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Bragg 26 8 Browse Search
U. S. Grant 20 0 Browse Search
Missionary Ridge, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) 18 0 Browse Search
Lookout Mountain, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) 16 0 Browse Search
Orange Court House (Virginia, United States) 16 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Daily Dispatch: November 30, 1863., [Electronic resource]. Search the whole document.

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November 25th (search for this): article 7
Sherman carried the end of Missionary Ridge, and his right is now at the Tunnel and his left at Chickamauga creek. The troops from Lookout Valley carried the point of the mountain, and now hold the eastern slope and the point high up. I cannot yet tell the amount of casualties, but our loss is not heavy. Gen. Hooker reports 2,000 prisoners taken, besides which a small number have fallen into our hands from Missionary Ridge. [Signed] U. S. Grant, Major Gen. Chattanooga,Nov. 25--Bragg evacuated the summit of Lookout Mountain last night, and our troops occupy it. The enemy, however, still holds the rifle pits on the base of Missionary Ridge. From Knoxville. The news fron Knoxville is meagre. A telegram, dated Cincinnati, 25th, says: "The situation at Knoxville is satisfactory. [How do they know?] There was some heavy firing west of the town on Saturday, the 21st. The investment north of the town is close, but the south side is open. Gen. Burnside is c
November 24th (search for this): article 7
ter from the North. We have received the following summary of news from the Baltimore Gazette, of the 25th and 26th inst: From Chattanooga. The following official dispatches have been received at the War Department: Chattanooga,Nov., 24, 12 P. M. --Yesterday at half-past 12 o'clock, Gens. Granger's and Palmer's corps, supported by Gen. Howard's, were advanced directly in front of our fortifications, drove in the enemy's pickets, and carried his first line of rifle pits between the 15th corps, one division of the 14th corps, and carried the Northern extremity of Missionary Ridge. Our success so far has been complete, and the behavior of our troops admirable. [Signed,]Geo H. Thomas, Maj. Gen'l. Chattanooga,Nov. 24, 6 P, M.--The fight to-day has progressed favorably. Gen. Sherman carried the end of Missionary Ridge, and his right is now at the Tunnel and his left at Chickamauga creek. The troops from Lookout Valley carried the point of the mountain,
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