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Robert Richardson (search for this): chapter 265
ble, Of Missouri. Wm. A. Hall, Of Missouri. J. B. Henderson, Of Missouri. Wm. G. Pomeroy, Of Missouri. R. K. Williams, Archibald Dixon, F. M. Bristow, Joshua F. Bell, C. A. Wickliffe, G. W. Dunlap, J. F. Robinson, Jno. B. Huston, Robert Richardson, John Caldwell, of Tennessee. To the people of Kentucky. Having been elected by you as your delegates to A Convention of the Border Slave States and such other slave States as have not passed ordinances of secession, with power chibald Dixon, F. M. Bristow, Joshua F. Bell, C. A. Wickliffe, G. W. Dunlap, C. S. Morehead, I have signed the foregoing address, because I approve of the policy therein indicated, of refusing to furnish troops to the General Government to prosecute the civil war now going on, and the policy of neutrality, without considering myself committed to all that is said upon other matters. C. S. Morehead. J. F. Robinson, John B. Huston, Robt. Richardson. --Louisville Courier, June 8.
that a refusal to obey may be justly called factious. Trust and love one another. Avoid angry strife. Frown upon the petty ambition of demagogues who would stir up bad passions among you. Consider, as wise men, what is necessary for your own best interest, and in humble submission trust and look to that Almighty Being, who has heretofore so signally blessed us as a nation for His guidance through the gloom and darkness of this hour. J. J. Crittenden, Pres't. James Guthrie, R. K. Williams, Archibald Dixon, F. M. Bristow, Joshua F. Bell, C. A. Wickliffe, G. W. Dunlap, C. S. Morehead, I have signed the foregoing address, because I approve of the policy therein indicated, of refusing to furnish troops to the General Government to prosecute the civil war now going on, and the policy of neutrality, without considering myself committed to all that is said upon other matters. C. S. Morehead. J. F. Robinson, John B. Huston, Robt. Richardson. --Louisville Courier, June 8.
. W. Dunlap, J. F. Robinson, Jno. B. Huston, Robert Richardson, John Caldwell, of Tennessee. To the people of Kentucky. Having been elected by you as your delegates to A Convention of the Border Slave States and such other slave States as have not passed ordinances of secession, with power to meet with delegates from other States in convention, to consult on the critical condition of the country, and agree upon some plan of adjustment ; and having met, at Frankfort, on the 27th of May, in pursuance of the act; we deem it proper to inform you, briefly, of what was done by us in the Convention. It was a matter of regret to us that while the call for this Convention originated in Virginia and had, apparently, the concurrence of all the Border Slave States, yet there were delegates in attendance from Kentucky and Missouri only. One representative chosen by the counties of McMinn and Sevier, in Tennessee, appeared, and, although not coming with such credentials as were
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