Morris, —, 312.
Morton, James St. Clair, 167.
Morton, Samuel George, 167.
Morton's Ford, 68, 69.
Mott, Gershom, 92, 93, 95, 108, 109, 217, 337.
Mott's division, misconduct, 92, 93, 95, 109, 110n, 114, 208, 252, 294.
Mt. Carmel Church, 122.
Namozine road, 342, 346.
Negro, Virginia, 67; free and slave, 74; troops, 102, 162, 180, 256, 262; aunty, 183; Petersburg mine, 199, 214; burying Rebel dead, 203n; arming southern, 245; poker game, 269.
Nesmith, James Willis, 280; on Bull Run, 284.
New London, Conn., 223.
Newspapers, errors of, 100.
Newton, John, 33, 56, 60, 80; visited, 9.
Newton, Mrs., 131.
North Anna, 122, 126.
O'Connor, W. Ulick, Viscount Castle-Cuffe, 49.
Officers, good quality, 11; promotion, 78; qualities of good, 121, 266; bearing of Rebel, 152.
Ord, Edward Otho Cresap, 200, 233, 266, 320, 335, 357.
Ordinary, in Virginia, 119.
Otto, William Tod, 212.
Ovens, Dutch, 351.
Palfrey, Francis Winthrop, 65.
Parke, John Grubb, 233, 234,
n, 219, 233, 234.
Graham, William Montrose, 16.
Grant, Lewis Addison, 175.
Grant, Ulysses Simpson, 87, 93, 123, 131; described, 80, 81, 83, 156; confidence of, 91; Lee's retreat, 102; in danger, 105, 210; on fighting in the east, 126; headaches, 130, 354; at Petersburg, 164, 166, 179, 248; French language, 178; Meade and, 224, 272, 359; balance, 243; humor, 269; visits Butler, 279; in Mexican war, 313; presentation of medal, 318; demands Lee's surrender, 354, 355.
Grant, Mrs., 316.
Gravelly Run, 329.
Graves, soldiers', 180.
Greek fire, 280, 283, 284.
Gregg, David McMurtrie, 15, 20, 103, 216, 224, 234, 252, 278, 285, 287, 294; resigns, 310.
Greyhound, steamer, 204.
Griffin, Charles, 26, 87, 88, 114, 127, 232, 233, 235, 242, 316, 329; anger of, 90, 168n.
Guerillas, repressing, 5; operations, 39.
Guinea Bridge, 119.
Gurley house, 234.
Guzman, captain, 178, 179, 183, 190, 214.
Hagood, Johnson, 222.
Hail Columbia and North Carolina regiment, 182.
ort Fisher, 316.
Fort Harrison, 281.
Fort Stedman, 323.
Fort Wadsworth, 249.
Freikle, —, 287.
French, William Henry, 26, 52, 53, 60, 80; described, 10; at Kelly's Ford, 43; failure to connect, 54; rage of, 57.
Freeman's Bridge, 294.
Garland, John, 313.
Garrett's Tavern, 121.
Gatineau, —, 262.
General, and details of moJohn, history of, 274.
Johnson, Edward, 111.
Johnson, —, 183.
Johnston, Joseph, 102n.
Joinville, Prince de, 95.
Kearny, Philip, 139.
Kellogg, —, 61.
Kelly's Ford, 43.
Kelly's house, 140, 143.
Kennedy, Joseph Camp Griffith, 73.
Kent, —, 179.
Kilpatrick, Judson, 15, 68, 76; raid, 77, 79.
Kirkpatrick, —, 274.
Satterthwait, —, 291.
Schack, George von, 322.
Schuyler, Philip, 292.
Sedgwick, Arthur, 224.
Sedgwick, John, 60, 66, 98, 106, 180; in command, 36; at Kelly's Ford, 43, 44, 45; on Butler's demonstration, 68, 69; marches, 77; death of, 107.
Sentry, a patriotic, 206.
Sergeant, William, 295.
Seward, William H
109, 217, 337.
Mott's division, misconduct, 92, 93, 95, 109, 110n, 114, 208, 252, 294.
Mt. Carmel Church, 122.
Namozine road, 342, 346.
Negro, Virginia, 67; free and slave, 74; troops, 102, 162, 180, 256, 262; aunty, 183; Petersburg mine, 199, 214; burying Rebel dead, 203n; arming southern, 245; poker game, 269.
Nesmith, James Willis, 280; on Bull Run, 284.
New London, Conn., 223.
Newspapers, errors of, 100.
Newton, John, 33, 56, 60, 80; visited, 9.
Newton, Mrs., 131.
North Anna, 122, 126.
O'Connor, W. Ulick, Viscount Castle-Cuffe, 49.
Officers, good quality, 11; promotion, 78; qualities of good, 121, 266; bearing of Rebel, 152.
Ord, Edward Otho Cresap, 200, 233, 266, 320, 335, 357.
Ordinary, in Virginia, 119.
Otto, William Tod, 212.
Ovens, Dutch, 351.
Palfrey, Francis Winthrop, 65.
Parke, John Grubb, 233, 234, 236, 323, 334; described, 213; engineer, 246.
Parker, Isaac Brown, 288.
Parker, Theodore, 260.
Patrick, Marsena Rudolph, 74.
g southern, 245; poker game, 269.
Nesmith, James Willis, 280; on Bull Run, 284.
New London, Conn., 223.
Newspapers, errors of, 100.
Newton, John, 33, 56, 60, 80; visited, 9.
Newton, Mrs., 131.
North Anna, 122, 126.
O'Connor, W. Ulick, Viscount Castle-Cuffe, 49.
Officers, good quality, 11; promotion, 78; qualities of good, 121, 266; bearing of Rebel, 152.
Ord, Edward Otho Cresap, 200, 233, 266, 320, 335, 357.
Ordinary, in Virginia, 119.
Otto, William Tod, 212.
Ovens, Dutch, 351.
Palfrey, Francis Winthrop, 65.
Parke, John Grubb, 233, 234, 236, 323, 334; described, 213; engineer, 246.
Parker, Isaac Brown, 288.
Parker, Theodore, 260.
Patrick, Marsena Rudolph, 74.
Patten, Henry Lyman, 208.
Pease, Charles Elliott, 358.
Peeble house, 235, 254, 321.
Peel, Cecil Lennox, captain, 49.
Pell, Duncan Archibald, 212, 312, 319.
Pemberton, John Clifford, 102.
Perkins house, 328.
Perkinson, —, 347.
Petersburg, manoeuvres about, 160; mine, 195, 310, 341; tak
, management of, 202; wooden, 242.
Carr, Joseph Bradford, 67, 180.
Carroll, Samuel Sprigg, 92, 139.
Casey, Silas, 262.
Castle-Cuffe, Viscount, see O'Connor.
Cattle, stampede of, 275.
Cavada, Adolph, 65, 210.
Cavalry, southern, 125; boastfulness, 346.
Chambliss, John Randolph, Jr., 216.
Chanal, colonel de, 178, 179, 191, 193, 199; love of trees, 195.
Chapin's farm, 233.
Charles City, 156.
Chesterfield station, 122.
Chickahominy River, 157.
Childer's house, 346.
City Point, 163; explosion, 209.
Civilians, visiting, 145.
Clapp, Channing, 23, 241.
Cohorns, 135.
Cold Harbor, battle of, 118; described, 140.
Cold Spring, N. Y., sword for Warren, 25.
Collis, Charles Henry Tucky, 247.
Commissioners, Christian, 231, 288.
Comstock, Cyrus Ballou, 81, 126.
Concord, Transcendentalists, 260.
Conscription, Rebel, 132.
Contrabands, 287.
Cook, arrest of the, 88.
Cortez, Jose, 23.
Counselman, Jacob Henry, 18.
Coxe, —, 74.
Craig, John Neville,
e hours, 276.
Cameron, Simon, 317.
Cannon, management of, 202; wooden, 242.
Carr, Joseph Bradford, 67, 180.
Carroll, Samuel Sprigg, 92, 139.
Casey, Silas, 262.
Castle-Cuffe, Viscount, see O'Connor.
Cattle, stampede of, 275.
Cavada, Adolph, 65, 210.
Cavalry, southern, 125; boastfulness, 346.
Chambliss, John Randolph, Jr., 216.
Chanal, colonel de, 178, 179, 191, 193, 199; love of trees, 195.
Chapin's farm, 233.
Charles City, 156.
Chesterfield station, 122.
Chickahominy River, 157.
Childer's house, 346.
City Point, 163; explosion, 209.
Civilians, visiting, 145.
Clapp, Channing, 23, 241.
Cohorns, 135.
Cold Harbor, battle of, 118; described, 140.
Cold Spring, N. Y., sword for Warren, 25.
Collis, Charles Henry Tucky, 247.
Commissioners, Christian, 231, 288.
Comstock, Cyrus Ballou, 81, 126.
Concord, Transcendentalists, 260.
Conscription, Rebel, 132.
Contrabands, 287.
Cook, arrest of the, 88.
Cortez, Jose, 23.
Counselman, Jacob He
g, Washington Augustus, 56, 168, 253; described, 240.
Rogers, William Barton, 315.
Rosencrantz, Frederick, 63, 64, 177, 183, 193, 202, 204, 210, 232, 244, 249, 277, 304, 306, 309, 315, 336; first meeting, 6; on the English, 268; major, 290.
Roumania, 307.
Rowley, William Reuben, 84, 164.
Rush's Lancers, 130.
Russell, David Allen, 128, 144, 177.
Russell, Elizabeth, III.
Russell, George Robert, III.
Russell, Henry Sturgis, 161, 164, 165, 269.
Russians on horse, 61.
Sailor's Run, 351.
Salient, taking of the, 110; map, 113.
Sanders, William Wilkins, 163, 177, 199.
Sanford, Charles W., 255.
Sanford, Henry Shelton, 262.
Sanitaries, 135, 182, 183.
Satterthwait, —, 291.
Schack, George von, 322.
Schuyler, Philip, 292.
Sedgwick, Arthur, 224.
Sedgwick, John, 60, 66, 98, 106, 180; in command, 36; at Kelly's Ford, 43, 44, 45; on Butler's demonstration, 68, 69; marches, 77; death of, 107.
Sentry, a patriotic, 206.
Sergeant, William, 295.
Seward, Willi
ethesda Church, 140.
Biddle, James Cornell, 24, 48, 69, 70, 122, 168, 204, 228, 249, 265, 289; on leave of absence, 59; camp commandant, 67; Meade and, 176; early hours, 239; excitement, 241; cigar incident, 249.
Bingham, Henry Harrison, 253.
Birney, David Bell, 77, 82, 92, 94, 114, 117, 121, 135, 137, 150, 233; described, 107, 188; at Cold Harbor, 146; at Petersburg, 165, 170, 174; death of, 266.
Blake, Peleg W., 169.
Blunt, —, Miss., 76.
Boissac,,----de, 254.
Boleslaski,----Austrian officer, 20.
Bonaparte, Napoleon, 114.
Bootekoff, —, 62.
Botiano, —, 308, 311.
Botts, John Minor, 46, 82.
Boydton plank road, 293, 347.
Bradley, Joseph P., 315.
Breckinridge, John Cabell, 136.
Brevets, distribution of, 257, 289.
Briscoe, James C., 82.
Brockenbrough, Mrs., 131.
Brooks, William Thomas Harbaugh, 148.
Buford, John, 15, 40, 50; described, 21; advice to a volunteer aide, 35.
Bullets, explosive, 102.
Burnside, Ambrose Everett, 87, 91, 93, 94, 96, 97, 106, 1<