss, W A Bensoo, L A Calla.
Way, J R King, G A Jones, W Jefter, W M Teague, J. Skinner.
D Price, G A Ready, Sgt J A Davis.--Missing: Privates Ben Bross, J O Banksion, J A Dison, Wm Loyd, John Lynch, Chas Law, J N Norwood, H J Norris.
N A Rawis, J J Stoker.
Co. K, (Mobile Rifles.)--Killed: Corp'l Wm. Lieut. Wounded: Sgt. Traylor, Corp'l McGuire, Privates Buford, Jones. Keeler, Closeby ), Moseby 69, Innerarity
any E.--Killed: Lieut. L R McFall, Sergt Miles Knoz, David A Ross, John W Mergan, Warren D Mergan, Wm. R William, James R Deatnam, Andrew S HunMcuti, Warren R Bunnon, Th Ghaslian, Wounded: Sergt. C C NcKenny, Nuthan B Robertson, John C Mooly, David S Todd, Robt C King.
Wm. B Hepkine.
Thos J Stribling, John M George; Menry hartman, Wm H Gibson, David C Bankin, Jeseph Gibson, John L Morgan, Francis McCleveland, John C Knox, John M Rankin, FJames Stone, James Jarkson, Jas H. Johnston, Harmon Stillwood, David L Beroy, W. J. H. Leroy, S N Wihic Fall; Wm. F Morgan.
Company F.--Killed: Capt. Hawthorn, Privates J J Henderson, James Lyles; and G. T. M Drown.--Wounded: Serg'ts Armstrong; Miltes, and Ballenger.
Privates Thos Reeden, Thos Price, H N Harrum, W. T Beardin, H H Haghes R B Mayse, J. Dickson, Henry Daunders, Chas Mason, Wm Maldin, W T Abbot, T R Morris.
Company G.7#x2014;Killed: Corpl A P Lindsay, Privates L A Calahan, J L Grier, R P Cunningham, J A Davis, L Fields, W P
G C Poplin, A Grose, J. M Atwood, G D Halcomb; W M Carter, A S Hair, W Cook, J E Hutchins, A R Reese, R D Russell, D T Talley, W H Felts, L J Wells, W R Hains, John H Grose, C F Armstrong.
Company C, Capt Wilson, commanding.--Killed: Privates L Gurley, O M Warwick, J S Britt. --Wounded: Serg'ts J W Walker, G L. Doughtry, Corpl's W T Sutton.
W A Andrews, Privates R. R Jackson, R Cobb, W MeLamb, J. B. Cotton, R B. Stith, W. Brewer, S. W Sutton, J S Sanderson, M. Vaughn, W B Harlington, W. H. Pope, J. H Warwick.
Company D. Capt Ashfort, commanding.--Killed: Lieut Jos W Darden.
Wounded: Serg't O B Morrissey, Privates Jos Persithe, Robt Shipp, M. Lockkanny, W E Brewer, W H Stevens.
Company E, Capt McRae, commanding.--Killed: Lieut M T. Covington, Privates Jas.
T Bostick, M. V. B Covington.
Wounded: Serg't A G Dawkins, privates H. H McCaskill, E Kelly, J Benoist, N. T Baldwin, K. M. Covington, C Crouch, M Chappell, W C Mitchell.
Company F, Capt Yount, commanding — Wou
Company B7#x2014;Killed: Privates W H Porrin, Lockwood, Webb, J G Illackburn, W. c. Round.
Wounded: Lieut. W C Davis, Corpl W W Shero, Corpl W A Kylo, D A Bell, J H Delany, W H. Humilton, C V Hammond, W A Harcison, G Honser, W. A Lenier, P H MeDowell, J N Mcliwain.
A P Riley, E C. Riley, T J Rikiard, W A Shelits, George White, L W White, J P McCom.
Company C.--Killed: Sergt. John Rogers, Privates Ira Barker, E D Slaton.
M L Johson, Miles M. Calcavay, Joseph B. Pawell, C I A. Whitten.
Wounded: Capt. J J Roten, Private Nimfod Sullivan, F Hall, Jeme M Hall, John Thomal, Wm. Rogde, Isaac Hobba, Ferril Spied, Sergt. Jame Robine, A Colly, J W. Camernn, Ira Nichicken, W. N. Ransons, E Vonholdein, H Huskamp.
Company D.--Killed: Sergt. W. R. Butrougn, Privates T. C Hurs, T D Braddy, Died Young, Wounded: Capt. F. E. B Sergt. J. R. Sadier; Privates G O. anderson, John a Bates, L C Braddy, A d. Camphell, H B Grant El Hall, J R Haynie, M T Lawis, B S Mitchel, J, W. McLees, J